Mylot Etiquette - what do us newbies need to know?
By SaraJayne
@SaraJayne (26)
February 23, 2007 2:39pm CST
All forums have etiquette that you get used to over time. I'm a newbie so I'd like to know what's customary here. For example, I started some discussions today. None of them have that many responses yet. How long should I wait until I mark a best response? Should I give + and - ratings for everyone who replies? Also, do you ever deny friend requests and if so, why? I have got some friends, do I need to contact them at all? I would like to become a useful member of the community so any tips would be most appreciated.
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19 responses
@jayperiod (870)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Welcome to myLot! I hope you have an enjoyable time here.
It's not unusual for discussions to have relatively low responses. You see the hot topics on the front page, but I'd say they are the minority of discussions. Most of the time, people comment and move on. If you happen to hit on a hot button for a few people, you'll have one that goes for a few days.
I try to mark best response if the discussion has at least three responses after three days. If not, I give it a few more days, then just mark the best one. I realize that the odds of a discussion getting responses after a week of inactivity are small.
Give plenty of +s. The only use for -s is if they are way off topic or rude. If you give too many -s, you'll actually be the one marked by admin as the troublemaker.
The most important thing to remember, as far as making money goes anyway, quality rather than quantity. I only make responses if I feel I can add to the discussion and if my response will require more than two or three sentences. Any less than that and it just won't add up to much earnings. I don't make a killing, but I have fun and get to share my opinion. I seem to get good response, so others enjoy the quality thing, too.
Again, I wish you well.
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@payingforschool (678)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
I woudl say it is in your best interest to rate as you read. I noticed that my earnings increased when I did that. I don't just rate for discussions I start, but everything I read. It takes literally seconds and it seems to pay off. I only negatively rate people who clearly didn't read the post, or wrote an answer that was one word or didnt make sense. I don't rate negatively if I don't like what the person said or don't agree, that's not right.
I choose best response when it seems that the subject has lost the main interest of people. I don't have a time frame, I just go with my gut. I dunno, maybe that's bad ettiquette.
I deny friend requests for people who have no posts. It seems silly for them to even be asking to be added as a friend when I know nothing about them. Other than that, I prety much approve anyone. I don't contact my friends, but i regularly check out their discussions and respond.
Hope that helps :)
@greengal (4286)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Hi SaraJayne, welcome to myLot. First you have to be very patient here on myLot to receive response on your discussions. Secondly you need to be active here for your discussions to show up on some list or the other. You can wait till you get a good response, which deserves to be marked as the best response and then mark it. It is totally at your discretion to choose the best one and at your own time.There is no specific wait period. I usually read and rate all my responses with a +. There is an occasional - for the irrelevant responses. I don't accept all friend requests. I prefer to read some of their responses on other's discussions or on my own before they are on my list. I am picky about whom I have on my list. You can contact them if you want to ask a question about myLot or about anything provided they don't mind helping you out.
You can check which has alerts given by myLot and revisions of rules. You will get some good information there.
Hope you have a great time here at myLot:)
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@re08dz (1941)
• Australia
23 Feb 07
Hi and welcome,
To answer some of your questions first:
Sometimes you'll get hardly any responses to a discussion for a variety of reasons, but don't feel too bad about it - if it's a good discussion people will find it eventually.
I tend to wait a week or so before I give a best response, it gives more people time to answer and you more to choose from.
I rate all responses to my discussions - remember too that you can rate other people's discussions and the responses in those discussions.
You don't have to accept anyone as a friend if you don't want to and you don't need to contact them, though it's nice if you can particpate in their discussions.
Basically though, just give quality responses to others, don't start discussions that can pretty much be answered with a yes/no type answer. And like other forums, be considerate of other users - don't spam etc.
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@willocfc (963)
• Australia
24 Feb 07
Hi and welcome to mylot, Its important you rate all your replies however don't give someone a negative simply because you disagree with what they are saying, everyone is entitled to an opinion and thats what makes mylot so great! I rarely use the negative rating. You can choose as many or as little people as you like to add to your friends list, most people work on the system that they will comment on their friends posts and the friend will do likewise. Search for topics related to what you are about to post before you make your post as there might be a post already started that you can post in.
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@SaraJayne (26)
24 Feb 07
So, should I rate something as positive if it's just someone saying 'I want to know this too' like some of the comments in this thread, or just not rate them? Obviously they are not negative but they are not actual answers either. Sorry for all my questions!
@willocfc (963)
• Australia
24 Feb 07
I just checked out your posts, and the reason you are getting negative ratings is that you are posting only short posts and responses, one of mylots guidelines is that posts should be longer than one or two lines or just yes or no answers. Just thought i would let ya know :)
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@SaraJayne (26)
24 Feb 07
Ooh, I'm glad my post has helped out someone else! I have not commented to everyone I want to yet but I am picking up so much good advice here. funny how this is by far the most successful of my threads. I guess it's something lots of people who are fairly new want to know about, and lots of people who have been here a while have an opinion on. I am sure we will all learn as we go along. I didn't know you could find out what + and - ratings you were getting. I do try to always only post if I think I can add value - I don't see the point otherwise.
