Was 9-11 an "inside" job? Was Bush et al directly responsible?
By uniweb
@uniweb (59)
United States
26 responses
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
20 Dec 06
All your sources are shoddy internet sites. They all aren't trustworthy. The premise is absurd, the logic and evidence is absurd. Ever wonder why this theory only has weight on the internet? BEcause those people wouldn't say what they say if it were real life. Theres a reason for that.
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@jthomisee (1)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I do not believe in anyway that bush aided or even knew about this. Some of these "theories" are good but how could you possibly hide something this big for this long.
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@smuggeridge (2148)
14 Oct 06
Its a nice conspiracy but i don't think even George Bush would be that evil as to help kill his own people

@smuggeridge (2148)
14 Oct 06
thats very interesting but do you really class George W in the same league as Hitler? he doesn't have the brains. Although there are certain advantages in leading in a time of disaster, you can get away with a lot of questionable activities e.g. guantanamo bay, however if you believ this do you also believe that the moon landing was faked? elvis presley was abducted by aliens? and tony blair is actually a labradore?. Its just conspiracy theories

@indiandevil (2410)
• Canada
15 Oct 06
I donno, but it is all very strange, that his father was at war with Iraq and then soon after he is elected NY is attacked and some think that it is all over oil...I would hop and pray it is not a inside job, but these days you never really know what any government is really up to..

@indiandevil (2410)
• Canada
15 Oct 06
I am not getting all into crap like that.
sorry I just said it didn't look good that it happened that close. It could have been just because of that I am not sure but I doubt that the government would be behind something, to take there own lives, it just don't make since
@uniweb (59)
• United States
16 Oct 06
Thanks for your candidness. I am a 73yo caucasian male, but the problems we are facing will affect my grandkids and your children. Wish you had time to spend in research, because your child's life in in danger, just as my grandchildren.
@uniweb (59)
• United States
15 Oct 06
I agree. This is my purpose for asking this question. If young minds become suspicious enough, and have the available information on the internet, hopefully their,(your), time will be spent in researching the truth. The government is now trying to put more controls on the internet. With the passed legislation of the Patriot Act, if Bush, et al, evesdropped on this message, which they have been doing, and decide they don't like me, I could be picked up and sent to a foreign prison without my families' knowledge of what happened to me, and with no legal representation whatsoever. Not even a phone call.

