Crucifixes - your opinion.

United States
February 23, 2007 2:12am CST
I was raised Catholic and am now a born again Christian. I do not understand why Catholics or anyone else would want a crucifix. I mean come on they are worshipping a corpse on a cross. That is not a living God. God is a living God! Regardless of all that; anyone of a Christian faith believes that Jesus was crucified, died, and was BURIED, three days later he was resurrected. (that is an awefully alive God) My point is Jesus was REMOVED from the cross and then he came BACK TO LIFE. Why do they insist on leaving him up on that cross? What do you feel about it?
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18 responses
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
25 Mar 07
To understand our religions I think you need to go back to their creations most of the time. When our religion first became acceptable was with Augustus, my view points are they were probly looking to have an image to shock people into believing and that this gave birth to the crucifix. But on the other hand alot of protestants argue "why the crucifix, why the crucifix" while wearing a cross around their necks. When you get down to it arent we not suppose to worship any graven image? So why worship any object or images? I know people will say these things are sybols of our faith but in reality we are suppose to take the scriptures as symbols of our faith and wear the word of our religion before we uphold sysmbols as proof of our religion.
• United States
26 Mar 07
I am not talking about anyone worshiping any type of cross - with or without a body on it. I don't practice idolatry nor do I promote it. I am wondering why they don't acknowledge the fact that Jesus was taken OFF the cross. He wasn't left up there. So why are they still keeping him there. Do they need to crucify Him in their minds constantly? It is morbid. I agree that the word of God is to be our proof of our faith in God. The thing is when I am walking down the street no one will know by looking at me how much of the word of God I know. Or if I even have faith in God. If they see me wearing a cross they do know I am a Christian. If I see someone wearing a crucifix I don't think Christian at all ... I think Catholic. Thanks for replying.
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• United States
23 Mar 07
As with all religions, they are man made rules of tradition, how to worship God. They don't change. Once you are born again, as I am too, we come to know that the rules do not save us. We live by faith, of a living God. All we can do is to pray for unsaved, that their eyes be opened to the truth and the light. Please remember me when you choose "best response." Thank you, blessings dear.
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• United States
26 Mar 07
Amen! The rules don't save us. Neither will wearing a crucifix. I always pray for the unsaved. I just don't understand the purpose of a morbid thing like a body on a cross to wear around your neck or display in your home. Thanks for your reply.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
27 Feb 07
Not only the cross, but they do worship alot of images. I think if they do follow what God has told them, then I think they know what is written on the ten commandments. I guess they are not aware what God has told them, instead they follow what men(priests) and the church had told them. And that is what I do not agree with the church. Not to mention those who give money for the church, Jesus said, Give your God what is to his, and give to cezar what is his'. It pertains to money, to who's face is encrypted on it, then it should be given to him. Give our Lord praise and worship, not money or any material things that this world has..
• United States
27 Feb 07
I am glad you understand what I am saying. Thank you for your post.
• Australia
11 Apr 07
Raijin if you check the Douay version of the Bible (the Roman Catholic version) you will see that they leave out that commandment and split another one into two.
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• United States
12 Apr 07
Cloudwatcher - another great post. Most people do not realize that Catholics have a different set of 10 commandments then the rest of the population that believes in them (Christian and Jewish alike)
@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
27 Feb 07
I somewhat dislike crucifixes.I was raised as an Orthodox,but my lover is Catholic.Now i will go on mined field:we beleive that there is a supperior entity..but we don't quite agree with what church is serving us 8 times/day.We beleive that Jesus was a prophet..a man and that it was realised pretty fast that you can manipulate thousands of people through religion.But i think i am getting off topic here :) The "corpse on a cross" whorship has a simple explanation.It'sthe easiest way to "remember what Jesus went through for the human kind".Christ's passions.I remember seeing at the news that some people go through crucifixion only to experience what Jesus felt when He was crucified.But those are fanatics(i guess).I almost forgot to say this too : they wear/have/worship the crucifixes to remember that "God sacrificed His only child for us". And that is one reason why they are worshipping a corpse on a cross.
• United States
19 Mar 07
YOu have given a pretty good reasoning but I still don't agree with it. I just don't think anyone will forget what Jesus did if they don't see him on a cross. I am sure that huge numbers of people around the world would recognize a believer in Jesus by a plain cross and not need to see Jesus on the cross. It is kinda creepy. Thanks so much for your reply.
@Galena (9110)
16 Jul 07
I have to admit, I've always found it a bit sick. I mean surely there are so many much less morbid and cruel symbols.
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• United States
16 Jul 07
Like a plain cross perhaps? I just don't get it at all. So morbid. My poor daughter used to get nightmares after going to church with my inlaws because of the crucifix.
@Galena (9110)
17 Jul 07
well even then it's still a symbol of a horrible and agonising form of exectution. surely things like a fish, a star (like in the nativity story) a lamb, hey loads of symbols that don't make you think of someone suffering for several days.
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• Philippines
16 Jul 07
they say it serves as a reminder. i heard that's what the crucifix and other images are for. but don't the bible clearly states against graven images? i hope people would look up for biblical basis of such things, especially those of tradition.
