Friend's Daughter is a stripper
By babystar1
@babystar1 (4233)
United States
February 24, 2007 5:29pm CST
Help help! I need your advice. I just found out this afternoon by a close friend of mine, that one of my other friends daughter is striping at a strip club.I was so mad and disappointed when I found this out.I just don't no what to do.I would never think she would do something like this.
What would you do if this was your friends daughter or granddaughter? Should I tell her mom? would you want to no if your daughter was stripping? or should I just not say anything?
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40 responses
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Depends on the age of the daughter.
If my daughter wanted to do that as long as she was 18 I would be thrilled and ask if I could come and check her out. They make alot of money and the clients are not allowed to touch them. It is not really as bad as most people think. If I were young and had the chest that having kids gave me I could really dance and earn the money.
It all depends on the religion etc of the family too. Best to encourage the daughter to fess up.
Good luck with this one.
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I no they can make a lot of money, but I would never want my daughter doing this kind of wotk.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Willowlady KUDOS to you!! If it was my daughter I would be anxious to see her show as well and I'd be happy for her too...LOL of course I'd also be giving her the do's and dont's of the industry etc etc...but ya at 19 yrs old if thats what she wanted to try for a little while then so be it! LOL only for a little while though ;-)
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@Lecaro (1100)
• Romania
25 Feb 07
yes i think you are right...
i never want to find out tat my future daughter makes that... i presume that she has some pocket money... but why it isn't enogh.... if it isn't enogh there are a lot of other jobs that she can do for those extra money!
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
25 Feb 07
this is a tough one. You will have to follow your heart on this one. Each situation poses its own unique challenges. People has to learn from their own mistakes. She may just be testing the world and looking for her place in it. She may quit on her own soon. I just cant imagaine why anyone would enjoy this though.
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@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Well I guess it is a free country and there is not alot you can do. If that is the life she has chosen then let her live it. I wouldn't tell her mom, only because maybe you were not supposed to find out either and it could reslut into alot of family turmoil. How awful though. Hopefully she will get out of it. I of course would want to know if my daughter was stripping, but then again I hope to have the utmost exceleent communication with my kids as they get older. Teach them that secrets are not necessary.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I would hate it too, but are you sure she doesn't know? She might know, but be acting ignorant to save being embarrassed. If you say something to her, she will no longer be able to pretend that she does not know. Does that make any sense? It would then be doubly embarrassing. Her daughter would be stripping, and her friends would all know. I would say let her keep her dignity. If she knows, and wants to talk, be the one who will listen, and not spread the info.
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
25 Feb 07
thanks for your comment, I dont think that the mother knows that she is doing this.
@linzmcwilliams (1552)
25 Feb 07
I think you are over reacting. It's her life and she should be able to do whatever she wants provided she is over 18. It seems like a fairly good way of making money and the clients aren't allowed to touch her, she's probably not in any danger. She's enjoying her body, leave her to it.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
15 Mar 07
To be honest, it is the girl's choice and as such not really any of your business. She obviously knows what she is doing and has gone into it with her eyes open. Perhaps her mum already knows and may not take kindly to you telling tales on her daughter. It is better to say nothing than risk upsetting your friend.
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@Invest_Master (282)
• India
25 Feb 07
Look you don't need to say anything to any one ...
As she have her onw life and she must have liked what she is doin ... if i owuld have been you i owuld have not said here any thing or discouraged her but would have just asked her that is she forced to do this and if yes who? and if she is doin becasue she wanted to then i owuld have said okey..
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@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
2 Mar 07
The very first thing you should do is verify the accuracy of this information, personally. If you do verify it as accurate you probably should make sure that she knows that her secret, if it is one, is safe with you. The worst thing you could do is to go off half-cocked and let her mom know. You might just find yourself in the middle of a real catfight with BOTH OF THEM COMING AFTER YOU. I guarantee that you don't want that. I have been in that position, and believe me, you don't want to be in it. Trust me on this.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
Well firstly maybe the mother already knows about this, have you asked your friend, in regards to her daughter. If this was my friend's daughter I would ask my friend does she know what her daughter was doing!! maybe your friend does not know what her daughter is doing how do you know unless you ask her. Of course you should tell her mom if you are really good friends. Yes I would want to know I maybe angry at the time but I would get over that and appreciate that I was told about this so I could stop it if I could but knowing me I would be able to stop it, I do not think that you should be quite in this matter.
