Mylot Payment - What If We Have A 'Daily Payout' Here?
@lifeisbeautiful (479)
February 23, 2007 7:24am CST
I have made around 80 referrals till date. I was just going through my referrals, and here is what I noticed:
* Around 25 % of them have posted 1 post or more, i.e., they at least took a start.
* 15 % of them were active for a week or so, and then they gradually stopped posting.
* 5 % of them, started of very well, but after a few weeks, they too are not that actively participating, and now, they do a few postings per day.
* Only 1 of my referrals is constantly active. He has done surprisingly well, and its majorly because of him, that my 'earnings through referrals' column is looking very acceptable.
What I want to say is that, the new user, that joins this site, has certain expectation from myLot, and that is to earn some extra dollars. But, as I see it, 99% of them, make up there mind from their couple of days earnings, that they wont be able to reach that 10$ mark, and they surrender.
I was think about a way out of this situation, and some thoughts came in my mind :
'Would not it be good, if myLot, can make daily payouts for its members, irrespective of the fact, that the payment might be as small as few cents?'
I further thought and drew some Pros and Cons of the above idea.
Pros :
* New member would be encouraged to post, as he will be sure that, he will end up with a few cents at least.
* Even the old members who left the site in the midway, as they thought that they wont be able to each the minimum payout, are expected to return, as now, they will be sure to make 'something'.
* Current active members to will try to post more; This I think, is something to do with natural human psycology.
* Mylot too, should be benefited by the increase in 'activity' and 'contribution' of the users, and that is suppose to bring the site better overall revenue income.
Now, the Cons:
* It is definitely going to be a tedious task of myLot to make daily payments, as it would require a lot of accountabilty from there end.
* The traffic on site too, is expected to increase substantially. That means, more posting, more junk, and more work for the mods.
However, overall, I think, its a concept, which is worth a consideration, and could even be thought of implementing for about a month or so, on an expreimetal basis.
As I said, its just a thought, and it would be good, if all the members can give their feedback, as to how, they see this concept?
* Would you be happy if the payment is transffered on a daily basis to your account?
* Do you think, its can motivate you for better each day or
you think, it might affect you in a negative way?
* Do you think, that this might help the newbies, and will let them to spent and give more time to the website, rather then just registering and forgetting that, they even registerd?
I am just looking for myLotian's opinion on this idea. Let's have a discussion, and see, where it goes from there.
What do you say?
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82 responses
@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I think it sounds like a pretty good idea. But you are right, it would be a lot of work for mylot. Maybe they could do a weekly payout with lower payouts.
I think most people can easily make a dollar per week. Maybe it would encourage them to post a little more. It certainly would be nice.

@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
24 Feb 07
you're right I was going on the assumption that other people are capable of making a dollar a week. I normally average that in a day. But, it did take me a few weeks to know how to achieve it. I guess daily payouts do make more since.
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
23 Feb 07
Well, I DONT think its easy to make even a dollar here, if one dont get what he is suppose to post. I have seen people with 100+ postings , and still
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
23 Feb 07
$1 is not hard to reach at all. I ended the day yesterday with 250 posts; I have NO referrals and have over $7 already in less than a month.
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
23 Feb 07
Pay minimum with still require at least a month and half to get it into one's account, wont it?
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
23 Feb 07
No not necessarily. If the minimum payment is lowered to say $2 that wouldn't take anywhere close to a month if you are somewhat active.
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@chloe9013 (532)
8 Mar 07
It took me 2 days to reach $2 lol. It's really easy to do. I think people get discouraged because they are trying to find rich quick schemes and such. At least on mylot you can have fun at the same time. The others and just borthing those of which are about signing up, can leave you with tons of crap on your computer if it involved downloading too. Those people who give up too soon dont know what they are missing.
I have 5 referals all of which gave up immediatly, which suprises me because they enjoy talking on forums. Which is what this is (only with more great discussions in my opinon)
@prasad1961 (5597)
• India
23 Feb 07
Your Idea is good, but the problem comes from Pay Pal. They are not supportive if the transaction is less than a dollar. Further their commission will be getting more and more for making service daily. Any how the idea is to be appreciated.
