Astronaut's Diaper up on ebay.. ew... lol.
By shywolf
@shywolf (4514)
United States
February 21, 2007 2:28pm CST
I'm sure that most of you heard the recent story about the female astronaut who plotted to kidnap her love rival and even wore a diaper on her high speed drive to try to get there faster without having to take restroom breaks. Well, now it appears that this diaper is being sold on Ebay. Who do you think would bid on such a thing? I sure wouldn't, lol! For one thing, I wouldn't want _anyone's_ used diaper, not even my favorite celebrity in the world - let alone this woman who's main claim to fame was going a bit crazy all in the name of love, even though I sure do understand how easy it is to get wrapped up in the idea of being in love with someone.
Anyway, can you believe that the starting bid for this item was over £1,000?
Apparently, some people at a bed and breakfast along her driving route claim that she left it there, and that is how the item ended up for auction.
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47 responses
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
21 Feb 07
MsWolf, You know me, I had to go on Ebay to see this Never saw something as such, but I didn't see it...It's probably under another name...But, the person who actually purchase less no BID on something like that is a sick as she was traveling cross the states...
The people who actually picked it up is sick The things people pick up and try to make a dollar on...shame I tell ya
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Mzbubblie, I didn't look for it on Ebay myself - maybe they took it down? The link to the article is here, anyway:
It sounds pretty conclusive that the item was actually up for sale on Ebay at some point. Maybe instead of
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@rosie_123 (6113)
21 Feb 07
Oh my! No I hadn't heard that story. How truly bizare - and very unpleasant too. And I can assure you that I wouldn't want anyone's used nappy (or diaper as you call it!), - the while thing sounds positively disgusting to me! LOL!
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
21 Feb 07
What does this say about the mentality of the world today? It's bad enough that people would fish the diaper out of the garbage, but even worse that people would actually bid on it! What would one do with a used/dirty diaper? I'm with you, I don't care who it belonged to. People are becoming much too obsessed with "celebrities" these days; in fact the definition of "celebrity" is even a bit warped. It used to be that we idolized heroes, but now we put lunatics up on pedestals.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
21 Feb 07
That illustrates perfectly the level of greed that has arisen in our society. Lets see, lets just suppose for a moment that I am sick enough to actually desire to have a used diaper from a strange astroNUT. I decide that it is a nice conversation piece. How on earth would one display said diaper? What do you say when guests arrive...."Do you know whose diaper this is?" What does etiquette dictate that a proper guest do when shown a used diaper? Is a guest supposed to exclaim "Oh my, I sure wish I had one of nice!" sick. I'm sure that ebay will likely pull the auction soon.
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@yanjiaren (9031)
21 Feb 07
along with brittney spear's hair lol..that sucks..from the sublime to the ridiculous..why on earth would people want to throw away their money on such trash..this is where i think money becomes the root of all evil at this point..when people spend it on such crap excuse my french wouldn't you agree?
i think it is a waste of many things could be done with a grand..when i know so many people are struggling..
@christieswebb (238)
• United States
21 Feb 07
That is disgusting. I would never want someone's used diaper. I have a hard enough time dealing my own sons diapers.
@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
21 Feb 07
This sounds disgusting. Whatever will they think of next. Has the diaper been used? Also, how does anybody know for sure that the diaper really belonged to the astronaut. Has anybody actually put a bid on it? If they have, I think they should have their head examined.
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@sweetlady10 (3611)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Used diaper...ewk..
There should be some limit, this is just disgusting. How crazy people are going day by day. Who put it on an auction is a total crazy person, but what I think is who are going to bid on it are more cray.
This kind of things should not be allowed in eBay.
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@quatelmon (955)
• United States
21 Feb 07
LOL...I find this quiet comical. However, I agree with previous posters that eBay has rules about this sort of thing. How would you even prove it was legit?
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@blueskies (1186)
• United States
21 Feb 07
If it's legitimate, ebay will most likely remove the auction. They have rules about auctioning off used clothing. It must be clean and sanitary. I don't think there is any way to make a disposable diaper clean and sanitary, do you?
@freezingfev (815)
22 Feb 07
ewwww.....really??!!! y would any1 want to buy used diapers??!! yuck!! the person must be a definate pervert!!
goodness!! i hope ebay takes it off....or im soo not buying anything from ebay again!!
thax for sharing though...had a good laugh....u sure made my class interesting!! i shared the newz with my tutor (whe he asked me y i was laughing!!) and it set off a discussion of the things ebay sells!!
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@cowgirlcat (152)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I am sorry but I think that that is absolutely disgusting and there is no way that I would ever bid on something like that! Nasty! I agree with you, I wouldn't even want my fav celebrity's and besides how do you know its an original? lol someone could just be trying to score a few easy bucks!
@silver1beans (281)
• United States
21 Feb 07
That is totaly uncalled for that is gross and weird at the same time a used astronaut's diaper oh yay it came with free chocolate lol you have to be pretty dumb to buy a used astonaut's diaper but even a clean one you have to be pretty dumb to buy one. What's the need for a astonaut's diaper if you are not ever going into space it's a waste of ebay space.
@peaceful (3294)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I thought interest in this story would have at least "bottomed" out by now!
What's the possible headline for the sale going to be? Something like: "Nutty 'Nauts Nappy"- For Sale?
Honestly, I am really concerned about the "unraveling" of human intelligence, as described by this story...
Sadly there are some people out there who just aren't "wrapped" too tight! LOL!
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
21 Feb 07
That's disgusting. If it's legit, I can't imagine who in their right mind would want to buy that.
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@KetanGulati (579)
• India
22 Feb 07
eeuhhhhhhh!!!!!!11 yucks!!!!!!!
Tht is disgustin....... why the hell would anyone in this whole world search out for soomeone's used diapers,... gosh!! That is sick I guess...I mean i bae to use someone's towel too, and I know I am not the only one -- there are too many more people who "ACTUALLY LIKE HYGIENE".... I dont know why but I do feel eBay is surely gonna put it off soon....
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@beccacoward (525)
22 Feb 07
I've seen so many weird ebay auctions, but this is by far the most disgusting. Surely that MUST be against their rules somehow? I can't even sell a vintage designer bag as I have no proof its real. Ebay is the devil.
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@beccacoward (525)
22 Feb 07
I've seen so many weird ebay auctions, but this is by far the most disgusting. Surely that MUST be against their rules somehow? I can't even sell a vintage designer bag as I have no proof its real. Ebay is the devil.
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