What are your opinions on circumcision?

@lillake (1630)
United States
February 23, 2007 5:51pm CST
What do you think of male and female circumcision for children? I disagree with both. There are many myths out there about hygiene but the research simple does not support it. And no medical association in the world advocates circumcision for any of the things that so many myths claim it solves. I think that if a man wants to be circumcised he should be allowed to make that choice himself as an adult.
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12 responses
• United States
24 Feb 07
I do not agree with either. I don't understand why the thought of femal genital mutilation is outrageous but male circumcision is considered okay by many. I'm happy that America is moving away from routine infant circumcision. We still have a long way to go but the numbers are closing in and soon more will be intact than are circ'd. More and more insurance companies will stop covering it since it is technically cosmetic surgery.
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@lillake (1630)
• United States
24 Feb 07
That is a great point. As a mom of two sons I am always a bit uneasy that so many think girls deserve the right to genital itergrity and yet boys are not allowed that same right. The myths about them are the same, the amount of damage done is the same, the parts removed act in the same manner. And yet because everyone else in America does it it it is somehow more OK to circumcise boys than girls. I say equal rights for all!
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• United Kingdom
28 Feb 07
I'm lucky to live in England I think, where this kind of thing isn't normal. I have two boys and no one ever mentioned anything about circumsision. I'd have said no anyway but I've only recently realised how "normal" it is in America. It's not something that's really mentioned here.
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• United States
1 Mar 07
Oh gosh female circumcision ... no way!!! Honestly I did not want to do it to my son but my hubby was very insistent. My son was 3 months early and spent 7 weeks in the hospital. I had had enough stress so it wasn't worth the fight to me. If my husband had left it to me my son would not have been circumcised
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@lillake (1630)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I'm so sorry. That had to be stressful, having a premie and then the pressure on top of that.
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@pumpkinjam (8847)
• United Kingdom
23 Feb 07
I agree with you. There are sometimes medical reasons for boys to be circumsized but, as far as I know, there is never any reason for girls to be. Isn't it illegal to circumsize girls? Anyway, it's true that there is no evidence to support the hygiene theories. The way I see it is that if it was unhygienic to have certain bits, why would we be born with them? The soles of our feet can get really dirty and sweaty but that doesn't mean we're going to chop them off babies. I think circumsision is less painful at a younger age (but I don't know) and some people use that as the reason for doing it just in case there is tightening or something, but I do think men should be able to choose for themself and I don't believe any baby should be put through any unecessary pain or procedure, which this is, and from what I have heard about female circumsision, I could never believe that was ok no matter how old the girl was.
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@lillake (1630)
• United States
24 Feb 07
It is almost never a true medical reason for males, but many doctors are taught to just cut it off at the slightest thing.
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@astromama (1221)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Very, very against. I hadn't given circ. much thought until getting pregnant with a boy, then I began doing my research and was appalled at what I found. I actually posted several weeks ago asking 'why is it mutilation when it happens to girls, but routine when it comes to boys?' I got one response. I'm so glad you are calling attention to this, though, as it is a disturbing trend. I would recommend you look into SICSociety... it stands for stop infant circumcision. There is a wealth of information on their site regarding the history of circumcision as well as many, many stories from men who feel 'molested' because this happened to them and stories from parents whose child suffered from a botched job. One families son lost his entire member due to his circ. God makes boys better than any doctor could... I am so thankful my husband is uncirc'ed and feels the same way. I think many men feel it's only 'right' for their sons to look like them. A terrible reason to continue to cut children. By the way, I tried to post this using the anatomically correct word for 'boy parts' and learned it's against Mylot's rules. Why should that be???
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
23 Feb 07
I agree and I do not think it should be done.
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• United States
23 Feb 07
So... we meet again! :) I am entirely against it. There simply is no purpose for it. If there becomes a purpose later in life, let it be dealt with when the need arises.
@SnIcKasS (1375)
• Israel
25 Feb 07
I think it's only healthy, it can't do any damage.. proffesional people do that.. not need to worry :)
@lillake (1630)
• United States
25 Feb 07
What do you mean it can't do any damage? It removes millions of nerve endings, several important parts of the peni*, and causes perminent loss of feeling. I think you are very uninformed about the procedure. Doctors may do it, but no medical association in the world recomends it as nessisary.
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Nothing wrong with it. And yes the medical system does say that if you have your child curcumcised it helps with hygience and infections. I think the medical system would know what they are talking about. Plus now a days they give the infant boys anesthetic during the whole thing. Back in the day they never used anesthetic on the infant boy and it did cause trauma, but now they actually use it and it's better to have it done as a child then an adult. My son had it done as an infant and he was given anesthetic. He didn't even cry during it. He was busy sucking on a bubble gum sucker they gave him. So I don't really see anything wrong with it now a days.
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@urbandekay (18278)
13 Mar 07
That's not true neither the BMA nor the American equivalent recommend non therapeutic circumcision. all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
12 Mar 07
Both the BMA and the US equivalent agree there is no medical benefit from circumcision and provided the man washes regularly neither is there a hygiene reason. Furthermore, there are some documented reports of trauma being caused by the practice. Time to stop this barbaric practice that should be regarded in the same manor as scarification. all the best urban
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• Canada
1 Mar 07
I am completey 100% adamantly against circumcision. I think the amount of misinformation today about hygeine and circumcision is appalling. I also have a friend who chose to circumcize so that 'he woudl like like his dad' So if his dad was born with one arm, would you cut of your child's arm so he would look like his dad? give me a break.
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@urbandekay (18278)
13 Mar 07
Excellent dude! he he h he he he Highlights the stupidity of some people all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
14 Mar 07
Carrie, perhaps English is not your first language, please re-read my comments and you will see that I do not say that everyone that circumcises is stupid. Clearly my jibe is a specific comment only on that justification of circumcision that cites similarity of appearance of child to father. all the best urban
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@Carrie26 (1587)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I for one did not circumcise my son just because his dad is.So it isnt nice to be calling people stupid when a majority of the people dont do it just because other people are doing it.How would you all like it if someone came out with a article (or discussion)bashing people for not circumcising thier son.?I think you should jsut let people tothier own opinion becuase it obvioudly is going to be a ongoing debate forever of some saying it is okay and some saying it isnt.
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@ragmama (536)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I agree wholeheartedly - and I am thankful to have a daughter rather than a son at this point, since I didn't really educate myself about circumcision until after she was born.
@lillake (1630)
• United States
4 Mar 07
a lot of parents don't think about this issue until after their child is born. I never considered it when my first son was born, I just assumed it was what had to be done. Luckily I educated myself before my second son was born.
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@fishwife (113)
4 Mar 07
it's no skin off my nose....hee hee
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@lillake (1630)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Oh bad joke! ;)
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