which marraiges lasts longer

February 21, 2007 12:48pm CST
hi, i would like to surve with as many couples worldwide on thier marraige life time ....just to check out thier opinion about love marraiges or arrange marraiges.... so in real facu which lasts longer love marraige or arranged marraige....
2 responses
@mariner68 (1276)
• India
21 Feb 07
i think that arranged marriage works out better. such couples tend to stay together for a very long time when compared to love marriage couples.
• India
21 Feb 07
ya i think so but lets check out wat other have to say
• Oman
22 Feb 07
Well since divorce is still pretty much taboo among people that have arranged marriages I think those that enter into arranged marriages are forced to stay married whether they like it or not. I have a friend who stayed married to her husband inspite of the fact that he and his family used to beat her because it would cause great shame for her family if she got divorced. So I dont think its the question of arranged marriages working better than love marriages although I must say I know some people who have had arranged marriages who are just as happy as people who have had love marriages.