Will you give up your life for your best friend?

will you? - Will you? Questions.
@id62000 (207)
February 22, 2007 11:04am CST
I've been thinking. In many situations we hear people say (mostly in TV)"I'll give up my life for blah blah..." But the more I think about it, the more i'm convinced that real people aren't that unselfish. Everyone values their lives, and everyone's life is valued, perhaphs, only by themselves in reality. I'm not talking about parental relationship here, but real life friends and foes. So, tell me: Will you give up your life for your best friend?
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2 responses
@Jumpin (117)
• India
23 Feb 07
Yes, yes and yes. But i'll still like to double check the reason. I don't want my life to be wasted. I too have dreams.
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• Philippines
22 Feb 07
i would if i have too.. i love my best friend so much and i couldnt imagine a life without her.