Update to Photo Earnings

United States
February 21, 2007 12:33pm CST
Thanks to all who responded to my Discussion http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/791909.aspx Here is the update I would appreciate if you would review it and comment. I PMd myLot with the question and following is a summary of the messages. Now for the question to you. Have I gained any new information from myLot? Can any of you find the answer to my question or is there something that I missed? (please note item 5.) Photo Earnings whiteheather39 (2409) 1 day ago Have you changed the earnings for uploading photos? For the past 15 days I have only received 1 cent regardless of how many photos I upload. This was not the case previously. If you have changed the earning for photos could you please post an alert as many user have experienced the same as I and have no ideas why. Thank You. 1. myLot (45) 1 day ago The upload of photos since we give you the ability to delete your photos you are paid for those photos that you upload and post to those discussions they relate to along with interests. 2. whiteheather39 (2409) 1 day ago I am sorry but I am a real dummy I don't understand what you mean. I have noticed the delete photo function and thought why would I delete it I have just uploaded it. I have been getting one cent for all photos but they are each one different for different discussions. I have been adding them where says add image, Should I be adding them someplace else? 3. myLot (45) 1 day ago You are still paid for uploading photos in all areas except your profile page. The amount you earn for each photo varies depending on numerous factors. We have reviewed your account and the earnings appear correct. 4. whiteheather39 (2409) 1 day ago Thank you for the response. Now for the important point, what are the factors? I really appreciate you taking the time to respond but more and more users (according to a discussion) do not know what the factors are either. Thank you very much for checking this out. Would appreciate clarification. 5. myLot (45) 19 hours ago At this time we are not prepared to share what all goes into how you earn. I will tell you that relevance to the discussion or interest plays an important part. 6. whiteheather39 (2409) 19 hours ago Every photo I have submitted had been relevant to the discussion topic. Why did you pay 3 or 4 cents a day, 2 weeks ago when I submitted three or four photos? 7. myLot (45) 3 hours ago Variables change with ever post and every image. Some days and some images will earn more than others. We have not changed the way we calculate payments.
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19 responses
• United States
21 Feb 07
I am sorry to say, but they make no sense. They avoid direct answers, and skirt around them. You were lucky to even hear from them. I gave up trying to figure out the pay, and getting responses from them anymore. I don't even spend the time on here like before, because of their poor communications with me. I like my friends, and will get on to read their posts, answer them, and respond the best I can to mine and rate. I wish I had answers, but, I too am so confused from them.
5 people like this
• United States
21 Feb 07
I stared to post pics and am only getting 1 cent per photo. Is that right? How much aew we supposed gain?
@ekwits (510)
• Thailand
22 Feb 07
Yesterday I posted pics like 4, and I got like 7 cents for those 4 pics. I think its not a cent per a pic.
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
i was also experiencing the same problem..no amtter how many pictures i add with my discussions i only get 1 cent for it. even those images were very relevant with discussions and i never copied it from any where else. now this discussion very much clear the whole scenario... thanks for putting up this discussion.
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@Eskimo (2315)
21 Feb 07
It looks like MyLot pay more on some days than others for photographs, also MyLot decides how relevant the photograph is to the discussion. My understanding was that the payment for a relevant photograph was 1c, so 3 or 4 cents is a bonus. Could it depend on the number of users earning on MyLot on any one day? or even the number of people who respond positively to you discussion? AS for being able to delete the photographs, MyLot doesn't like irrelevant photographs, or for that matter photographs that breach copyright, could it be that they would rather these type of photographs were deleted by the person starting the discussion than have MyLot delete them.
@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
21 Feb 07
I think it depends some on how much they make each day. That would explain the differences in payments for the same actions on different days. I do not think we will ever know any specifics. They have a complicated system that is top secret. That way it is harder to get around the guidelines and cheat. I myself am happy with the payment system, and see that mylot is doing there best to do right by us and try not to ask to many specifics. I would like to know if our star #'s have a bearing on our earning though. I do not think a system that can be easily manipulated by the members should have any factor in what we are paid.
