philippines... getting poorer and pooooooooorer....!

February 24, 2007 8:36am CST
Elections again here in Philippines... as if everyone doing or should I say just running because they want power... They dont care about their obligation to this country.. they are just running for their own good... They have more a billion and billion and billion pesos in their bank account. They can have all the luxuries they want... they can buy all the things they want.. yEah! thats ryt! but because of their continous.. non stop coruption on the "kaban of bayan." A self centered politician... they dont even mind corrupting... stealing and gambling all the fundz for the less fortunate people... sigh... I just dont really understand.. hope people will votefor the deserving one make a wise vote! it is our choice... for us to become better...
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5 responses
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
i think youre just being too pessimistic of our country, be optimistic instead and pray for the right leader to come and deliver us from this situation my friend. lets all be hopeful, im very optimistic of the future of my younger friends here in my place. lets not give thoughts of something negative.
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
well... I am trying to be optimistic.. but base on whats happening right now,,, I dont think there is possibilities that people will vote for the right onw... oh well.. I am still hoping and yeah.. praying about it.... I just really want a clean election... thankz for the response sir.. :)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
let's hope for the best..
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
yeah... I think thats the best thing to do ryt now,, anyway... where u from? can you speak in filipino? :)
@ethanmama (1745)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
I really hope we'll get better leaders this time. Be optimistic :). Things probably can't get any worse, can they?
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
yeah,,, I think so.. I know everythings will fall into places... everythngs gonna be alryt.. God will help us to have a good leaders... hope so...
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
The Philippines was never a poor country, we are so blessed with so many natural resources not to mention the number of scientists and people in the academe who are well respected worldwide. Unfortunately we as a country was raped so many times and the our wealth are in the hands of few individuals. Corruption is from the highest down to the lowest level of society and government position. Is there still hope for a change to happen. There is. It happened in so many countries around us, why can't we make it? We need a leader with a strong political will to effect changes and a team that will rid the country of corruption. To date, this is much to be desired, no one seems to be appearing in the horizon as yet. Meanwhile, the citizenry continue to vote according to popularity and name recall. A number are willing to sell their votes for a few pesos. There maybe a lot who vote according to the dictates of their conscience but they are greatly outnumbered. In the end, we get a kind of government that the majority wished for. The situation is not entirely hopeless, it just need an initiative on the part of every citizen to do his part in simple things to help improve our country. Much is to be desired and hope, we must never lose.
• Philippines
11 Mar 07
Hoping... praying... gnashing our teeth... WOULD NOT help. We each get only one chance every three years to make our voices heard through elections... and what do we do? Hope and pray? What a waste. If you are not a part of the solution, then you are a part of the problem. One who doesn't buy tickets never win in lotteries. Ergo, you can hope and pray all you want, but if you don't have tickets...
@jean_rose (415)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
I have touched a bit on this subject on my blog at yahoo 360. I try to do something about it by telling my students not to be easily duped by the money and the countersigns given to them in exchange for the meager amount. I tell them it is alright to accept the money. It was, after all, given and as a saying goes, "To refuse an offer is an insult." But I also told them that when election day comes, it's their choice that would make the difference. That they don't have to vote for the candidate who gave the money...and that it's perfect for them to be voting for the person they like best.