publishers clearing house..... what would you do if YOU won $10 million

United States
February 21, 2007 10:48pm CST
Have you ever signed up for publishers clearing house? I know that they are legit. But winning seems SO far fetched. Does anyone know anyone who actually won? I wonder because I keep getting these emails, and I even got a phone call from them saying I was a finalist... What would YOU do if YOU won the $$$ 10,000,000?
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5 responses
@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
22 Feb 07
I would change my address so that I would not get anymore letters telling me "you may have won 10 Million Dollars!!". Winning a lottery would be nice obviously(at least for a short time),but the odds are more than remote so I try not to think about it too much.I guess I would try to set all my family memebers finanacially for life so they could enjoy life now.My g/f also would want me to donate some to RSD research.
• United States
22 Feb 07
I've signed up lots of times but never won anything. If I did, lots of things would I do: Buy houses. One for me, and one for each of my kids. Pay off all my bills. Buy a motorcycle. Move to somewhere where I could ride said motorcycle. Establish an organization to help homeless families and single parents become self sufficient, find housing and get jobs. Establish a scholarship program in honor of my late parents. Travel. Treat myself to a week at the spa. Set up educational trust funds for each of my grandchildren. Send my children to college.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I would pay up the mortgages on the homes of siblings and set up funds so that all nieces and nephews have enough money to go to college and some spending money so that they can concentrate on their educations. I would said up a fund for koids, so that time is right money is available to settle down and buy a house, , also money will be earmarked for any grandchildren, for education etc. I would then buy a nice house and new cars, right now the cars are getting old, the total age between the 2 of them is about a quarter century I would take a nice vacation, donate money to certain worthy charities and then invest the rest. There are a few other causes I would donate money to as well, but they are not charities, they are more like personal vendettas - I would like to set up a scholarship fund for older people to go back to school after they have been dumped by their employers and I would also donate money to legal funds to fight the outsourcing of jobs to overseas companies.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I've been getting these things for years and as of yet have never won or known anyone that did. But, I still fill them out in the hopes that this may be the one. If I did win - 1)first would be a home of my own, nothing really really fancy but nice and enough room where when the kids come to visit they could stay with me. 2)I would give a persentage to my church because they have done so much for me over the years and I've never been able financially to help others. 3)I would set up a home for abused women, one where they can learn confidence and independance, and feel safe. 4)I would invest the remainder so I could live comfortably the rest of my life and do what I've always dreamed write my book.
• United States
22 Feb 07
first id buy the house im renting because my landlord wants to sell and im going to have to move at the end of my lease and i dont want to but cant afford the house !second id help my 4 kids the rest would go into the bank so id never have to wory about money again!
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