Little white lies
By MsTickle
@MsTickle (25180)
February 23, 2007 10:24pm CST
From discussions I've read it seems the majority of MyLotians are against lies and lying.
But does that include the white lie which is usually told to spare someone some hurt feelings or to spare the teller the consequences of their actions. Do you agree with this?
Isn't the truth always the best way in the long run?
What examples can you share where you have told a white lie.
When is a lie a white lie?
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26 responses
@dbeast (1495)
• India
24 Feb 07
lies can be told as long as it doesnt hurt anyones feelings.there cannot be a person in this world who can say that he hasnt lied.that would be the biggest lie.some part of time we tell small lies and at times big ones too just to cover ourselves up or hide from some wrong which we have done.we must never lie in such a way that it can bring harm into others lives and change theeir live completely .that would be a major sin.
@ghettocity (1)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Lies and white lies, they're both the same. Lieing is still wrong and shouldn't have been done. Yes, everyone has probably lied by lieing can smash relationships and friendship. Every lie can change someone's life depending on the issue, it is better to tell the truth though.
@SolanumThur (170)
• Brazil
24 Feb 07
Well i think that 'white lies' are a way to don't be honest at all and make someone feel good, so i think lying in that way isn't bad, since if you had to tell the truth it would be much more hard to the other person than you telling a good lie... I think people who make this are good and it's and good action making this in my opinion.. because there are many people who are honest in ALL cases and sometimes they hurt persons[sometimes i'm like honest all time :X], not because they want but because they are too honest.. So i think a good lie is good sometimes :)
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
We are sometimes to tell lies just to not hurt someones feelings and keep up with the things that we know would sometimes get out of hand. As the asying goes, "the truth shall all set us free", but there is also a saying about, "sometimes, the truth hurts." So most of the time, we try to measure things first and think of what the consequences would be before we tell what we know. We always have to consider others feeling before making judgments, and if ever we judge them, we should consider also whatever short-comings the person has. Before we criticize others, we should also try to look back on the past things that we've done before laying it all on them..
@rosie_123 (6113)
24 Feb 07
Well I admit I often tell "little white lies". I see no harm in them if you are saving someone from hurt feelings. I agree that the truth is always best in the long run when big issues are at stake, but what is the harm in telling your friend her new hairstyle looks great (even if you think it's horrible!), if that hairstyle has cost her a ot of money, and made her feel good? If she has had that hair style to help cheer her up after a break-up, for example, she will be low on self-esteem, and need boosting up as much as possible. Telling her it looks horrible, would be cruel, and hurtful, and just because I may think it's horrible, doesn't mean that others will. So that is the kind of lie I will tell all the time.
@frozenhope (16)
24 Feb 07
At the end of the day, you have to keep the intrests of the person in mind. If lying is going to help them, then do so... If its not going to help them, then you should not do. Lying can become a habbit, that you dont want to get into as it can lead you to all sorts of problems.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I do tell white lies! This is how I determine if I should or shouldn't. If I know the person well and they know me if they ask me a question they know I am going to tell them the truth - if they ask me if I like their new green hair color I am going to tell them "no it looks rediculous".
If someone I don't know well or doesn't know me I will say "it's a nice shade of green" whether it is or not, I will try not to tell them something that will hurt them but comprimise (?sp) and tell them something else.
If a friend who is having a really bad day asked me the same question I would say "I love it". Then the next day when their feeling better I'll tell them the truth.
Mainly I don't want to hurt people and if the truth will hurt I will avoid lieing if possible but if not I will "lie".
@ElementalDragon (156)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I have a question for you. I'm not trying to be offensive, so please don't take this question that way, but how do you reconcile even "white" lies with your faith?
My $0.02 at the moment.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
It's a choice between being kind or nasty. I know which way I'd go.
If a person has to ask 'do I look good?' or 'do I look fat?' or 'do I look awful'. They are feeling down and they know it. They are seeking comfort and support. Picture and elderly lady in a busy supermarket checkout queue. Her hands are shaking and she's tring to count out several dollars worth of coins. She is becoming more agitated because I've said "would you like me to help you?" and she says "no thank you" because she's desperately trying to hold on to her pride and abilities and self reliance. There are people getting obnoxious and loud in your queue and the old dear says "Oh I'm just being a nuisance aren't I?" Am i going to say, "yes you are could you please hurry " or am i going to say "Of course not, there's no rush, it's all part of my day. Take your time" and I smile to let her know it really is ok. I just told a lie. But I don't think it was wrong.
