Giving up your parental rights
@inspired_designs (248)
United States
February 22, 2007 10:17pm CST
Would you give up your parental rights to your child?
I could never do this! My 8 year old daughters father is giving his rights up...he hasn't seen her in 4 years. This man has 7 children by 5 different women and has nothing to do with any of them except the 2 he has with his current wife. Why is this aloud?
I personally believe that if you keep having children and can't afford to pay your child support or have anything to do with these children you should be castorated! My own personal opinion! And I know that it sounds inhumane, but what part of abandoning your child in humane? Someone explain the way this man is thinking, because I am deffinately not understanding it.....
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18 responses
@siddhinfo (1500)
• India
23 Feb 07
When we gave birth to the child is our duty and have to grow them in the society.
Anybody can have the children even animal do have the children but they too take care of them till they grow.
If nayone cannot afford to maintain their family life then they should not get married. I am blaming those ladies who get married to such guy and give birth to the child.
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
I could never give up my right as a parent and would do everything that is in my power to do just to keep them. I consider it very irresponsible if one would have children but unable to support them. As long as i live, no one could take my children away from me.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
I don't understand this either , I love my children more then anything in the world and would never be able to do this for any reason . There are ways to prevent having more children and if he didn't want the responsibility that goes along with having children then he should do something to guarantee this will not happen again .
This can be very traumatic for a child to know that his/her father did not care enough about him/her to stand by them and make sure that they were well taken care of and to give them all the love that each child deserves .
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@PookyBrat (49)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
I'm debated on this subject. The father of my child is an idiot, my child is 16 months and I haven't seen him since I was 4 months pregnant with her. He is now living in another province on welfare with his girlfriend and her three kids, which I think is ludacris. However, in regards to giving up your rights to your child. I had a very abusive boyfriend when I was a teenager and I ended up having my oldest son when I was 15. I had him for 5 1/2 months, but then he was taken because of the abuse. I never did end up getting custody of him back. I fought for him for two years, but it got to the point where he was being dragged through the whole court ordeal. I wasn't stable enough to give him the home he deserved, so I made the choice to sign away my rights to him so he could be adopted. I got to choose the family out of a selection of three families. I met with them once, and I know that he has a life right now that I wouldn't be able to have provided for him at that time. It kills me everyday, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him or miss him. Especially on his birthday and the holiday season. And my children now look so much like him. But I know in my heart that I did the right thing for my baby, no matter how badly it hurt me. I always used to say that I would never give up my child. But I believe wholeheartedly that I didn't just give him up, I gave him oppurtunites that he wouldn't have had with me. He would have been loved and cherished by me, but I wouldn't have been able to provide for him financially as well as his adopted parents. Some people may look down on me for it, but that doesn't bother me anymore becuase I know I did the right thing for my son.
@kims374 (300)
• United States
23 Feb 07
your "ex" is definately doing this for selfish reasons- he obviously does not want anything to do with his daughter, which is a shame- sounds like my ex! So your daughter is probably better off without a man like that in her life.
However, I have thought of signing my son over to the state, as my last resort....I would have done it a long time ago, but I do care and I want to see that he gets the proper treatment...however, if he goes thru this current treatment, and just does what he has to to get out, and I am back to square one with him in the house the way he is, I can't deal with that. How can I have unconditional love for a child who hurts his family on purpose? remember, there are some things he can control...all can't be blamed on his "illness" I have to protect myself and my two girls from him.
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@inspired_designs (248)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I agree, you do have yourself and 2 girls to protect! You need to do what you think is best for everyone!
Just know, I am continueing to pray that things will work out for the best for you!
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@danabfunny (100)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I personaly feel that if a woman gets pregnant then first to have the child or not his her decision.
But before a woman makes a decision like that she needs to think about can I raise a child right now and if so then she better prepaire her self to handle everything.
A woman is the one who gets to have children not the man.
All the man does it contribute part him in the creation of another human being.They are not the ones who get to decide if whom ever they got pregnant gets to have that child or not.No man can make you get an abortion just as no man can make you have a child.
So if a man got you pregnant and bails then you need to think very hard and fast about what you are going to do.
See keyword *you*.. The WOMAN.
