What have Islamic peoples done for the world lately?
@ConservativeArtist (201)
United States
February 24, 2007 2:34pm CST
When historians look back at the arab world in the 20th century, what will they say it contributed to the world. The West has made amazing strides in aviation, medicine, technology, and civil rights in the twentieth century. East Asia has similarly contributed great technological innovations . Even communist Russia contributed to the space exploration fields!
Yes, Islamic cultures contributed much to the world in math, medicine and technology... over five hundred years ago.
But what about today? What have the 1.4 billion Islamic peoples across the world contibuted to sciences and human advancement in the 20th century?
Some are sitting on great wealth from oil, so it cannot be said that they don't have money to fund scientific research. In fact, many Islamic countries are sitting in what has always been, geopolitically, a powerful seat in the world, the bridge between Europe and Asia.
I could not think of anything positive they have contributed to the modern world. Please let me know if you can prove me wrong, as I might be. Do leave religious arguments out of the equation, such as "Islam has brought enlightenment to many peoples..." Also, leave out their contributions made in the middle ages. That is uncontested.
It just seems like a billion people could be making a more positive impact on the world culturally and scientifically. Am I wrong?
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17 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Hmmm, let's see.
They pointed out some architectural flaws in some of our buildings, and given us reason to build new ones better.
They demonstrated that anyone can master the art of flying, at least while in-flight. I think they are a bit weak on the landing part though.
I know there are some things I missed, but I really can't think of anything really useful that they have accomplished.
I wish I could have helped more, this may actually turn into a great discussion, or a very short one.
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@ConservativeArtist (201)
• United States
24 Feb 07
thanks for the response. You are right, I did not realize that they made such positive advances. They also found new uses for box knives, shoes, and toothpaste!
I know some people are going to say- that's terrorists, not muslims! I know. But I don't know of any apocolypic terrorists who are not muslim. So anyway, make with the contributions to the modern world.
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@shay3434 (881)
• Israel
25 Feb 07
I think that the Islam today is infected by the Islamic terror, which only damaged the world and doesn't do anything helpful.
there is a website that count the number of Jewish Nobel prize winners, and Muslims Nobel prize winners.
the statistic:
Jews: 0.2% of the world's population (12 MILLION jews)- 165 winners! (22% from all winners)
Arabs/muslims: 20% of the world's population (1.4 BILLION muslims)- 6 winners.
here is the full list:
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@ConservativeArtist (201)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Thank you for the link- that is very interesting! Kudos to the six muslims who have won the Nobel Peace Prize, except for Yassar Arafat, a terrorist.

@MntlWard (878)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Are you only asking about Middle Eastern peoples or Arabs and Muslims in general? Because it seems to me highly likely that Arabs and Muslims contributed to some of those innovations of the West.
On the other hand, I'm going to agree with you about what the oil industry has been doing in regard to innovation, but I think they're actually stifling innovation as opposed to simply not advancing it. It's in the oil industry's best interest for automobiles and other gasoline-burning vehicles to be fuel-inefficient, so I believe they're actually making efforts to hide or destroy any new technologies that lower fuel consumption.
There's this movie that came out recently called Who Killed the Electric Car? I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know the answer to the question or if the question is even answered, but it seems to me Big Oil has the greatest motive for killing the electric car. I really need to watch it, and so should you if you haven't seen it yet.

@ConservativeArtist (201)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I am talking about Islamic people- from the middle east to Indonesia to sub-sharan Africa. Originally I was thinking about just Arabs, but then that wouldn't include Iranians, who are Persians. It also wouldn't include the world's biggest population of Muslims, in Indonesia.
Perhaps there is a market-incentive for the oil industry, bothh in America and the middle-east, to hesitate on researching Electric cars, but I think that will change in America soon anyway because of the changing market pressures.
Still, there must be more to the Arab cultures today than oil, oppressive regimes, and blaming the West. Big oil cannot be an excuse for Islamic lack of innovation in the twentieth century.
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@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
25 Feb 07
Well asfar as muslims in India are concerned, they ruled over the subcontinent for the better part of 500 years till the english came and kicked them out, they built f
abolaous buildings, married every women they took a, fancy and had a big harem which was made up of fabalous jewels, as far as the mordern Islamic people they have done a lot of good things to the world, first they created Pakistan where more than one million hindus were masacared to make way for the Muslim Nation, then, they stared giving trouble to India over Kashmir(Which still continues),where thousands of Indians have been killed, then look at Middle East, where the President of Iran has informed the world that he is going to destroy Isreal out of the world, and who can forget our good old Terrorrist friends who destroyed the world trade center in USA, there are so many other positive things the mordern Islamic people do like keeping their women inside a purdah, marry 4 times so that their race increase, and finally kill and maim everybody who does not accept their policies.

@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
26 Feb 07
But I thought Americans were Oppressive Imperialists?!
@ConservativeArtist (201)
• United States
25 Feb 07
So... muslims in India were oppressive imperialists, if I understand what you are taking about.

