Is birth control right?
By rarrimalion
@rarrimalion (674)
United States
16 responses
@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
If preventing pregnancy is against God's will, then so is taking antibiotics, driving, wearing clothes and cooking our food.
We have brains and minds so we can make choices about what's best for ourselves. I don't get why some people think it's ok to use our brains for trivial things but it's not ok to make a life-changing decision about whether or not to have children.
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@wifey4life (58)
• United States
23 Feb 07
For me, it's a medical choice. I am unable to have a period without the pill, so it helps me with my periods and allows me to make responsible family planning decisions, as I am newly married and not ready for children.
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@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I think that the argument that "birth control is against G-d's will..." blah blah blah is just a load of bull. Ok, maybe it's not a load of bull for some people, but it is for me. I feel that you have to do what you feel is right for yourself. I get SEVERE cramps and believe it or not, the birth control helps. Am I supposed to suffer every month just because some religion says G-d wouldn't want me on birth control? I don't think so...
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@UnselfishShellfish (1306)
• United States
30 Nov 07
"suffer" (snip) "G-d wouldn't want me on birth control?"
Well said. I don't want to be a baby breeding machine either and if I go to hell for using birth control, to hell with it all!
@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
15 Apr 07
i agree with you, even here in our country Philippines, the church is anti-contraceptives..but for me, it's our responsibility to prevent from pregnancy because if we do make lots of kids but our salary is not much for their needs, i think it's also a big sin to in our country, lots of children are becoming beggar, become bad kids because their parents can feed them anymore, thus, this kids are doing crime to feed theirselves..birth control it right for me.. and i dont want to have lots of kids if i cant feed them and provide their needs..
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
18 Apr 07
A woman should have a right to control her own reproduction. If she doesn't want children, then she should be allowed to prevent that - regardless of what someone's religious deity of choice wants.
And unless the Christian God is so heartless that he doesn't care if babies are born into poverty and suffering, then I don't see how birth control would go against God's will.
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@stagecrewgod (2)
• United States
11 Apr 07
Heres the funny thing, People say YOU are taking power away from GOD. YET god "CREATED" everything! So he ALLOWED you to be able to take "power" away from him. If HE did not want birth control to exist, it wouldn't. My belief is EVERYTHING is planned out for you. It is also known as dystinty. But I believe you can not CHANGE the plans. You WILL die at a certain place and a certain time a certian way. Same thing about kids. If god wants you to have a kid, he will make you believe control is bad or he will make you "miss a day". My response really is an outline for a debate, not an answer so I apologize. Basically, if God did not want it to exist and he is as powerful as you believe, then he would have never let it exist. Plan and simple!
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@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
19 Mar 07
For me, i feel that if you want plenty of kids and can care for them, its Gods will. but there are people out there who cannot and have kids, these kids end up in group homes and orphanages. too me, thats unfair of them to have to have such a life. birth control is a good way of preventing this and having kids with out parents or homes.
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@gemini_gal (179)
• China
26 Feb 07
As far as I know, the Bible doesnt say anything bout birth control. I think, it is just people that judge things based on their own understanding about God's will.
I say, we dun have the right to jusge brith control as right or wrong since we are just humans. The final decision is still in God's hands.
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@guinness123 (88)
26 Feb 07
I have to say that I believe it is in the best intrest to preserve life, ie that if a babby is born unwanted it is going to have a bad life and probably know it was unwanted. Where as if someone is given the option to wait this is better for life and in the longrun more people will be happy. Suppose I am a life is created at birth not contraception person.
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@Y3110w (113)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Yes birth control is right, women have the right to control whether they will have children or not. If people do believe that then why do they not get pregnant every chance they get? Because God supposedly created us so he made it so that women ovulate ever month. Why do they not fertilize every egg that enters the uterus? We have THOUSANDS of eggs in our ovaries...why thousands? Are we suppose turn each one into a life? No...but to those who do not plan on having chilren you should think about donating your eggs because there are people out there who dream of having a child...but unfortunately can't =)
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• Philippines
20 Apr 10
i believe that birth control is necessary. in a world that cannot feed and keep its children healthy, i seek that established religion re-evaluates its stand on birth control. i believe in sparing the innocent of suffering if they are brought to this world to live under dire consequences... but it's just preventive and planned birth control i advocate.
@Dark_void23 (129)
• Australia
22 Apr 10
A woman and man have every right to choose if they want to have a child, not anyone else's, do what ever you want to do just because a few people look down upon it doesn't mean you have to do what they say, stand up for yourself and do whatever you feel is comftable.
@mudassirhusain (48)
• India
22 Feb 07
no,It secreses population its against nature you should makesex relation without condomes n dont use any birth control pills.