Do you write your own html code OR use a site with pre fabricated layouts?

@RobbPell (123)
United States
February 23, 2007 2:14am CST
I write my own becase i find it fun to write although i know most people dont i have tryed finding a site with cool layouts but find it is much easier to make my own
5 responses
@emarie (5442)
• United States
25 Feb 07
i've been doing small html codes from when i was in HS, when my sister started learning about it in college i decided to try it out myself and got decent. so i pretty much always did my own html stuff on myspace. actually, i'm pretty proud of the current layout. it took me a while, but i'm happy with the turn out. i started out with the basic myspace formats and then got bored because it started to look like everyone elses page. so i changed it up. come check it out if you want.
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@emarie (5442)
• United States
27 Feb 07
well, i'm totally self-taught was well. i have a book on general HTML and i learned some stuff from the internet. actually, i used a basic DIV overlay (which you can find the links on the bottom of the page) and just worked out a layout in Microsoft Frontpage. i saw some other really great profiles that use flash and i actually got my idea from someone elses profile who had it like a pin up board, i wanted to do something similar and thought about a chalk board because i could do that chalk board effect. it took some time, i also worked on a few other profiles ...those are both done with DIV overlays
@RobbPell (123)
• United States
25 Feb 07
i also cant view your profile due to maintenance but i will go back becase i would love to see a profle of a well writen code becase my knowledge of html is mostly self taught through the internet and the few good tutarils i could find online
@RobbPell (123)
• United States
25 Feb 07
wow yours it truely one of a kind i am very impressed i wish i that kind of skill my layout are the same as everyone elses only i make my own backgrownds and contact tables and choose the colors and boardars i want but you have truely created a great myspace layout!
@jmichael (35)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I started programming in BASIC when I was age 7, and then FORTRAN, but after that, my programming kinda went the way of the dinosaur in favor of my finishing degrees in other areas...LOL But, I can do some basic HTML, but the only thing is, I STILL CAN'T EVEN FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET THE PRE-MADE LAYOUTS ONTO MY MYSPACE PAGE??? LOL Here are all of my celebrity friends who have really sharp pages, and here is me, with a plain white page...LOL Of course, I really don't worry about what anybody else thinks, but I would like to know how to fix it up so I can make it an expression of the inner me ;) If you can help, let me know... Send me a friend request at and I will know it is you Thanks! :) JM
@RobbPell (123)
• United States
25 Feb 07
hey i cant view any profiles right now it is saying undergoin maintenance but to save a pre made profile just go to edit profile and copy paste the html code into a section and press save all changes
@RobbPell (123)
• United States
25 Feb 07
what kind of thing are you looking to do with your layout so i can let you know if i can help you
24 Feb 07
i just get html codes from websites i wouldnt even know how to write my own
@RobbPell (123)
• United States
24 Feb 07
thats cool i use to do that but after never finding exactly what i wanted i was forced to teach myself html and now i write my own. i wonder if i will ever use this self taught skill for anything but myspace. lol
@jmichael (35)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Hi there RobbPell... I am a Native of Louisiana, and it would be really kewl if you would be my friend so I could ask you some questions about making my page look better :) Thanks, J. Michael
@RobbPell (123)
• United States
27 Feb 07
k i sent an invite i will help you if i can!
• United States
27 Feb 07
I use or hotlayouts (i forgot their url) I am not that creative :)