@raj0019 (2623)
• Argentina
23 Feb 07
I have 23 referrals, and none of them are working as per my expectations. I can see at least 22 of them are doing nothing i can say. You idea is goo but i don't think everyone can make enough money for payout each day. So, it will be a pretty manageable job for mylot admins to do so. I hope they will really think about this and this will gradually increase number of active members here, because they can see this site is really paying. Most of the members here quit on the way, because they don't believe that their hard work is gonna give them any output at the end of the month. In simple words, they are not patient enough.
@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
23 Feb 07
I meant daily payout, with NO MINIMUM LIMIT. Even if you make 4 cents, that will be tranffferd to your account. Tedious job, but then, as I see it, it can do wonders to the 'acticity factor' of this site.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Problem with no min daily payout - an influx of people posting inane topics just to make a few cents. We don't need that
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@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
23 Feb 07
WOW that is asking alot of mylot ...what a headache that would be are so right it would encourage many of the new refferals to join in more ... you could always run a contest between your own refferals ...that helps to keep them motivated and it wouldn't be involing mylot either ...I know its tough to keep them going especially if they don't have any refferals ... :D
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I think a daily payout would be great also. It would be alot of extra work for the owners of mylot though. I have 7 referrals and only 3-4 of them are active also. They just started recently and just getting into the swing of things here. I think it would be nice if we got payout once a week, maybe with no minimum, would be nice for those of us who choose to accept that kind of payment. Others can choose to hold earnings if they like. I have 3 referrals who joined and haven't done a thing since either. I think they don't know how all of this works and I can't contact them either because they haven't accepted me for a friend yet.
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
23 Feb 07
Yeah, weekly payment, with no minimum is a great idea indeed. Mylot, too, will find it comparitively easy easy to inforce. And, it is sure to encourage the 'less-patient-quick-money-wanted' type of users!
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@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
Although these are creative and maybe helpful ideas I just think it would cost to much to have people requesting pay out each day.
Your probably right thou if MYLOT had some kind of incentive like that then it would keep people coming back for more.
All I can suggest is give a copy of this to mylot and see what happens or do some kind of online mylot survey then mail them and tell them to take alook at your post with all the people that would of signed for you.
@deepumsk (70)
• India
24 Feb 07
it is great idea if there pay daily but it will be to heavy to those people who mylot.(idea1)pay same amount but daily it also increasse the traffic on this site.
(idea2)pay little bit high but monthly base.this also increases the traffic of this.
@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
I guess a weekly payout would be more beneficial because we only earn a few cents per day and I would love to see more payout...Every friday would be good.
@theproperator (2429)
• United States
24 Feb 07
There is one con you forgot, if myLot had to payout to all the people who presently drop out short of the threshold, they would be paying out more money, meaning they would probably end up giving less per post to everyone. Having that drop off is actually better for those of us who stick with it, I think.
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@willocfc (963)
• Australia
6 Mar 07
I dont see how this would be possible at all, as there are so many spam posts and it takes the mods more than a day to weed through them all and too remove those posts and adjust earnings, once earnings are sent out they cant be reversed so that would mean the staff would have to go through every single post on a daily basis.
I dont see a problem with the way the payout system works as it is, i have only been here a month and have already earned close to 35 dollars so its not hard to reach above the minimum payout as long as you remain active
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
23 Feb 07
It sounds like a good idea on our end, but I think it would be SOOO much work and so tedious for the MYLOT owners to have to go in and pay out 71,000 people just cents a day. ya know?
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
23 Feb 07
Hmm, yeah I expect it to be tough job too. May be it would be better to have a weekly-and-no-minimum payout, as someone suggested above.
But I see it, its more of a professional move. even myLot, can somehow manaage dialy paymeny with no minimum limit, I guess its going to take the acticity level on the site to a new height, and probaly, the revenue drawn dureto this, might well payoff the hard word that myLot got to do.
That beiing said, at the end its up to myLot to take the final decision. We, at best, can make suggestions, and let myLot take it from there.
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@beaniefanatic13 (5076)
• Grand Junction, Colorado
23 Feb 07
The biggest problem that I see with a daily payout would be that mylot would have to go through discussions on a daily basis to delete instead of right before payout. Since I have been here they have on 2 seperate days done a clean up and earnings were effected by that. Some lost money others gained money. Mylot wouldn't be able to take it away if the member already cashed out. I have 2 referrals right now one is some what active the other is having computer problems. But I think that I show them by example that you can make a decent amount of money here regardless of referrals. I joined on Jan 28th and am over $30 this will be my first cashout with mylot. I think if you want to see your referrals more active then you need to set an example. I don't know how long you've been here as I didn't check but you only have 53 responses thus far, I didn't check to see how many discussions that you have started, and you have 80 referrals, I think that some might be a bit more active if you were. Just my 2 cents worth and I mean no disrespect just my opinion. :) I wish you much success here at mylot!
