Fond memories of childhood
@joey_matthews (8354)
February 24, 2007 7:55pm CST
I was thinking earlier about fond times I've come to remember from my childhood. often I think back at these times and fondly remember how I felt then, which is quite different from now.
Care to share some of your fond memories of your childhood?
Here's Mine.
Once every year my grandfather would drive my brother and I up to Blackpool, I used to love when we'd go and I often didn't make the most of the time or I took moments for granted. (as most children do) although I often think back at walking around the pleasure beach funfair and going on the rides, racing my brother and silly things like that. I'd give anything to re-life these moments again =)
Another one would be a time we went to visit my aunties grave. Most would be sad, although I liked visiting and away from that we'd have a laugh as it was funny watching my grandmother moan about it being cold and things like that even though she was wrapped up. It was nice visiting the grave every once in awhile and pay respects.
I could probably think of other fun times but these are the two I've thought about recently.
Care to share your own?
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25 responses
@moumitamazumder (817)
• India
25 Feb 07
Childhood memories are always sweet as Sugar to me. They were the finest days of my life, and whatever happiness and joy I get in my life ahead, nothing will compensate for the lost days of my cute and rocking childhood days.
I remember spreading paddy and corn for the birds at dawn with my grandmother. They were the days when I started loving the world at dawn, and I started to love the birds, when they chirped with glory, while eating those paddy and corn.
I remember going for short adventures with my friends at evenings, at the age of 6. We explored every corner of our neighbourhood, and we enjoyed turning every grass and brick, to find more and more excitement.
At Durga puja, I remember going to puja pandals with my Uncle, and at Holi, we used to play with all the colours, and after a 3-4 hours play, we were coated with colour throughout. Then it was hard to find who was who. Lovely were those days, and priceless too.
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@kagandahan (1327)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
i am very thankful to my parents that i got to really enjoy my childhood.i can still remember i would always wake up ecxited to get my bike and go to my neighbor's house who became my best friend.we would go biking,play almost all the street games:hide and go seek,making sand castles(that time,there is a construction ongoing so we would play near the construction site.)i would also have sleepovers and we would climb trees and get friuts.i am glad my parent would let me enjoy these moments.they were never strict to me and so i make it a point not to make them mad so i could always go to my friends' place.
i also remember every vacation,we would go to ilocos,spend all day at the beach then after swimming at the beach,we would go to baguio and visit Philippine Military Academy since my father is a military man.
there are sooo many fond memories i would like to share but i want to give the stage to other mylotians out there.:)
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
1 Mar 07
One of my fondest memories was on a Saturday when mum would take me down to see nan, she lived in Kent and it was an adventure just getting on the train with mum and looking at the countryside whizzing by, seeing all the different station names and as a child I loved trains. Then I would have nan's home made cakes waiting for me! Grandad would cook me dinner and then later we would play cards together. Sadly they have both gone now, and I still miss them but I still have my memories and they are very clear in my head.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
Every time I got together with my Morfar (Danish for Mom's Dad) he always had chocolate for me, or some other sweet treat. Come to think of it, I'm 25, and he still does that. When he knows I'm coming, he makes sure to have chocolate in the house!
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@rosie_123 (6113)
25 Feb 07
Well, this is a lovely topic Joey. I have been thinking of some of mine, and I uess a couple come to mind.
1. My Dad teaching my swimming! I was not a particularly "sporty" child, but I did love splashing about in the water, and swimming, and my Dad was endlessly patient. I had a pair of "water wings", and a rubber ring, and he would take me down to the Lido in the nearby River (Thames) in the days when it was much nicer, and cleaner than today in the Summer evenings, and down to Brighton at weekends. We would be in that water for hours (until my Mum told him to stop in case I got too tired), but as soon as he bought me out of the water, I would clamour to go back again!!
2. Guess lots of people will say this, but I have such fond emmories of Christmas. Not the actual day itself, but the preparations, and in particular, decorating the huge, real tree we used to have. I was allowed to decorate it from as far back as I remember, even if it meant that my Dad had to hold me in his arms to reach the top branches, while my Mum handed the decorations up to me!!! They used to play this really old 65's record which started "There once was a tree, a beautiful tree that lived in fairy land!", and I can still sing it now! And my Mum would also sing all these old Russian folk songs!
Thanks for giving me a chance to reminisce.
@24tulips (16)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
The one I thought of right away was this: When I was small I went outside in the summer and filled a bag full of ladybugs (there were a lot for some reason) I loved ladybus so much. I remember wearing a yellow dress and they were all over me too! I bought them inside and opened the bag and then they were everywhere in the home for months! lol!
