how much is gandhi present today

February 23, 2007 12:01pm CST
hi frnds, gandhi was the only great man who followed ahimsa,non violence n won hearts of millions of ppl all over the world....but in return wat have we done to him.... so how much of gandhi is present today ur views in....!
1 response
@nowment (1757)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I would think his presence is in the world today in those generations who followed who either from his early days in Africa, or in India and even Pakistan who now live the countries that show his results. Would there now be struggles, for an independant India if Ghandi had not lived? I think that he is remembered, examples of this is the making of a movie on his life, that you have posted this question. Sometimes those who do a great deal and live an honorable life do not always get remembered well, or they get lost as people go on with their lives. I suppose as long as he is remembered there is always hope that others will follow his example, of peace, tolerance, and strength, and as long as that is possible then a greatness is not lost. As for what should be done to him, I am not sure what you mean, do you mean what was done for him? To honor him and his memory? Considering his life and views, what could be done for him and to honor his memory was to remember the example he set and do our best to emulate it.
• India
23 Feb 07
yup i meant as how can we honor his memories ..... but do we really find ppl following his principles