@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
25 Dec 06
With comments like these I am almost glad that I don't live there any more. I would think that a person of your age would remember WWII and the attitude of the Americans during the war. According to your profile you are older than I so you should have some memories. How can you say that Pearl Harbor took place with full knowledge and cooperation? The truth of the matter is that the Admiral of the Seventh Fleet at the time (I forget his name) made a report to the Pentagon about the possibilities of an attack in Hawaii, specifically Pearl Harbor, and gave details on how an attack could take place. He suggested that precaution and preparation be made to correct the weaknesses of base security and the like. The politicians in Washington scoffed at his report and said that it was highly unlikely that any such attack could be made without some prior warning. I'm not sure whether this report somehow found its way into Japanese hands or whether it is a coincidence but the attack was carried out almost to the letter of the Admiral's evaluation. Now to compare that with 9/11 seems lucicrous.
It is just beyond me how Americans can think like you do and then put such a polemic slur on the US. Have you forgotten how patriotic the American people were during WWII? We were the UNITED States. The more I look back toward my country I feel ashamed to call myself an American even after serving it well for 25 years.
@uniweb (59)
• United States
25 Dec 06
My over-aged Dad was called into WWII as an MD in the Normandy invasion, and my patriotism new no bounds. The rumors connecting prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor and FDR were particularly painful, but have since been documented. The Admiral you referred to, Richardson, I think, was replaced because of his opposition, and his replacements were kept out of the information loop. Please see the following link to evaluate the comparison to 911. I love my Country, but I oppose, as Richardson did, the quagmire of political leadership we have allowed ourselves to be subjected to. I pray, daily, for our United States to return to a contstitutional Democracy.
@uniweb (59)
• United States
26 Dec 06
December 26, 2006- James Bolin, the actor and husband to Barbra Streisand, suggested this morning on a live TV progam valled "the view", that the TV viewers should access the following website concerning 911:
To paraphrase a quotable quote, no one can fool all the people all the time!!
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
9 Nov 06
These things are symptoms of the self destructive impulse.. and the wanting to see the overthrow of one's government, but that usually ends with a Stalin..
@baldingeagle69 (749)
• United States
16 Oct 06
I think there was knowledge, but I am not sure what kind.
@timou87 (1638)
• Singapore
25 Dec 06
I wont say that 911 was orchestrated by the Bush administration (they arent smart enough to do so anyway), but I would say that Bush and his cronies capitalised on people's fears and insecurities to draw back the liberties of the people of not jus America but of the whole world by imposing its brand of war against terrorism. Bush also used this opportunity to topple Saddam to take revenge aginst Sadam in the 1990 Gulf War, which Bush's father waged and lost.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
9 Nov 06
yep and I have Elvis living with me here in Melbourne Australia.....
@dgwinchina (292)
• China
8 Nov 06
Definitely an inside job. Who else but the government could cause the largest air force in the world to stand down for over an hour and a half.
Were did all four planes diappear to. Why no bodies of passengers.
Howcome 7 of 19 so-called hijackers are still alive today.
Jet fuel cannot melt steel, so the towers, and WTC7 were brought down by controlled demolition. The flight path into the Penatagon ws impossible for a large passenger jet, and the hole made was too small. The official BTS statistics say that flights AA11 and AA77 did not fly that day.
And about 100 aother factors indicate that the 9/11 Conmission report is a flagrant lie.
See Detailed 9/11 research work
@uniweb (59)
• United States
9 Nov 06
The site referred to: http://members.iinet.net.au/~holmgren/research.html, is very interesting. Because disinfo has been used prolifically and effectively, I will research your research as time permits. If you will not be offended by my asking, do you claim allegiance to the U.S., Australia or Beijing? And which photograph?
@uniweb (59)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Thanks for taking the time to respond, Skeemy, and I agree with you. Whether or not he actually participated in the planning, in my opinion he is just as guilty, and he, and the others, must face their accusers in as non-biased an invironment of justice as can be provided.
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
24 Dec 06
It's all about a)money and b)control period. watch V for Vendetta. Study human history. Watch fahrenheit 9/11.
It's alway been about money and control. And it always will be, when the people sit back, get lazy and let their governments and institutions run amok.
@sudhir_328 (559)
• India
25 Oct 06
ya it has been long planned attack and i even came to know that many big peoples wree also involved in all this.
so is it right?
@uniweb (59)
• United States
25 Oct 06
It is worth repeating:
uniweb (3)
No, sudhir_328, just because Americans were directly involved does not make it right, and I hope and pray that you, and others, will hope and pray with me, that justice prevails, and the perpetrators of these horrible crimes will be punished by us, in our lifetime, before they are handed over to our "God," by whatever designation we prefer to call Him/Her/It.
@sudhir_328 (559)
• India
25 Oct 06
ya it has been long planned attack and i even came to know that many big peoples wree also involved in all this.
so is it right?
@uniweb (59)
• United States
25 Oct 06
No, sudhir_328, just because Americans were directly involved does not make it right, and I hope and pray that you, and others, will hope and pray with me, that justice prevails, and the perpetrators of these horrible crimes will be punished by us, in our lifetime, before they are handed over to our "God," by whatever designation we prefer to call Him/Her/It.
@bobthesk8er (86)
• United States
23 Oct 06
i've seen all the stupid photo shopped footage and videos that dumb kids and who knows who else create....if you believe it, well then you my friend are an idiot!!
@uniweb (59)
• United States
23 Oct 06
I'm glad you are cognizant of the possibility of altered or faked videos. The following links are a typical examples.
@superakh (38)
• India
25 Oct 06
go to my webpage..http://superakh.4t.com
i have adressed many such facts
@uniweb (59)
• United States
27 Oct 06
As can be seen from the many links posted earlier, I disagree with you completely. However, assuming that anything is possible, and that you are correct, please read the following article from your fellow Indians. In the very best possible scenario, Bush sucks.