
February 23, 2007 8:28am CST
I'm a Chinese .In our country,parents always live with theris children.I want to know in abroad when parents old ,where they live?with children or other place?what your opinion?Do you agree with the life method in China?
4 responses
• India
23 Feb 07
In India also just like in your country parents live with their children. But now times are changing fast here and so children go to big cities in search of better job opportunities. So many parents live in towns and villages whereas their children will be abroad or in big cities.
• China
25 Feb 07
our country have the same situation,especially in small town.I want to a big city to work when I graduate but my parents don't like their daughter work far away .maybe I should stay here a small town a whole life.55555555
@rhinoboy (2129)
23 Feb 07
Some parents live with children, but many her in the Uk live in 'nursing homes' when they need more care than family can provide. Since most adults work here, it is often impossible to stop working (and earning money) to care for a relative full-time.
• China
26 Feb 07
I known about your country situation from your answer.Thank you .maybe many years ago our country have the same condition as yours.
• Portugal
26 Feb 07
here also parents stay with the children upto they go for job, even after the marriage, parents stay with there boys as joined family
@michan (212)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
In the Philippines, as much as possible, the children live with the parents and take care of them (at least one of them anyway, if not all) until they die. Unless the child ends up living far away and can't take the parent/s with them.