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
3 Mar 07
Thanks for your comment. I am going to go and tell her mom all about it. If my daughter was doing something like this I would wantto no too.
@shortgrl23 (172)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
I think that as much as you are horrified it is not your place to tell the mom, like others have pointed out it is possible that her mom knows and isnt saying anything because it really is no ones business. but telling her could also land you in hot water concidering you are coming ot her with gossip that is about her, and if she didnt know not only is she going to hit with the news that her daughter is stripping, but she is the gossip on all her friends lips. If I were her I would be mortified to know my friends were talking about me. I think you should leave well enough alone.
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
I am sorry but you are wrong, this girl has a job. She is working to earn money, because no doubt she needs it to live. Where she works and what she does is no ones business but hers. You may not agree and you may not approve, but It is not you that is doing this. She is, If it is a good club, she is probably making good money, As to weather her family knows, do you not think that it is up to her to tell them. I do not believe that she is doing anything against the law..So feel what you feel, and believe what you believe, but do not expect others to accept you feelings and beliefs.
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@Myrrdin (3599)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
Well, don't take this the wrong way, I understand why you would be uncomfortable and such, but I really think you should stay out of it. If she is doing this she is obviously old enough to make her own decisions, and really do you think you need to tattle on her. Perhaps her mom does know.
Now I have a daughter and I personally would be horrified to learn my daughter was stripping, that being said by the time she reaches that age I would hope that I would also be able to accept it and let her make her own decisions. Of course I would want to know if she was stripping, but I wouldn't want to find out from a friend, I'd most likely be ticked off at the friend for seeing my daughter naked more then my daughter for stripping (illogical and irrational I know, but I think that's how I'd react).
I think you are in a tough spot, if you really feel you need to do something the the person you should speak to first and foremost is the daughter. Ask her if her parents know, and suggest she speak to them about it. If the place is really seedy and you think she is in actual danger then that's another matter entirely and you need to talk to the parents.
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@mikekire (146)
• Nigeria
25 Feb 07
If she is truely your friend, you should let her know. Probably she might not be aware of it. If you tell her, that would help her to rescue the situation before it is too late.Children of nowadays are like that.Again, you can go ahead and pray for her too. Prayer can do all things.
@powermoney (21)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
I think you should break the news to her gently.What if something was to ever happen,it's not the most safest place as a job,one thing could lead to another.When you tell your friend,she has to act like a friend to her daughter otherwise the daughter will rebel if she is yelled at.
Better results will come about if she sits down and discusses it in a calm matter and asks her alot of questions.The mother should point out the negative about the whole business and that money is not everything.It's also the wrong way to get self fulfillment from men.
Your friend will definatley find out someday,better sooner than later.
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@Darkwing (21583)
25 Feb 07
Have you stopped to think that your friend might already know that her daughter is stripping in a strip club, but doesn't feel she wants to share it with you?
I would leave it to the daughter to tell her mom, or you could just cause a big upset, even a split in that family. No... I don't think you should repeat anything. You don't state the age of the daughter but anyhow, she'll soon get fed up with doing this for a living, when she's got enough money to get her by, or when she finds a boyfriend who disapproves.
It's just a stage of life some kids have to go through. The glamour, the lights, the appreciation, are all drawing points, plus the money of course.
No, leave this between your friend and her daughter.
Brightest Blessings.
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
25 Feb 07
WOW! honestly how close are you to the girl stripping? I would try to talk to her and ask her why she is doing this? I think I would certainly go to the mom and tell her- She is your friend. I would want to know if it was my daughter.. Perhaps she needs money for something and this is the only way she thinks she can get it?? Maybe mom can help her.. How sad this is- I hope she soon stops.
@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I would say something because it could lead down to a bad path, how would you feel if later in life she sold her body for money?
@jennybeans (912)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Chances are her mother already knows about it, and there is really nothing you can do. Like a lot of others who've replied to this stated, the circumstances behind her decision to do something like this haven't been brought into question, only that she's doing it. Maybe it's the only way she can pay her way through college, or maybe she's really down on her luck.
I wouldn't want my daughter to do it, but then if that was what she wanted to do, and she was of consentual age, I wouldn't stand in her way.
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