I have two children by the same man.The first time I got pregnant I told him that if he wanted to walk away that's fine but I know I am going to have this child with or with out you.I have never once asked him for child support and never will.Yes,we are together today but we had broken up for sometime.
I don't think that it is right when a woman gets pregnant and goes ok where's my money and why are you not seeing you child enough?
Well that's his choice just like it was your choice to go ahead and have that child.You are the one who had it so now it's your job to deal with it.
Just my opinion.I know i'll probably catch some heated words about this comment considering I am a woman.
That's ok.It's not going to change my opinion about chooseing to be a parent.I feel that is each individuals choice and should't be a must.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
23 Feb 07
Really sorry you and your beautiful daughter are in this situation. Your ex sounds irresponsible, selfish, immature and stupid. At this point in time I would almost agree that he should be a veterinarian! Only joking...
I think that if someone can pay for their kids and takes care of them in every way, including emotionally, then they should be allowed take control of their own fertility. But a scumbag like this who clearly cares very little for his children needs to be deprived of his fertility rights. I don't know how and I know that human rights means that we can't do this. But I would like to see him pay, from his pocket for these kids. I take it that he doesn't work? Otherwise the money would be taken out of his wages. Perhaps there should be a forced labour programme for these guys!! Again, only joking.
By the way, well done for bringing your daughter up without his help.
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@lynninky (491)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Well in my state a parent can not give up law rights by signing a child over unless both parent agree.Then someone else has to take responiblity for that child. Then the court system decides if that person can take care of that child the way it's one parent could if they paid support.Most times they say it is not in the interest of the child and will not allow it.So what you do you to live in because I was told it was this way in our country.
As for as being able to give up rights. Something would have had to make me do it.If I could not see and talk to my child because the mother would not allow it. When I took her to court and the judge told her to make sure she had my child at home every other saturday. So I could call and it still never happened. When after three years of me never missing a chance to see him and then no one would answer the phone when I called.When to court on that one too judge told her she was wrong in doing that.It never change the way she was handleing things. I live on one end of the state and she moved to the other end.I made arangement with her to go down the weekend before my child B-day to take him out. No it was not my weekend but she said it would be okay.Once I got there she came to her mothers where I was going to stay the weekend with the child and told me to leave that she had changed her mind.I told her and her mother told her that I was not going anywhere that she said I could have me that weekend.Well she called the police and told them that I was tring to kiddnapp her child.I had to leave the police gave me 15 minute to say by to a child that was shaking all over and crying his heart out.There has been a number of times like that one before she stopped us from seeing each other all together. I pay child support of 685.00 per month for a child I would love to talk to and see but can not because of his mother.No I do not have that great of a job like I once did when this support was posted. At that time I was getting 40hrs wek+75 hours in overtime each week because the mines I was working for was just starting and there was only a few of us working those first four months.Once the mines started pulling in money they hired more people and my hours went to 40 hrs wek + 15 hrs in overtime.I pay 76% of all unpaid medical that my insurance doesn't pay. I think I was a good father when I got to talk to and see my child.Now that she has decided to not let him answer the phone I have not been able to talk to him in three year while he is at his home.When he was 5 years old he answered the phone everytime I called but now he is 15 he is not allowed to answer the phone. It has been that way for the last three years.She will not pick up the phone when I call to see if I can come get him. My son has never been allowed by his mother to call me/call me back but he has called his my mother /his grandma several times.she only calls him on holidays.Why does this happen ? why would you not let a child call it's dad ? She has a problem which makes me have a problem but you know they will let almost any woman keep the child no matter what. I am sure that this is messing with my childs mind because his mother will let him come to my mothers at christmas and summer break. I do get to see him then but this of the last time I seen him I know this is affecting him. Oh he hugged me until he could not hold his grip. He was so happy to see me.He asked why I had not tried to call in the last 6 months I told him that I did call. He said no you haven't then my mother told him that I had tried to call there her house. That after a few tries she dailed the number too . She then told him that I call A friend of mine that lives next to him and she said everyone was home. She also said she seen my son holding the phone. When