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
25 Feb 07
When I think of childhood and the town I grew up in, the thing I remember most are the smells. I know that seems odd but I get maudlin every time I smell honey suckle or hedgerow or new mown grass. For some reason, those smells don't seem to be around so much anymore.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I have a couple of great childhood memories. I remember when I was in first grade and learning to read, my father worked two jobs. He worked one job monday-friday and the other job on weekends. He told the weekend folks that he had to get off by noon because Sat afternoons was library day! This was before the days of branch libraries all over town. There was one large library in our downtown area. He would come home,get me and we went to the big library downtown. We went to the cold, dark basement of the library (where they had the children's section) and he and I would sit in a comfortable chair and he would let me 'read to him.' We would stay there for several hours reading children's books. My other favorite memory involved my mother. She would let me take one of her dishpans outside on the patio. I would get all the dishes from my teaset and I would 'wash the dishes' for hours. She let me have all the water and dishliquid soap that I wanted. Strange how certain things stick in your memory like that huh? Oddly enough, of all the household chores, I don't mind washing dishes as bad as the other chores! Thanks for a great discussion and trip down memory lane!
@ShadyGrove (996)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I think I remember times when I was a little girl and our family would go to the beach and spend the whole day there; times when we'd travel from Florida up to Michigan to visit and stay with relatives and I'd see family I ususally didn't see but once a year; times when I'd just spend the day riding my bike and playing in the yard with dogs - no stress or pressure to do anything but play and have fun. Time in the kitchen with my mom baking bread or cookies; Times of Christmas morning waking up to finding Santa had come, and there are just so many little memories . . . Thanks for bringing up some forgotten times! Judy
@llabteksab73 (800)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I remember just hanging out with friends with no worries. Aaaah Those were the days. THANKS!
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
25 Feb 07
One of the best memories I have from my childhood has to be the 4th of July almost every year up until I was about 13.
Each year my parents and my little brother would get together with some of my parents friends and their kids. 2 other families, same people every year. We'd all meet at someones house pack up a ton of stuff and the head out to this great beach along Lake Michigan. We'd spend the entire day from morning until early evening out there running around the beach making sand castles swimming and buring each other, sometimes even our parents in the sand. When the sun started to go down and the sand cooled off enough so wedidn't burnour feet we would all walk to this awesome spot that was just a bunch of huge sand dunes for as far as it seemed you could see. We'd all be sliding down them, rolling down them etc. When it actually started to get dark we'd all pack up the cars and head to one of the houses and have a big bonfire with hotdogs and 'smores. We'd light sparklers and bottlerockets and watch the other fireworks in the neighborhood until late.
@kmdvmd (357)
• India
25 Feb 07
When i was a child i use to play somany things outside the house.we were playing hide and sick, running race,khokho,foot ball,icepice,even we were playing marbles, school vacation we were visiting our villege,there we were working learning farming and cattle rearing,we were meeting villege people and singing and dancing and helping them in their rural problems like electricity and transpotation.when ever we get time from studies we wear learing painting,sweing,cooking,classical music etc.Those were the days my friends with sing and dance for ever everyday.those golden days i would never forget my childhood.
@chaptermm (730)
• United States
25 Feb 07
something nice coming up again ! i miss my childhood very mcuh
@zainogenius (289)
• Pakistan
25 Feb 07
well it is quite a lot more fun being a kid then to think about memories i have a loaded truck of them child hood is so much more then what we think of it.........
i went to my cousin s house during summer holidays and we played all week without going to bed and hd so mus\ch un beatable fun!!
u wont even belive it!!
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
Definitely when we'd go to visit my Grandfather every Monday night.
It was a weekly ritual, more so when he moved into his own little flat in sheltered housing. He always bought a pack of fairy cakes for me and my sister, and he'd hide the pack and then tell us to go find it. We once found it hidden in his bed covers after my sister had sat on them. She pulled the pack out and all the cakes were squished to smithereens. oh how we laughed!
Another one would be when Dad and Mom took us to Bridlington for the day on the East Coast. They took us to the fairground where my sister and I begged to go on the Ghost Train. Dad told us we'd be scared - being kids we pooh poohed that idea. So, on we got and mom positioned herself at the exit where the little cars come back out with her camera. The photo shows two terrified little girls sobbing with their hands over their eyes LOL.
@nil_secl (33)
• India
25 Feb 07
I was running after a kite, with all others. As it is too regular that kites do not follow a smooth landing,the whole flock was behind it eyes upwards,running full steam.That was a blind lane,invariably the trecherous kite crossed over.The whole flock was facing a wall. suddenly without stopping,we stopped our momentum over the wall, and it collapsed. We got the kite, but thrashing also from parents. Now, whenever i go down the memory lane, the incidence invariably haunts me how we all escaped from major injuries!