Would seeing a ghost, alter your views on death?
By suedarr
@suedarr (2382)
2 responses
@rainbow (6761)
23 Feb 07
No, I believe anything is possible and have a spirit who lives quite happily in our home and some others that have passed through. Bong has problems with them sometimes but as he has got bigger understands better and just tells them to leave him alone, bless. I aks the Archangel Michael to only allow the most benighn contact as it seems related to his headaches oddly enough. I do not think there is often anything to fear from visiting spirits.
I sometimes wish my partner would see a ghost as even when he saw a shadow in out bedroom moving a couple of times he still denies anything even mildly spiritual.
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@rainbow (6761)
24 Feb 07
Bong as you know has special needs but from being tiny has seen the "Shadow man and his cat" I tried many things to get rid of them in the end I just talked to them and they went away for a while. Occasionallly they re-appear and he says they are boring as they just move sideways and vanish when he talks to them. What he sees is a Shadow Dancer or shy spirit. My psycic friend has helped a lot with it.
We have a small white cat like bagpuss but with beigy brown markings who appears sometimes, watching me doing things like pegging clothes out etc, I just say hello to it.
Sometimes Skrek has even seen this a newty dog sized shadow (doberman) leaving a room but she is on her bed or in the chair, he will not accept this is anything else and pretends not to remember if I bring it up when he is in mid-denounce over a TV programme. My psychic friend feels this is a small farm animal, calf or lamb.
My home spirit is something else entirely. About a hundred or so years ago my bungalow was a farm cottage with a married couple and a brother here. They used to be sort of seen or would suddenly put goosebumps down my arms etc. Sometimes I thought I heard voices.
I got the home deeds out and said different names until I knew who was here. I told them how we love the home and will not harm it and if they mean us no harm they are welcome to stay. The married couple I have not seen either of since but William (yes strangely my sons name and during my pregnancy one of the canaries and my dogs toy none of which I realised until later) stayed. He walkes down the side of the bungalow sometimes, I moved the sofa years ago to stop me going out to see no-one there.
He has stood in my kitchen a few times with me and is a lovely comfortable retiring aged man, dressed like an old farmer or gamekeeper. They kept cows in the village opposite the house I grew up in and the next village and worked for the farmer down my lane too.
He is not scary but smiley. The first time I walked in I felt safe and knew it was home. I now now it is my home spirit welcoming me.
I sometimes see a little boy here too but I remember seeing him when I was a child so I think he must be my guardian angel, my psychic friend can find no other explanation for him, he turns up when I am very upset and stressed, and I feel calmed and better.
This may all seem strange to a lot of people, like I am off my head or something, lol. What can I say, I know who is on the phone or that it is going to ring often before it does. I know when Shrek is nearly home or when my dad is going to appear outside the front gate. I have no special powers but Bong seems to be a lot more gifted in these things. Maybe as he grows I will learn more.
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