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@shambuca (2524)
• United States
21 Feb 07
i don't understand - sounds like double talk to me. Sometimes I don't anything at all for a picture so I just don't post them that much anymore.
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@weemam (13372)
21 Feb 07
I am qite OK about everything on my lot but the picture money , I have put 5 on some days but I have never had more than 0,01cent( thats in total) so I am not goingto bother pictures anymore , I could write a couple of discussions in the time it takes me to load 5 piccies , xx,
• Serbia And Montenegro
22 Feb 07
Definitely right! I think that way too.
@ygkchaitu (387)
• India
21 Feb 07
The mylot staff is right about this issue. They can;t possibly change the calculations. May be they could be using th calculator this way. At the end of the day they see how much they earn out of posts and images and they calculate how much %age of earnings to be given to images and there by we receive the dividend sort of for each of our images. i guess it goes the same with the posts as well.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
21 Feb 07
The Mylot run-a-round sounds very similar to the eBay run-a-round. (Don't tell me their not connected) I wrote a dicussion on my new pub and went out and took a photo of the very pub I was writing about and inserted in to the discussion. I was never credited for it so I guess it wasn't relavant. Maybe I should have taken a picture of a boutique or a grocery store instead and put that up. LOL
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@Melizzy (1381)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Well that was as clear as mud. They could have told you how important tags on photos were. Is that how they decide if it is relevant or not? I think I am going to try using the same keywords for photos that the discussion starter has used.
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Ya, mud is right. Could they be more vague...lol That's what I was thinking that we have to tag them to make sure they are seeing the relevance.
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• Serbia And Montenegro
22 Feb 07
Wow! I think you might be right!! How about trying this out myself and comeback for an update. See ya.
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@sahyd2don (2942)
• India
22 Feb 07
I think its better for those who are more interested in earning than in participating on discussions on mylot is to post their posts without image.
@Questy (98)
• Nigeria
22 Feb 07
Never really uploaded any photos so i don't know how rewards are given but i'll try it out.
@honeyangel (1991)
22 Feb 07
my earnings have just been updated and i only got 4 cents for my photos and i posted at least 7-8 yesterday.i dont understand it,hopfully it will get it self sorted out the next update.
• Indonesia
22 Feb 07
i give you response too so you will get US$ 0,01 from mylot thanks and add me as ur friend
@GardenGerty (162451)
• United States
21 Feb 07
In other words, take your chances, we pay what we like to pay. I know some of this can be frustrating. That is why I do not bother at this time. They may receive some income from somewhere for photos, but only certain ones, and if they do not receive income, neither do we. Like I said, I do not feel compelled at this time to share photos, I can write faster than I can upload. I do not believe you learned anything of consequence for most of us.
• Serbia And Montenegro
22 Feb 07
Hmm...very useful, the discussion you posted here. I uploaded a photo on my discussion like, two days ago and saw i only got $0.01 for that. Lol. But i just don't want to bother about this thing anymore anyway. If i feel like uploading a photo, i'd upload it. If not then i won't be bothered to.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
21 Feb 07
Hmm, well that's a hard one. My Lot say they are still paying for photos, that photos need to be relevant to the discussion created, and that the rate is variable. So I don't think we have learnt anything new. I believe we have to work it all out ourselves.... keep us learning. Also, it may be that there are a lot of My Lot users now, who are trying their best to get good photos and discussions, and thus, My Lot are paying out more. Maybe they don't want to pay out more?
@harxian (671)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
same here i also have the same problem as yours the worst is i responded to 23discussions and just get .5 cents i was really dismay with what i saw and havent been active to mylot for a week i also uploaded around 8-10 photos on my interest but still gets .5 cents it even crossed my mind to leave mylot but im almost there for my first payment.why is this happening to mylot are they running out of fun?
• Pakistan
22 Feb 07
That information is very interesting but inconclusive as we still do not know as to how much uploading images effect our earnings. Analyzing the conversation you had with the myLot admin, it seems they do not want to disclose the formula they use to calculate the earnings. I thought that uploading images is a good way to boost your income but now I very much doubt it, but I will try it out and see what resluts emerge. Thanks for sharing this with the myLot community.