@blacknight000 (1397)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
For the newbies here in mylot, you need to know the does and donts here! need to read all the policies, terms and conditions, and how know how mylot works!...that's the primary thing that you need to know!...later on, you will discover the technique in earning more money per day!...
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
24 Feb 07
This discussion seems to ge garnering a nice number of responses. Congratulations.
I can only tell you how I do things and you can chose what you like and change the rest, okay?
First, I usually wait at least a week before giving a best response unless someone early on puts in an amazing reply that I really don't think can be topped. As a rule, I like to give everybody a chance since there is a possiblity for a very good reply later in the discussion and that person deserves the award and the extra point that a best response brings.
As for the friends. I'm still struggling with that one. I spend a lot of time replying to my friends and I expect some sort of reciprocity. Many people don't feel that way. I don't expect friends to show up in every discussion but the ones who NEVER come in, I usually delete. (Except for a couple I really like anyway LOL)
I usually deny friends requests if they are serial listers with hundreds of friends. The people who list more than a few times a day can really clog up you friends discussion area & keep you from even seeing the postings of true friends. If some one has over 500 friends, I don't approve them because I don't see how they cn support that many epole.
Friends are probably the most important thing here. They are the ones that give you could stuff to respond to and they are the ones who will help get your discussions off the ground. It takes a while to build a nice little group of friends but it makes all the difference.
Good Luck with Mylot and have fun.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Hi Sara. You have received some good advice here. I've even learned somethings I didn't know.
All I can add to this discussion is for you to post quality messages. It really affects your earnings.
Don't worry, you will see more replies soon.
@chavezrmc (6095)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
in my point of view i always respond first from my list of friends before going somewhere. And then i rate everyone positive even if they are sometimes making negative responses. That's okay, i rate them + coz of the effort to respond to my discussions. And the most important thing is that you be polite to everyone answer them to the best you can and in case you are making negative responses do it in away you are not hurting them. You can select the best response whenever you feel like to do it. welcome in mylot and enjoy yourself.
@chuva_chuva2005 (96)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
im also confused about this. im kinda newbbie here though not really newbie. but then again, im still confused with the ettiquettes here. also im confused on how to make more points here
@HassanKhalid (284)
• Pakistan
24 Feb 07
Well from all the text i have concluded that you know about my lot alot :P one thing you must know about mylot is "Hot Guys" here :) ;) and you sound pretty cool too :) chill out
@hezoid (2144)
23 Feb 07
I'm glad you asked this becuase it's something i really should have ased myself but of course i got so caught up in all the interesting discussions on here that i forgot!
I found that some of my discussions have very few responses, whereas other have quite a lot, so i think it's more to do with how popular the choice of subject is that you start the discussion on, or like other have said, how attention-grabbing your title is.
I have only denies friends whoare asking to be my friend yet haven't responded to any of my discussions or any of the same discussions i've responded to as i see no point. As you're one of my friends, you can contact me whenever you like, but don't feel obliged to!
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@Sazzle (71)
24 Feb 07
Very good question. It is all too easy for the more experienced users to say "read the rules" but they arent always so easy to find. Who can put their hand on their heart and say they have read the terms and conditions word by word anyway? Thank you for posting this. Some of the responses have been very useful. Wish more had given tips as to how we make money on this thing!
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@friendship (2084)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Welcome to myLot's forum. I am also a newbie (about a month ago). So, I'm still learning here. But one thing for sure is that you can ask your friends to join myLot. But they need to be active members on myLot. Thus, you'll get more referral money.
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
19 May 07
So far I know.. there is no restricted rules for making best responses beacuse it depends..
It might really happened that no respone made you encourage to make best response against a discussion.
Rating is necessary for evalution..
It is a power judgement that is really on your hand..
You may judge (rate) or not; it's up to you. If you judge you may get benifit a little financially.
For friend request.. Most of the cases I approave friend requist.
You can judge your own way to a approave a person as a friend & never you are to contact with them. It is only your own sake.
@soufianexas1 (141)
• Morocco
24 Feb 07
the advice can i give you do not expect that people will responds to your posts immediately
@carlysle (271)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
hi!.. its good to know that im not the only one here who is trying understand all the rules and the things that goes here in mylot... im just also starting here in mylot and just really starting to enjoy reading, starting and responding to some of the discussion...
@buddyclara (27)
• Kuwait
24 Feb 07
lm also new in mylot. and thank you for everybody who are giving advises to the newcomers..