I asked him about it he said you never call my house but I know I had my friend on the phone 3way and she said play by play that he walked over and picked up the phone then laid it back down. So I asked him whats was going on,was it his mother or stepfather that would not let him talk to me,because I could take his mom to court again if I need too, was it that he did not want to talk to me on the phone. I got no answer so I ask a question I was not sure I wanted to hear the answer or not.I asked do you just not want to talk to me or are you trying to shut me out of your life.He said it is easier on me if I do not talk to you. I asked how that was with very hurt feelings. He said it hurts to talk to you because I know I can never come to live with you, when I have a good time with you they both get mad at me and I am treated like they do not even see me unless they have to do something for me.I was mad and I once again could do nothing.He said he could not leave his mother and if he left to live with me his moms mother would cry her eyes out and die. The rest of the visit he limited things he said to me.When he went home he called back two nights before thanksgiving. He then told me that he wants nothing else to do with me, that he doesn't want to see me , to talk to me, he doesn't want anything from me, no gifts , no nothing..He was fine until I asked if he sure if what he was saying. He said yes then he started to cry.HE said this is the hardest thing I have ever done please just do it.He wanted me to ask his mother to let me give up my rights to make them happy, to make his mother see that if she was going to get the support she was going to have to let me see him. After he called my mother and told me what was going on I didn't ask to sign over my rights.Then I got another call telling me to stop calling his house that no one there was ever going to answer the calls again. That he wanted his stepfather to be his dad that I did nothing for him, his stepfather even had to support him. I was pissssed After I claimed down it came to me he has to be trying to prove a point o them.So I called my lawyer and he call her lawyer well she said I just remodeled my house inside and out I have to have that money to help with the bills.The second thing she ask was why would he want to do this.The lawyer then told her he said he never gets to talk to or see his child and feels his child doesn't want him as a dad. She told the lawyer he doesn't get to see him because when my son goes there he gets whatever he wants , it makes my child want to go live with his father so I keep him away. I admit I do not get to see my child very night like she does and I want to get him attention and want ever I can to see him with the things he likes.Because most father never get that chance. She was then asked if she tells my son that she knows I love him or something different.She said I think action seak louder than words, but what if you can't use actions. In my case I wouldn't do anyone any good in jail. As far as giving him things she could she works making 12.00 her husband makes 26.00 plus she gets 8000.00 a year in child support.they could remodel that house without using his money but her mom told the plan to my mother. The stepfather wants the house remodel before the child turns 18.Why ? So his child support can help with the others bills? I only called my lawyer because i knew she would never let me sign him over to his stepfather, she would lose the support. This is a child that spends maybe two nights at home he is staying with friends/grandma the rest of the time. Sorry to say but she is in it for the money. If I had my child and the other parent wanted to sign over all rights I would be so happy to get that person out of our lifes. It is my fault when I married her she had 2 kids she did not let the father see the kids, he never paid one dime of support, but he could call on holidays.I will never unbderstand her or why this is hapening to my child.. But if I was married to someone that never tried to do anythng for the child, no attention/calls/visits, no support .I would want them to sign the child over.That person is doing you and your child a big favor.Want child wants to know or think they have a dad who has the rights to be with them don't use them.Think how it makes them feel year after year. It looks like you have a new husband and the child has a new father.Let him step up to the plate and be the man you and your child have dreamed about. Let go of the past.A doctor once told me because of my blood preesure "if you can not change things you have to let them go"..Why would you want to still be connected with this person? Why would you think bad of a person who gave you , your child. You never have to worry that it is going to come in one day and say I want to go live with my dad...for your child they can't miss someone they never had, you might but they can't...She can ask about her dad, ask why everyone else has one and she doesn't. Now she has a father your new husband...Do not let hate for him turn your child aginst you in her teen happy !!! I would be jumping from the roof tops if I had my child and his mother signed over the rights.. hE MUST NOT HAVE BEEN A GOOD FATHER WHILE HE WAS THERE ANYWAY.. sOMETHING HAD TO GO WRONG.
@GergOnline (399)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Sounds like he doesnt approcoate life. He has kids who will find him someday, and will ask him where the hell was he for the last 20 years. I would never put myself in that position. If I did have kids, and I divorced my future wife, I would still be in full contact with my oun kids!
That guy does need Castrated.
