Death - Are you going to be cremated or put in a box?
By Jewels
@Tetchie (2932)
17 responses
@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
6 Mar 07
To be honest, I don't particularly care about what will happen to my body after I die. I'm an organ donor so, before they do anything else with me, they'll probably cut me up to see if there are any organs worth salvageing for someone else. They probably won't find many of those! Then, I suppose that cremation will be fine, as it'll allow me to contribute faster to the nitrogen and carbon cycle.
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@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
6 Mar 07
I live in a country where we recycle everything, so I wouldn't be surprised if the hospital took care of it. It'll be up to any surviving member of my family to decide what to do with the rest. My ashes may simply end up on a pile of compost and be used for the garden. ;)
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
6 Mar 07
Hey Thomas, what happens in that case, does your family get your body back and then do the cremation thing after the organs have been removed, or does the hospital take care of that? Do you have an option, like get the hospital to do it and sprinkle you on the roses in the hospital garden for example?
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@astrotink (169)
4 Mar 07
I most definately want to be cremated!! My reasons are:
because it is just my empty shell
The planet is getting bogged down with enough things from us never mind our bodies
our diseases will go into the ground if we are buried and crops grow from this...
You can still have a special place if loved ones need to feel close to you.
I'd hate to be buried alive!!! sod that if they make a mistake, at least being burned it'll be over alot quicker...LOL
@Bongoheads (283)
24 Feb 07
I definitely would like to be cremated mainly because I dislike the way those left behind are emotionally tied to a grave. I only have one daughter and I'd so hate for her to feel that she'd need to visit my grave or even live nearby. I wouldn't want her to feel obliged in any way - my love for her would be all around and not just in a physical burial plot in a graveyard. I just feel that she'd be more free to live her life and remember me whenever or wherever she was - not just because she was visiting the spot that my physical remains had been placed. She might even feel guilt if she hadn't been for a while - I really don't want to do that to her.
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
I wonder how many people don't move because of their past. They are holding onto memories and living in what used to be. And feel obligated to "do the right thing" like place flowers on a memorial every year, or feel guilty because they didn't! Not saying it's bad or wrong. But in reality memories are not just at the grave site.
Nice one friend.
@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
2 Mar 07
Now how did I ever miss this question???
I want to be cremated.Moslty becouse I don't want to see earthworms,ants or any kind of insects thinking that my head is like a second Disneyland(no metter if I'll play a harp or play with cans full of tar).Even the though of insects crawling all around me....phuuu..
So I want to be cremated.And while they incinerate me..I want to hear (old) irish drinking songs.There!I said it! :))
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@catcai (1056)
• Philippines
4 Mar 07
I personally prefer to be creamated, its less expensive and less grandiose and space saving! besides i can still get to be with my family even if im just ashes. And eversince i was young, this was really my preference... and here in the philippines since our halloweens or as we call it- all souls day, here are spent in the cemetery squeezing ourselves in amongst the traffic and the congested areas, to clean the niches of our loves ones, at least- my family wont have to go through all that inconvenience anymore, they can just spend that holiday at home, lighting a candle for me and praying for my soul...
@RAMPersona (2033)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07 the coffin, why? i just want to differ from fellow myLot members' answer to your discussion..
but seriously, cremation still isn't cheap in our country, only rich people have the means..
@Invest_Master (282)
• India
24 Feb 07
Well i am goona be cremated.. and all my hardwork to make body would be turned to ashes
@totalearnings (1603)
• India
2 Mar 07
well as per tradition i will be burnt to ashes and may be one of my kids would add my ashes into the holy Ganges.
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@raimavillanueva (37)
• Australia
4 Mar 07
I think i want be in a coffin,i dont know..some times i wanna be cremated...actually now that you asked, its hard to decide...hahaha
@RogerTheRabbit (1271)
• Portugal
24 Feb 07
Here in Portugal the normal thing to do when you die is to put the person on a coffin.
And that's probably the way is going to happen with me too.
But I see in movies people getting cremated and it is also very intense ceremony.
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@silvermoonmyst (943)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I hope to be cremated, with the ashes spread over some of my favorite places. Or placed in a garden. I dont want to be barried.. it seems so wrong to me.
@Mishi_Bente_Tres (127)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
i rather choose to be cremated, because i believed that my soul is like a smoke that will go up in the heaven. Rather than put in a box and the body is eaten by worms and mix with the soil.
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@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I'm leaning more towards cremation after answering your last question. I really don't see the point in an expensive coffin, burial plot and tombstone. I think I will let my family decide whether or not they want to scatter my ashes or keep them. I would rather be scattered somewhere though.
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
2 Mar 07
Honestly I used to want to be cremated but then I saw this movie and had a nightmare that I was cremated alive!!
I told my family to find a plain wood box to bury me in.
@PiperCharmed (457)
• Australia
24 Feb 07
i dont really feel too comfortable with this type of discussion i feel like its bad knock on wood...i hope this doesnt mean anything to you all in the near future. i hope that i get buried in my family plot which is in the philippines. i know it is only bones but i want mine to be close to my other family. i think that cremation is really scary i think that its a really scary thought to be nothing but ashes but at the same time its scary to think of my body as a rotting corpse,,,ahhh now im confused,,,lol