Who in your life that has passed away made a huge inpact in your life?

@Zamboni (160)
February 21, 2007 10:30pm CST
If you sit down and think about how many people you have known so far in life that has passed away..it really isnt that many...meaning.How many of them do you think about on a regular basis?Sure you can think about them now but who do you truly miss?Who meant the most to you and had an impact on your life?Mine is my grandmother...she meant the world to me and she passed away 11 years ago but I think about her at least twice a week.
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2 responses
@socorban (650)
• United States
12 Mar 07
A best friend i grew up with since i was a baby. it was on my 13th birthday, i was supposed to go swimming with him and a few friends. Hid mother was driving, as we got ready my mom had a horrible feeling all of a sudden and didnt want me to go. I was upset cuase it was my birthday but what could i do. Later that night it was ll ove rthe news they were in an accident and went over a steep slope. My best friend was decapitated in the accident. That was over 10 years ago but it still haunts me, needless to say my lucky number is 13 now for some reason i feel drawn to it.
@jemkay (19)
• Canada
11 Mar 07
My little brother. he was murdered last year and i still miss him and always will. he had a long and happy life ahead of him and it was taken away from him. he didnt get to experience being a father and husband. my kids will not grow up with a way cool uncle. this always makes me think life is so short and we only get one chance to do it right.