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I know of a guy who may give up his rights, it just makes me want to vomit thinking about it. Some people just don't have a conscience or parental instincts, it's very sad, especially for the children. Your ex is especially terrible since he's picking and choosing which children he will pay attention to, makes me want to punch him in the "boys"!
@artistmel2000 (438)
• United States
23 Feb 07
If he gives up his parental rights, do you have a husband who is willing to adopt her? Just because he gives up his rights doesn't mean the court will accept it. He has to find a judge that will accept a TPR (Termination of parental rights) petition. If he is doing this just so he won't have to pay child support, most judges won't accept it. I know judges have ordered women not to get pregnant again, but I'm wondering if a judge could order a man not to impregnate a woman. Hmmm... Interesting thought.
At any rate, granting a termination of parental rights is not easy. It's not easy to get a judge to accept the petition, it's not an easy thing for a parent, or the child. I worked in the child protection field for quite a few years, and I was responsible for getting the parental rights terminated of multiple parents. It was the best thing for the children, but it was never, ever, easy. Best of luck to you and your daughter.
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@uniquesoul (230)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
I myself being a mother couldn't, but u know men don't all have that parenting instinct like we do...It's kinda sad but even though a father can't look after there children they don't have to stab them in the heart like dat that must be very stressful on a child i don't see hide nor hair of my children's dad's neither do they, but never in my life would i want them to give up there parental right's it's there right there child i can't see why someone would give up there blood like that a part of THEM...It blows me away WOW...but in ur case ur lucky u have a real man that is willing to love her as he's own and adopt her, So in the long run i think it's is better off for all of u to let God handle the situation in this matter and not think of it to much..I believe everything happen's for a reason and if it's meant to be, go with it...I know it hurt's but half of everything anyone does hurt's sometimes...I wish u the best of luck
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@tarsadawn (350)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I am so sorry. I think that sometimes adults do not realize the impact that they have on children. I could never do that, but I do have family members that have given up rights, although they are still part of the child's life. I just think that if you have children, you should support them. It may also be best because this man has not been a part of her life for so long. Some people are just born losers.
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@goncrazy1008 (1)
• United States
25 Apr 09
i agree 100% on the dude needing fixed .. i have three kids with someone who before me had one and left him because he wouldnt stop the partying to settle down with the mom. well,he got with me and had the kids. cheated on me and only told me because she got prego. that girl had an abortion because she came and talked to me about how he was and she didnt really want to be with him... k. well we worked things out. he cheated again about a year latter. got that girl prego, so i kicked him out and he is now married to her with two kids.. and never sees ours or pays his support of $1000 / month. he works under the table making $21/hr, and the wife calls bragging that she goes and gets her hair done, nails, parties, and that they are happy happy happy.. well, i dont care bout all that bs, cuz i really think its all just that, bs... she says he dont want nothing to do with the kids because of me, that i am drama and beg for im back (thats a lie lie lie,) he was always telling the girls to tell "mommy" to let"daddy" come back home that he misses her and being home..... and he would tell me that it was his wife that didnt trust him to be around and not cheat and would cause a big fight and he could handle it,,, but i told him not to come by himself to always bring her and the kids cuz they were family to my girls.........but back to it. he has five kids three babies moms and only sees and cares for the resent two because thats who puts up with the cheating and leaving and lets him back.. the courts have done nothing in three years but give him warning after warning. so, i thing male or female, if you have kids with more then one person and youre not caring for then/ paying support on the regular , and visiting them... u should be fixed by court order and not it not be reversed ....
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
24 Feb 07
No, I could not do this and I don't understand how anyone could. I guess, if you are just out playing and not in a serious relationship, it might be easier for a man to walk away. My daughter just had a baby and that is what he wants to do. It is just so wrong!!!
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
24 Feb 07
its his character that is been in questioned in here...maybe he thinks that all the children of his past women are well taking care of by their mothers..or maybe he is selfish enough..hes just thinking of himself i guess..and some fathers are like that...
@danvil143 (25)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
there are some things that needs to be considered when it comes to giving off parental rights. One must always think that a child is not a toy and that it cannot be thrown to move back and forth. unfortunately, when this things happen, only the child is made to suffer.