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• United States
16 Jul 07
Taurus I am glad that you found the truth of God in the scriptures! I wish you the best in your walk with God!!
@taurus54 (317)
• Philippines
16 Jul 07
I am an ex catholic.i left that religion because nothing that bring us to salvation but condemnation.
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@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
12 Apr 07
crucifix - crucifix image
yes . i don't understand either.
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I only have one crucifix, I just keep it because my great aunt was a hardcore Catholic and she loved her crucifixes, some of the women in my family inherited them. So I just hold onto it in her memory because it was important to her. She was a sweet woman and I think of her when I see it. The one I has contains water blessed by the Pope too, kinda neat. Other than that, I think I only have one cross in my home with Jesus on it, but I didn't buy it, a relative did. I think all of us have something in our house on display just because a relative bought it lol, never know when they are going to drop in!
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• United States
27 Feb 07
I will admit to owning one rosary. Only reason being it belonged to my grandmother who lived with us and helped raise me.
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• India
27 Feb 07
Worshipping Jesus on Cross is a symbolization that we human beings crucified Jesus (GOD) & it is a grave mistake on part of humanity. When we worship then it is a realization that comes within us that we human beings are cruel & we should give up our narrow minds & think differently like Jesus. Jesus in spite of being GOD was crucified for which there was no need. So learn the leson of changing humanity completely towards love & fraternity & broad mindedness. The values of Jesus should be upheld & always remembered. GOD is no matter of Joke that's why we worship GOD / Jesus because he taught us being peoples as beutiful creations of GOD.
• United States
19 Mar 07
Yes Jesus values should be upheld. Thing is you can do that without leaving him up on the cross. He was taken off the cross. He rose again. Why put him back on the cross? It just isn't necessary to remember what he did for us. This is not about worshiping God but just about the crucifix. I have no problem worshiping God.
@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I think religious symbols are just that, religious symbols and some mean more than others to people. I understand your thinking about the the crucifix and agree that the cross is empty. On the other hand, when I see a crucifix I am forcibly reminded of the suffering that Jesus went through for my sake. The empty cross can be very benign to look at, as in taken for granted.
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• United States
19 May 07
Excellent post. I understand your thinking perfectly. Guess some people like myself don't dwell on that too much.
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@demo3424 (598)
• India
12 Apr 07
i don't agree with you.crucifixies are symbol of our christian is insane on your part to remove religious symbols like the crucifixes.this is what is happening in godless europe where crucifixies are not allowed in the classroom.i believe that we should not look on to see if someone is wearing a cross but we should be good and believe in jesus to go to heaven.jesus said i am the light and the way and noboddy goes to father(god)but through me.amen
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• United States
19 May 07
I wasn't looking to remove religious symbols from anyone. I was merely pointing out that Jesus came down off the cross and was resurected. He didn't stay on that cross. I am just seeking to understand why the Catholic church chooses to leave him there. That's all.
@Flint275 (60)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I am also a born again christian and i like crosses for a reminder of what christ did for me and everybody else
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@paxmundi (80)
• Philippines
17 Oct 07
I'm a devout Catholic. I think it's time the rest of my faith learned to worship an empty cross. It's time we took Jesus off the cross. Because like you said He has resurrected been after all. We do believe in a living God as well. And it's time we truly showed it by taking Jesus off the cross.
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• United States
17 Oct 07
@alexigne (903)
• Philippines
28 Mar 08
I respect you opinion regarding this and i have no intend to offend you because you are now a born again christian.... AS you said you were born a catholic and i hope that you still remember the culture that was feed to us... Your right that Jesus Christ is a living God and i have no doubt in it... The thing that God removed from the cross and came back to life... We all know that Jesus gave His life to save us from sins... That was for us... You will see people who do the same thing as putting them to the cross because they think that this is the only way for them to sacrifice... That was somewhere in Pampanga Philippines every holy week... Crucifixes reminds us how Jesus suffer for our sake... It tells us to be good and obey His commandments.. It reminds us how Jesus accept the pain and unacceptable words He received during that time... It reminds us how to be humble and having a good heart... Crucifixes awaken us from our mistakes and lead us to the right path...
• United States
15 Jul 07
I'm with you on this. I actually think a crucifix is creepy. I love a cross in fact I collect them. I had a crucifix that had a skull and cross bones on it which only made me think even more less of the Catholicism. That to me is so weird and I would like to know why they put that on it.
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
12 Aug 07
Almost every religious group has signs stories or muyths that they believe in or if to be accurate helps them remember or strongly identify them as a group. I really think that it does not matter as long as all religious groups are not fanatic and respect and forgive other people, no matter what religious group they belong to. I know that there are alote of things that i do not agree with or do not see as mine but i do respect it. As long as we remember that there is one god, and we all are humans everything will be fine.
• Kottayam, India
20 May 07
For the people of God cross is our land mark not to wear but hold as testimony.Those who bear the cross really do not know the real significance of it.
• Philippines
19 May 07
For me the meaning of Crufixes is something to do with the salvation of human kind but for the catholic they just worship it buy ir self. for my own opinion it shouldn't be that. the reasons why i'm saying this because crucifix is just a man made thing and should not be worshiping it but rather we must worship the who crucify in the cross which is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior...