Burqa Ban
By coffeechat
@coffeechat (1961)
New Zealand
February 21, 2007 4:23pm CST
Train bombing suspect Yassin Omar's burka clad CCTV picture was shown to the jury during trial. Yassin Omar and two others are standing trial for conspiracy to cause explosions and conspiracy to murder.
Have we had enough? Is our commitment to Freedom allowing these Muslim terrorists to misuse our freedom?Should the burka be banned in all non-islamic countries?
3 responses
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
12 Mar 07
They are doing this in the Netherlands. Not a full banning which was hoped for by the majority of people, but a partial ban.... The women may wear this if they have to deal directly with other Muslims in situations but they can not just go about town wearing it. They still do though, which just goes to show how little respect they have for our country here and our laws and ways of life. Full stop.
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
12 Mar 07
When we go to Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan etc we are asked to uphold their sensitivities.
However they use their own religious symbols to progress their terrorist agenda and cry when they are stopped.
Religious freedom is fine, but when you kill my people from behind your bloody burqa, you anger me - are my sentiments too.
The muslims are polarising around an extreme Saudi Arabian version of Islam and that is not doing them any good at all.
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
12 Mar 07
Yeah I saw that the men were hiding in them and killing people. I think that is part of the reason they began to ban it around here. I saw an incident on the news where there were some muslim men on a plane and they were acting funny and moving seats, refusing to use their assigned seats and they got thrown off the plane because of their attitude and the fact they took positions at critical points of the plane.
Then after all that they try to claim foul because of their religion. I wanted to shake them and say to them that maybe it was thir behaviour that got them tossed from the plane. Sheeesh .... They were up to something, got caught and then cried foul. It reminds me of toddlers.
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
16 Mar 07
siren, there is an expression in English that goes "caught with the hand in the cookie jar". It is slightly mischevious and indulgent.
With these creatures, they feel justified in everything they do - their priests justify it for them in the interpretations of their "holy book". It is sad that with this attitude, we have to reexamine the very fundamentals of democracy.
@Lailamaria (109)
• Sweden
20 Mar 07
I am not to decide or suggest anything in this matter. I am an outsider looking at the world rolling along,with all the disputing people, very slowly solving the problems they have constructed all by themselves.
Muhammad said either in the Coran or in a Hadith. "Knowledge is but one point but men have multiplied it." One such thing seems to be the Burqa.
So as I see it they, people, have entangled themselves in all sorts of snares, causing strife and the splitting apart of the religions, which should be the cause of friendship ,gladness and unity.
I just feel sad. I picture the old Faiths of the globe as suns going down causing a red fire in the sky for all to look at. All warmth and the delightful rays of the sun is
almost gone. So..... how happy is Muhammad nowadays?Everything about Islam turns to be about outer appearance,the outer apparatus, clothes, rituals,.
As long as this talk goes on people will turn away from a Manifestation of God like Muhammad and they will miss the holiness He can install into your heart. I am not a moslem but I have had a wonderful dream about Him, where He asked for my friendship. He showed such a mildness to me!
Christendom also went through a turbulent period several hundreds of years ago,and outer phenomena was disputed , since then things at church seems to have been changed for the better, many christians turn towards reason and science, all since about 200 years or so.
This will save Islam too.
@aryangentleman (1122)
• India
24 Feb 07
I am a great supporter of banning burka or any kind of veil which represents the suppression of expression. Burka to me is an idea of non tolerant, orthodox and fanatic men who suppress anything which goes beyond their narrow vision.
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