@Lavera1 (896)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I surely will research that, Conservative. before I can make a truthful response to your discussion. But I can agree with you that a lot of Islamics are sitting on great wealth. And why? Because our oil dependant nations are purchasing their oil. So I assume that it's felt that they could hire persons to make contribitions for them and they get the credit for it.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
25 Feb 07
i agree with a lot of what is being said in this discussion. It seems to me that scientific progress, indeed any progress since the time of mohammed, is seen as suspect by some moslims, maybe this is why no progress can be seen. Contributions are that Islam has provided a focus point for the rest of the world to hate.
@ConservativeArtist (201)
• United States
25 Feb 07
thanks for the response. Many cultures sit on great wealth, and I have no objection to investing in or purchasing someone else's technology. But shouldn't over 1 billion people have some recent scientific contribution, or some cultural contribution in the twentieth century?
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@Markod (23)
25 Feb 07
I agree with the greneral prognosis here, but I would also like to add my belief that very little contribution has been made to the world by Africa, either in terms of tecnologocal advancement, or intelectual cntributions. In fact, the whole continent has always been a great drain on world resources, and continues to plod through with a subsitance mentality. Countries that have prospered in the past, and had healthy agricutural sectors have been destroyed through African greed and politics, such is the case in Zimbabwe, and South Africa is following suit, albeit at a slower pace of retardation.
I think that this negative productivity is worse than the Islamic states, who, although producing nothing, at least pay for what they use.
If a hundred years have taught the western world anything, it is that Africa is a black hole, and investing money and resources there is paramount to flushing it down the drain.
Be honest, why toil for your food when it is given to you each day without you having to raise a sweat?
@ConservativeArtist (201)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I agree with you. Africa has not contributed much either, scientifically or culturally. However, much of Africa is Muslim. (Not to blame Africa's problems all on Muslims- it is most likely coincidental here.) However, Africa is not touted as being a great culture. Nor is it a culture at all, instead, it is a geographic area, so it is a little different. Muslims are all across the globe, in a variety of geographic areas.
When the West helps Africa, it may go to autocrats instead of the poor, but at least Zimbabwe is not exporting Islamist violence to the West, as far as I know.
@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
2 Mar 07
I think when it comes to today's technology, it is not the Muslims, Buddhists or Hindus as a whole who are behind all innovations. It is dominated by the west.
Part of the west domination was of course war that was wage against other countries, and most countries like India and Sri Lanka were plundered beyond repair.
Though Japan had the ability to raise its head from the Atom bomb and India is entering into the age of technology, everyone is not able to do it.
Sometimes an overdose of religion also stands in someones path to progress. This is true in all faiths.
@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
25 Feb 07
first of all, the arab world isn't synonymous with islam. there are many christians living in the arab world, and i believe only 20% of muslims live in the arab world. the rest live in africa and across asia as well as in the West. so i dont really understand what you are asking. maybe this 20% sitting on oil hasn't done anything that you are aware of, but what about the other 80% that dont even live in the arab world. are you saying that NO muslims have done anything to contribute to the world? im not trying to start an argument, but im just trying to point out that you dont really have all your facts straight.
@ConservativeArtist (201)
• United States
25 Feb 07
You are right, the arab world is not synonymous with Islam, technically (although there are not many arabs who are NOT muslim.) Islam was founded in the middle east, and Mecca is in the middle east, so it makes sense that people in the West often think of Arabs when they think of Islam.
But, to be fair, I am including all Islamic cultures in this post, Arab or otherwise. If you can show me a cultural or scientific advance that Muslims in Indonesia or Niger have made, then I would love to know.
I would like some objective responses to this- not responses as to why they are held back, or what they have contributed to the world in the middle ages. What have they contributed now?
@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
26 Feb 07
thanks for making it more clear for me. i dont really know what to tell you. maybe all the new technology and inventions are Western creations, but that doesn't rule out the possibility that muslims in the West contributed to their creation. there is, for example, a huge population of first and second generation muslims in Western Europe. does that count?
i think muslims do contribute even now to art, music, fashion, etc. arabic and even turkish music has become extremely popular all over the world. here in europe i see many 'white' europeans wearing jewelry and scarves that originated in the middle east. in terms of culture, muslims have contributed and are still contributing a lot.
have you ever heard of muhammad yunus, the creator of the grameen bank? he started this microcredit lending bank in bangladesh which has helped millions of poor, and the bank has since spread to many other parts of the world. he recently won the nobel peace prize in 2006.
maybe one of islam's biggest contributions recently has been in the area of politics. in some ways, its been good, in others bad. but its a contribution nonetheless and has changed the way the world thinks.
you are right though. we don't know about many of muslims' current contributions, maybe because there hasn't been anything spectacular that we've seen in a while. but that doesn't necessarily mean they haven't done anything. and another thing to realize is that most of these countries are in a really poor state. when the majority of their citizens are impoverished, its kinda hard to create an outstanding invention or find a technological breakthrough.
i found this link that might be interesting: http://www.usip.org/muslimworld/projects/index.html
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@Bhutto (741)
• India
26 Feb 07
I feel pround on the part of the muslim world not to contribute any thing to the world we are backwards in science and technology i agree.You say the west,east,and europeans have contributed a lot to the world.What have you contributed hate,arms,poverty,infighting among it own people,sophicated weapons in the name of peace.You guys always feel you are superior in self look at yourself you guys are worst than animals.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
26 Feb 07
You had best take a good look over the last 30-40 years.
