Would you STOP and HELP someone in need if you SAW them get HURT??
@texasclassygal (5305)
United States
February 22, 2007 6:59am CST
So many times we are too busy with our lives and what is going on them we forget to look around and notice what is happening to others. But if you saw someone get hurt, whether on a street on in a car accident, would you stop what you are doing and render aid to the person?? So many people would not. Years ago I was assaulted in downtown Philadelphia by a homeless man on a busy Saturday afternoon and to my disbelief not one person stopped to help me as I picked myself off the wet concrete pavement. What would you do??
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72 responses
@jeraldanmarie (472)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
yes I will help, we must be good samaritan to our neighbors
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I have stopped and helped people and have had people stop and help me - I would certainly do it again if the need arrose. I am thankful for the ones who helped me and want to return the kindness to others. I know there are alot of people who would not.
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I am proof that people do not stop and help when I was assaulted by a homeless man, thanks for contributing
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
22 Feb 07
there are those who would not stop and help. some just stare and look and see what's going on. but won't reach out and help. it's always better to help someone. who knows, one day, we'll be the ones getting hurt, too. we won't want people just staring at us. laws of karma.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
22 Feb 07
We would hope everyone would have such an attitude in life as you maryannemax, thank you for contributing
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
22 Feb 07
noone ever helped you out? but i am sure there are people who had seen you been assaulted, right? such people are so insensitive to the needs of others. i am sorry to hear what happened to you.
i once helped an old woman in the mall. she's around her 60's and had been walking on her own. she stumbled at some point. and people just stared at her while she's having a hard time getting up on her feet again. i don't know how i felt that day really but i knew then what to do. i went to her. grabbed her hand and helped her to get up. another girl saw me and the old woman and came up to help as well. the old woman gave us a sweet smile and thanked us a lot. there's such this happiness inside me that day and throughout some days and even up to now whenever i remember it. and if i see someone getting hurt, i will surely help that person up to the best i can.
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
22 Feb 07
No one helped, not even a police officer who were everywhere that busy Saturday afternoon. Not the first time someone has not helped me so I am used to fending for myself. Thanks for contributing
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
22 Feb 07
About a year ago my hubby and I were parked at an intersection when a UPS truck blew the light and creamed the car in front of us, nearly hitting us also. I have never jumped out of our mini van so fast in my life! My hubby says I should've been a nurse because I was all over the situation until the paramedics and police got there. It's a sad world we live in when people can't take time to help someone in need. I always stop to help, my hubby says one of these days it's going to get me in trouble, but for me it's just kinda instinct, I even gave CPR to an old man who had collasped in the restaurant I was working at at the time. I don't understand why we all don't look out for each other. I'm sorry to hear about your situation, I'm glad you're okay.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Such a great effort of heroism we should all be so lucky to live in a town where you are, thank you for being who you are and thank you for contributing.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Yes I would of did the same thing in that situation.
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@paypalraj (91)
• India
22 Feb 07
yes i would stop and help.ignoring such incidents and not bothering about such an incident is nothing less than a crime. one helping hand can change lives. a few kind words can help somebody. and let me say that it gives immense pleasure to help out somebody. such pleasure has to be experienced first hand it cant be explained.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Yes I would help a person if they were in need.
It was this teenager that was on the ground, next to my house I called 911, I didn't know what was wrong with her. she was having seisure, when a person have a Seisure you should turn themon their side and leave them be. the amblane finally came. so I was there to help her.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I would definitely stop and help, except if it seems like I would be in harms way. I can't believe the people that just keep going. It is crazy.
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
22 Feb 07
i really don't know what i will do in such a situation...i will probably be so scared to move...hehe...but once i'm able to compose myself, i guess i will rush over to help them, though i'm sure i won't be of much help. it's really heartless if i could walk away from someone who needed help.
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Yes I would help, I saw a car on fire on the freeway, a couple of weeks ago. My daughter called for help, my friend and I got out of the car and ran to make sure that no one was in there. Another man also stopped to make sure there was no one in need of help. Thanks God no one was in the car.