Another situation is when I was living with my Dad (I'm in my 50's) and wanted to spend an evening in town having dinner, drinks and so forth with a man. The idea being that we will stay in a motel so we're not drinking and driving but also because we want to spend the night together. My Dad is 93 at this time. He would not agree with me doing this. I don't have a problem with it.There is no way I will insult or worry him or embarrarrass myself with the truth.
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@ElementalDragon (156)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Of course it's a choice between kind or nasty. What isn't? Are you saying you can't be kind when telling the truth?
It also sounds like you are implying that elderly people are nuisances. Please correct me if I'm wrong. The lady in your example is doing her best and is not trying to offend or irritate people. People just aren't patient anymore, and they seem to ignore the fact that as they age, they may end up in the same situation. One of those "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" things.
Which could also be presented as an argument for your perceptions, as well. If you don't want the truth told to you, then you aren't going to feel the need to be honest with others.
I am personally of the opinion that you can be sensitive without having to resort to lies. If someone takes my honest answer to a question wrongly, they probably need more help than I can give them in a deceitful answer to the question "Does this make me look fat?".
My $0.02 at the moment.

@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I am SURE I have told a few white lies in my day. Its hard to NOT do it if you care about someone. I cant recall any examples now sorry :((
I agree ALL lying is a sin, and bad. Do I do it? yes! Do I like doing it? No! I feel so dang well I'd say guilty but that isnt from God. I feel "convicted" more than anything :(
So I try to NOT lie but I do on occasion and white lie as well. A lie is still a lye no matter white or regular! :/
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@crickethear (1417)
• United States
27 Feb 07
To me a white lie is to avoid hurting someones feelings. I have a friend who says she never lies, but have heard her say brutal things to others, and a few times to myself. To me that is hositility. So, if it is done to avoid hurting feelings, I see nothing wrong with it.
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@ElementalDragon (156)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I try to avoid lying, little white, or big black. I know I'm not perfect at it, but I try very hard not to dissemble.
Yes, the truth can hurt, but there are ways to be honest without being hurtful, or as hurtful. And, in the long run, what is the use of artificially building up someone's self-esteem with lies?
My $0.02 at the moment.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
So you would tell the friend the jeans make her/him look fat or their hairdo is ugly? But you'd do it in such a way so as not to hurt them? Gee, no wonder your friend has self esteem problems with you by their
Or maybe "You'll never be slim, beautiful, slender, muscular etc (pick one) but I'll always be there for you.
No thanks.LOL
@ElementalDragon (156)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Congratulations on making a personal attack.
As far as self-esteem problems go, lying isn't going to help. Especially if you try to coddle them, and then they go out in public and get mocked by a stranger on the street. Not only will they be hurt by said stranger, they may also wonder why you didn't honestly give your opinion when they asked.
My $0.02 at the moment.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
Oh dear, I've offended and/or annoyed you and that was not my intention. I merely chose to see (what was to me) the amusing side of things. I hope you will accept my apologies.
I'm sure you didn't really mean to congratulate me...was tha sarcasm or a lie?

@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
I call this a touchy subject, guess that statement blows my cover. Yes I have told white lies and I think most of us have. I have never so much as came close to cheating on my husband or doing anything really bad, but because he has a vivid temper I've had to chew my words more than once. I am however a big believer that the truth prevails. If you've done something that's not a good idea and you admitt to it chances are you can work it out, as where if you lie about it then you have two problems to work out,and sometimes it just digs you in so deep there's lack of trust and goodness knows what all.
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@naty1941 (2336)
• United States
24 Feb 07
We all tell lies once in a while and I think it is so we don't hurt peoples feelings. I know that sometimes a friend has gone and bought a very expensive dress and wants me to tell her it looks beautiful on her when it really doesn't. So I will say something like it is nice and make her happy.
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@TinWolf (184)
• United States
24 Feb 07
In part I have to agree with ElementalDragon.
Lying like Quality has no degrees, no levels defined by a COLOR, and we all lie.