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
24 Feb 07
i think it is nice what you are offering to mylot
but i have a different approach to the things
i think that it is not realistic to a buisness to pay every day it will cost them more that it's worth
and about people that come here and post for only a few days because they are earning slowly and because of that they are giving up..i think mybe their place is not here..
i know i am here because i am interested in discussions and posting new subjects i am enjoying the payment and i know that i will get to the amount of money i want here because there is no reason for now that i will stop what i am enjoying..consistanty is the key word..that is what i think..and i think that that is one of the important thing in my maybe it is a good thing that mylot pays as you get to a certain amount..don't you think?
@smacksman (6053)
23 Feb 07
If MyLot DID decide to go down the lower payout threshold route then maybe -
1. There could be a bonus for those who opted to be paid monthly and/or at $10 threshold. This would be the marketing way of saying that daily payouts would be heavily penalised! haha
2. Daily payouts of cents would be to e-gold only. E-gold will pay in cents - PayPal will only pay in dollars.
Somehow, I don't think MyLot will do it because of the need to check accounts before payment.
Oh yes, people her talk of 70k accounts to check. Not so. If you check out the member list you will see that under 19,000 have ever been active, and of those, nearly 900 have made only 1 post and 700 have made 2 posts. I havn't bothered to check how many have made 1000+ posts to approximate those who have reached payout but it is a lot less than 15,000. In fact, it pretty well reflects peoples comments here as to how few referrals are active compared to the total number.
@smacksman (6053)
23 Feb 07
Ok, I've just checked the stats again and the members who have posted 1,000 times or more are 850 (page 17 x 50/page) so allowing for the people like the author here, lifeisbeautiful, and myself who have spent our own money to promote MyLot and get referrals (hopefully to get a return on our investment!) we are looking a somewhere over 1,000 members here have reached $10 payout at least once.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
23 Feb 07
Well this is what some of our referrals do unfortunately but I am not too worried about them if they really want to earn money then they will post but if not we cannot do anything about this. To earn money from anything then you have to work at it like everything else why should mylot or any other site be just throwing their money away if the member is ot prepared to work for it. I do not think that it would be a good idea to have a daily payout that would be ridiculous no paying site on the internet pays out daily.
@marymarj2002 (1769)
• Philippines
22 Aug 07
I think your suggestions are great idea. It would somehow encourage us mylottians to see that our earnings are increasing every time we post. Also there should be no minimum payout and it should not be monthly. Sometimes it discourages me when I can see that my earnings is very far from the minimum payout . Like if my earnings is still 2 dollars then I will get discourage and I will just post a little. I think this is not true to everyone here who are discourage some might be encourage to posts more if their earnings are little. But I think generally it somehow encourages us to work more if we can see the fruits of our labor and get it of course.
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@comedyaddict (772)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
As nice as it would be that they pay daily, this will never happen. There are too many people abusing the system as it is. myLot is about quality posts, not how many 1 line posts you can write in a day. If myLot paid daily, then there would be even more 1 line posts, since people know they can get away with it. If they are banned, it doesn't really matter, they've been paid. At least this way, myLot has time to remove the junk posts from the system, and those who post decently actually earn more then.
I'd support lowering the minimum payout, although even at $10, it won't be an issue for me each month...
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@comedyaddict (772)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
Thanks Chele2k2 :) The other thing I forgot to add was that if they paid daily, they would have to pay less "per post" then they do now, simply because their costs would be increased... Personally, I don't want that to happen ;)

@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
16 Sep 07
I think that this would be a bad idea, and let me tell you why. With all of those who abuse the site, there would be many who would be trying to scam the system and run before they were caught. I have seen new members come in and post tons of discussions in one day. Many one liners or plagiarized discussions aren't worth anything to mylot, and will be deleted quickly, but if they were to pay at the end of the day, how would the mods be able to get to them all in time. They can't keep up with the site abuse as it is. This would be asking way too much of them.