True Freedom
@HighPriestess (739)
Melbourne, Florida
February 23, 2007 9:59am CST
Nowadays it is very common to hear many people refer to freedom of choice or free will. as if they were synonims of freedom or liberty.
But, if we reflect upon it a little bit, we might reach the comprehension that, if fact, they are quite different things.
For starters, free choice or free will are not subjected neither to the conscience nor the Divine Law in the first place, and therefore, it can be used irresponsibly, at the point to make it become libertinage. Thus we see how free will is misused and overused in all orders of human life, wheter in its spiritual and moral aspects or in its material ones.
The free will, just as the will, could be used in both ways, either in evil or in good.
Freedom or liberty, in the other hand (true freedom that is), is closely related with the conscience and with the Divine Law, since all true liberty emerges from the truth.
"And ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you
Jn 8:32
To better illustrate this, let's take a very common and extended vice: Cigarrette smoking.
Those who have acquired this popular vice, will normally say that they smoke because they decided so, in full use of their "freedom". That alleged freedom (which is nothing else that their free will, pure and raw), makes them fall in slavery, even them knowing very well that smoking is very damaging to their health and that sooner or later will carry them fatal consequences.
How great should their effort be in order to free them from that obstinate vice! They are slaves, they are far from be free.
And there you have the great paradox of all: In use of an apparent freedom, they have ended losing their true freedom, falling in a libertinage that harms them, going as far to deprive them from their health and life.
How different it is, rather, when the human being uses in a conscient and responsible way, his faculties to decide and to do!
"The true spirituality is freedom of your
spirit along his pathway and for your
flesh along its travel; that your body
does not invade the inroads of the
spirit nor that your spirit converts
himself to materialism.
"Submit your free will to My Law and to
your conscience, and you will not feel
slaves, but truly free."
The Third Testament
4 responses
@FrancyDafne (2047)
• Italy
28 Feb 07
I can't understand how free will can remain free if it is submitted to Lord's Law.
I don't smoke and don't drink alcool, but I think that if a person harms nobody, he/she can do what he/she wants. A person can decide to smoke even if this will carry him/her fatal consequences. If he/she likes it, he can go on smoking, why not? He'll live less years because of the fact that he/she smoked? Yes, but he/she enjoyed it, one person can decide to live less but to enjoy. I dont' care this, but if a person decides this I can't judge him/her, only if he/she harms somebody.
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I find that in today culture "freedome" has enslaved us like it has never done before. Women are now working and harder than most men and don't see their children, we are all misierable with our choices and fill in the void with vices becuase it is our "right", then we wonder why we are so miserable still. They leave out the one thing that would bring the true freedom, and in that freedome peace and happiness. God.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Thank you for posting this. True freedom is the right to choose what you do, say, think, and follow through with it without interference.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Feb 07
True freedom is about the right to choose including if we want to give up a freedom of sorts as long as we always have the right to take it back if we so choose. We can allow others or other things decide for us. Many do this with religion. They follow it without ever realizing that they have given up their free will. Others do it with excercise. Anything can become the master of us if we allow it to be so, even good things can make us slaves to them. However at any time we can say no, I do not want this and walk away. We can impose our will over it where it concerns ourself. So long as we have that freedom of choice then we are free even if we allow someone else to effect our lives.