My grandparents, who raised me infused me with two quotes related to honesty.
"Honesty is a LAW, not a subjective choice."
"Telling a lie is like digging a hole in dry sand, it continues to fall in on itself, and refill."
The analogy is pretty clear. Telling even a "minor" lie if there can possibly be such a thing, only causes another lie to back it up. Another down side of lying is that one has to make it up. The truth never has to be thought about, altered, even remembered to make sure in its next telling one doesn't get it wrong.
In the case of the woman giving the example of green hair (NO OFFENSE). The better approach to that would be, "I'm sorry, I have no real opinion." Of course that too would be a lie. Or one might say, "I'm partial to BLUE, even as a hair color." Certainly that might be a lie. The point is the lie, in your example of GREEN hair, doesn't alert the person at all to the truth, that green hair, while a choice that expresses a freedom, is not strictly a color one might wear as hair.
Steven Wolf
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@Superlott (15)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I believe in telling the truth, but with love. If you think the truth is going to hurt someone, dont tell them. If they insist tell them they really dont want to know. If they still insist tell them the truth, but not harshly, use touch. In the end it will be best for both
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
This is in my opinion the most honest answer. People who are fat or have a big bum or other self esteem issues are not looking for the truth per se because they already know they are that way. These people are looking for unconditional love. Some people are full of self love but some of us need to have someone special around in order to feel good. I think that's called friendship.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
Well I think that lying is wrong...however little white lies can be okay if it is preventing hurting someone if they ask if they are fat ..and you tell them "No"...things like that....I personally can't hurt people feelings like that...
@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
25 Feb 07
I think that we all tell lies, if you want to use the word lies in the strictest sense of the word. It is a matter of what our intention is when we tell them as well as what they relate to. In my opinion it is ok, once it is the lesser of 2 evils. Certainly, in cases where half truths are told to spare someone's feelings I think this is ok, in certain circumstances.
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@merlin_002 (54)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
In my opinion, Telling a lie is basically a very BAD habit. Because it has been seen & observed that when you tell a lie, may be for the time being you save yourself or others BUT mostly afterwards you will have to tell more and more lies to cover the first lie... so why not tell the TRUTH at the first place... you or someone might get a punishment for it but after that You or he/she will not do the same thing again... so its good that you got beaten ONLY once in ur life for doing something wrong... than by getting beaten everytime when you do the same mistake again & again. Take an example that there are 2 friends, One does anything wrong say Steal a pen/pencil... & tells you... so when the person incharge ask you... & you tell the truth that he/she stole it... he/she will get punishment 4 that but after sumtime when he/she realizes then he/she comes to know that my friend did the right thing 4 me... & that now I won't STEAL anything again....
As far as a White LIE is concerned, thats a bit different... there's only 1 case in which you should lie & that is if someone's(must be sum1 close i.e. friend) LIFE is depending on your Lying or telling the truth... that is also when U know that ur friend has not done anything HARMFUL or BAD... Actually, it depends on ur intention of telling the lie...
BUT who cares... everybody lies whenever they feel they should... :D:D:D
@skydancer (2101)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I only tell little white ones and only on occasions where I know it will cause a scene if I speak my mind. So if you're in the store with me and want to know if "those jeans really do make your butt look bigger" I might not be a good one to ask. I am blatantly honest, however, with more serious matters.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
I don't lie. Period. If someone asks me for my opinion, I tell them the way I see it. If they don't like it, then tough. I would hope in the end that they can see where I was coming from.
I've been hurt by lies in the past with my ex. He lied to me a lot of the time, and it got to the point where I didn't believe a word he was saying anymore.
I vowed that I'd never inflict that on anyone and I haven't. I've been told I'm too blunt, but thats the way I am. I'm not going to compromise my vaules just because someone might not like what I have to say. They they're asking me for my opinion, then they have to accept that I'm going to tell them the truth as I see it and that they may not like what I have to say.
My friends know me well enough to know that I'm not out to hurt them, but there are a few people that don't know me well enough to understand the way I am yet. I'll never change though. I am who I am and I'm proud of that.
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@bigmanqqq (89)
25 Feb 07
i think that the odd white lie can be used to protect feelings and prevent hurt but should be done so sparingly and only if really necessary.
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