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@earnwhilelearn (269)
• India
22 Feb 07
i am a straight forward person who's definition for success is to help others when they need it. i am sure that whatever the reason be for not helping you, anyone could had helped you in the time of crisis because no work is more important than someone's life.
so i will help anyone who comes in my way and is in need of help.
@ElicBxn (63830)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I have stopped. I had a friend in Houston who was in Montrose when she saw a guy getting beaten up by some other men. Needless to say, she didn't get out of her car, but she drove up until her headlights were on them & blew her horn until they ran off. I think Phillie, while known as the "City of Brotherly Love" is actually not known for people helping people. I do think that these days people are more apt to try & help, when they might get on the news if they do. Not that people think of that when they jump into the subway to save a man's life or catch the falling baby.
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@mypaperheart (14)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I would definitely help -- bring them to the hospital at least. Wouldn't you want someone to help you if you got hurt?
@uniquesoul (230)
• Canada
22 Feb 07
There is no way I could walk by something like dat my heart is to big and dislike to c people hurt in anyway no matter whom they are, but u are right alot of people couldn't care what happens to other people as long as it ain't them!!! the world would be a way kinder place if such would happen daily... helping someone makes u feel incrediable i dont know why more people don't do it, it'sa natural high of life...
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@randyequal (439)
• China
23 Feb 07
It is hard to say, it depends. If someone get hurt in an accident, I would never hesitate to help him or her. But if so many persons are in a fighting, very fierece fight and I don't know why they are fighting for, I would not help any of them. Because if I help one of them, I would be probabaly be hurt by them...
@Bongoheads (283)
22 Feb 07
I'm really sorry to hear about your experience texasclassygal - I too was mugged on a Saturday afternoon on a busy street in South London a few years ago by a gang of youths - I had all my jewellery ripped off me and my bag taken, I was also punched in the stomach. No-one came to my aid either so I know how you feel.
I would definitely go to someone's aid in a similar situation and I'm sure I'm not alone - there are lots of good people in this world, unfortunately however, they're not always around when we need them. People who don't help others in distress are cowardly and as bad as the attackers. I was watching a TV programme a couple of days ago showing security camera film of real life attacks, there was a young girl working at a petrol station who had a brick thrown at her (unprovoked) by a youth, she was knocked unconscious and everyone who witnessed it walked away (some even used the situation to thieve from the shop). It also showed another girl being savagely attacked by two other girls and one of their brothers - three against one, she had no chance, it was a prolonged attack and was distressing to watch but everyone else on the bus ran to the back and watched it happen - some were laughing. I was deeply shocked by both those films but still, deep down, think there are more good people than bad in this world. Don't let that one bad situation forget the good in many. Kind regards, Pip.
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@ekwits (510)
• Thailand
22 Feb 07
Yes I'm glad to help people that get hurt or accident sincerely but you know what I never seen someone get help from someone when they get hurt. Like me, I rode my motorcycle to go get some foods for my sister, when I arrived in fron of the shop..I just parked motorcycle, and waited for the food..AND SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED TO ME SUDDENLY..someone who rode the motorcycle and he was drunk! he hurtled my motorcycle..also myself was splashed out of motorcycle, and it was really hurt because motorcycle pressed my legs - -* noone help me out even there were so many people around there..because they just afraid to help someone - -..leave who hurted it's better for them i think..ok
Thank you.
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@neet_mayu (22)
• India
23 Feb 07
U r absolutely right now a days people r very busy with their life so nobody has time to look around.But acc to me if any person need a help on a street i would like to definetly help him. first comes ''HUMINITY'' THEN ANY OTHER THING.
@coolali143 (139)
• United Arab Emirates
22 Feb 07
oh ya ofcoarse i would go n help the person its my first priority
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@deknorkonline (54)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Honestly, it's really depend on the situation. I would help if I think that I can and it will not be any harm to me too. In your case, if I have friends with me at that time, my friends and I would help you out. However, if there is just only me, I rather not. WHY? I dont know if that homeless one might recognize me and get back to me later or he might hurt me too. In other cases, like car accidents, at least I will stop my car and ask if they have cellphone to call 911 or call 911 for them.
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