You want to talk about hate,arms ,poverty, and infighting? Look to the Muslims, because that is where it starts. That is the root of all modern evil.
You want to say that we are worse than animals? All anyone has to do is turn on the news any hour of the day and find that another terrorist pig has killed again. So who are you calling animals?
We ARE superior, no question of that.
You would do well to deal with Pakistan, and keep your nose out of things that you all too obviously do not understand.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
25 Feb 07
Why use the term islamic people - and then say that we shouldnt mix eligion into it. Islam is a religion!!
I can see this turning bad - The discussion I mean coz alot of people might get offended by this.
I do not know what islamic people have accived - but i also do not see what sweden has achived (my country) and a whole bunch of other countries!
@ConservativeArtist (201)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Let me clarify- I did not want theological arguments brought into this, such as "Islam has contributed to the world because it has spread, therefore giving more people the benefit of the five pillars of faith, etc." I want tangible examples, such as medicine, agricultural technology to grow more food, advancements in structural engineering, advancements in transportation, communication, or even advancements in civil-rights, etc.
Also, Sweden as a country may not have acheived much, but Western Europe has in medicine and technology and civil-rights. Similarly, Vietnam may not have achieved much, but China and Japan has (not in civil rights, but in technological innovation). Africa and South America do not sit on the wealth that the middle-east does, so where are the innovations? Surely there must be something substantive!
@ConservativeArtist (201)
• United States
25 Feb 07
That's right, we've bombed the hell out of Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Mauritania, Algeria, Oman, Yemen, Tunisia, Turkey, Djibouti, Comoros, Morocco, Libya and Iran (I don't know why not), Pakistan, Qatar, Jordan, Tajikistan, Senegal, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Mali, Niger, the Gambia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Syria (again-why not?) Bahrain, Guinea, Kuwait (we saved them), Kyrgyzstan, UAE, Albania, Lebenon, and Sudan.
All of those countries have Muslim majorities, with at least 60%. I guess America's been holding them back from their scientific progress. Good point.
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@smrohitsm (231)
• India
27 Feb 07
I dont know about any contributions of African, Arab or South East Asian Muslims. But the president of India Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam is a great scientist. He is known as the father of India's Nuclear Bomb, or simply missile man of India.
He is very secular and respects every religon. He has read everything from Kuran to Gita to Bible.
He also made signinifact contributions in Indis's space program, known to be one of the most advanced in the world.
Actually his efforts in helping to make the nuke has saved India from bullying by China.
His contribution in safety of India is simply unignorable.
@naty1941 (2336)
• United States
27 Mar 07
I went to the Los Angeles County Art Museum last week and they have a beautiful exhibition as to the art of the Islamic world. They are contributing some wonderful sculptures and paintings that most people are not aware of. If you get a chance check out their new art in the internet it is very nice.
@sada_bahar (122)
• United Arab Emirates
25 Feb 07
As for as new modern technology grouth in europe or america is concerned, if you go back to history then u will know that all this work was started by the muslims, which these countries brought forward and now advancing on their own. As for as todays islamic countries are concern then i will just laugh to ur question because whenever any muslim country start development then america and other europen countries make senctions upon him and try to push them back. the recent example is Iran is infront of. Muslim countries are not strong enough to compete the unite power of all the courope and America that is why they are so behind now a days.
@ConservativeArtist (201)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Thanks for your comment. Muslims make up a fifth of the world's population, so don't give that tired "nopt strong enough- being oppressed by America" line. Don't like America- than go to France, Russia or China! Many countries are doing this.
And yes, Muslims have contributed to Western culture 500+ years ago, much of the technology just being filtered through them from China. I acknowledged their past contributions in my original post. Why did the progress stop?
I'm glad you responded, because you must know what kind of innovations Muslims developed in the twentieth century, that other countries haven't developed first. What countries are developing new technologies or medicines, and how are they being crushed by sanctions? Are there sanctions against Saudi Arabia? What about Indonesia? Oman? UAE? Besides, what is Iran developing that is beneficial to mankind? Nuclear weapons- oh- I'm sorry- peaceful nuclear reactors (because they don't enough oil to handle their energy needs over there...)
You have just given another knee-jerk "blame the West for Islam's recent lack of achievement" response.
@Markod (23)
26 Feb 07
Interesting that the Nobel Peace prize is used as a measure of a nations contribution. Anybody that knows how the Nobel works will also know that its attainment is a highly personal achievement, not reflective of a nationality or creed, and in most cases, it is granted as an honorary prize, much like Nelson Mandella and FW de Klerk of South Africa, who were awarded the joint Nobel peace prize in 1993 for little more than being released from prison in Mandellas case, and being the jailer who released him in de Klerks case.
I fail to see how this is a national achievement.