I hate Love...
By unpretty14
@unpretty14 (63)
February 25, 2007 7:28am CST
Have you ever been inlove?
Horrible isn't it?
It makes you vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...
You give them a piece of you. They don't ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kissyou, or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore.
Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like "maybe we should just be friends" or "how very perceptive" turns into a glass spliter working its way to your heart.
It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets inside you and rips you apart pain. Nothing should be able to do that.
Especially not love.
I hate love.
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51 responses
@capnsamuel (32)
• United States
25 Feb 07
EXCUSE ME! I ran across your site this morning, the absolute first thing I noticed was your picture, then your beauty, then your name,"UNPRETTY14", I would like to make some comments about you, your site, and your discussions, if I may
The absolute first thing you need to do, and it is imperative, is to go in and change your name, this one denotes a bald faced lie, your aren't unpretty, actually you are a real doll-baby to look upon. Change your name = feel better = others look at you differently.YOU ARE A VERY PRETTY LADY
As for getting a star rating, you have all it takes
As far having a chair pulled out for you, and do men do that anymore, they don't, thats your fault, you must demand respect before you will get it in this day and time. When you go on a date, if the guy gets in the car and leaves the door for you to open on your own, DON'T do it, stand there, if he doesn't get out and open the door, go back in the house, you don't want to go out with him anyway.
Same thing at restaurants, if he goes in instead of opening the door for you, embarress him by standing at the door until he does come and hold it for you, then the chair thing, same thing, if he sits first, stand and make a fool of him for being so ungentlemanly.
To be treated in this world today, like a lady, a lady must demand it, it's hard the first time, however as the man said,"just begin, just start something, beginning has genius and boldness it it"
Once you do the above one time to one guy, you will be amazed at how your mind and body just start having that aura about you, you will cast that "I am a Lady" appearence outward, and the more you do it, the more of it you will receive of it
Hope I didn't come across to strong, I just hate to see attractive women feeling bad about themselves
@capnsamuel (32)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Just one more thing pretty lady, a question really
two women walk up to a door, any door, one is a woman, the other is a lady
How does the woman open the door?
with her hand
How does the lady open the door?
with a smile
@bloodysmashing (14)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
for someone very unlucky in love, sometimes i feel that too. i look at it as a tumor. it starts as something small and insignificant... and then it grows and grows and it eats you up alive, until you can no longer be cured and you find yourself dying in pain
@unpretty14 (63)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
sometimes we tend to hate love because of the pain it brings us. after the bliss it gave us suddenly... ouch.. oh well..
@tanveerquazi (77)
• India
26 Feb 07
but i love love....i m in love.i can understand u.
u cant blam to other it is ur mistek.......why u trust on any one.
i will prey for u from Allah.
@jyothimc (40)
• India
26 Feb 07
I don't hate love but I completely agree with you!! I feel the same way time and again. :( I hate the way my heart skips a beat with a bit of attention and the way it feels down in the dumps when I get no attention at all... I hate the way I plead for attention and company and time, etc... Sometimes, he gives without my asking.... makes me feel on cloud number 9... Love does make you feel vulnerable but it also makes you feel beautiful and cherished.. But it causes a lot of anxiety and pain which I definitely can do without.. I am trying hard to fall out of love and live my life...
@La_Bella_Vita (598)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I understand where you are coming from and I have felt that way many times in my life. However, if and when you find the right one love can be the greatest thing in the world. Suddenly all of those heartaches don't seem to matter anymore because the pain you once felt is negated by the immense happiness you experience from love.
I have felt happy and sad from love and I know that as long as I'm alive I will experience both the pain and pleasure of love.
I'm just hoping one day I will find the right one and love will be my eternal joy and not my pain.
But I don't think you should hate love, I think you should just try to let go of the bad and leave space for the new. Because often it is when you aren't looking and on the verge of giving up when the best thing you could have ever hoped for comes along,
Michael H.
@desimanero (419)
• United States
1 Mar 07
imagine being with someone for 7 yrs and sharing a child together.Throughout the 7 yrs you talk about the future and how you wanna be together forever.....AND THEN HE RUINS EVERYTHING WITH ONE STUPID DECISION!!Not even a day after picking out engagment rings...verythings lost.Thats my life.I gave my life to this guy and i know he loves me.He is just all screwed up in the head and now i have to start all over and i dont want to.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
26 Feb 07
May be you have a very bad experience. But you are right in one respect. it really hurts when the person once told you he/she loves you, ditches you. Or may start avoiding you like anything. If you conssider, its not only love, even you feel equally bad when say your best friend ditches you or break all contacts with you. But there are lucky few who have got good luck and they find it very soothing.
@vampirestonez (1181)
• Pakistan
26 Feb 07
yeah I have been in love, after my 3 break ups I have decided that I am not going to go near it for a long time. It creates pain so tense and yet so unspeakable that one cannot put it in words. Love indeed is a beautifull rose but many fail to see the throns sticking out under it and once you get stung, it etches a mark in your heart for the rest of your life. You move on but still somewhere deep within you there is still remorse and regret.
@xanjvill (88)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
I understand how you feel and what you mean but I see broken hearts as something that I have to get through for me to be perfect for that person meant for me. The same goes with my future partner in life, he too goes through heartbreaks inorder to be perfect for me. LOL. Seriously, we hurt because we love too much. And sometimes, we hurt to know that we are loving. And when love fails, we just have to learn from our mistakes so that we will not commit the same mistakes again. I still believe in the saying that it is better to love than not love at all.
@hinocki (670)
• Italy
26 Feb 07
Some things you wrote are correct, and I think a lot of things you wrote, but try stoppig your life for a moment and thin about love. Love give to you the best thing we can have from our life. The importance a persone give to your life when loving you isn't comparable with no others things in the whole world.
Love is the engine of the life.
@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
26 Feb 07
True love is a wonderful thing! I think when you have found that one and only, the vulnerability lessens because you know you are loved back . However, when that love is one sided, it can leave you wide open for getting hurt. I can't imagine my life without that true love I have found.
These three things remain, Faith, Hope and Love and the greatest of these is Love
@carlysle (271)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
hhhmmm.. i think at some point in our lives we experience gettting hurt because of love... but after the hurt passes we usually look back to the person as someone that we once really like and maybe love... but for me i can never blame love for hurting me... because its not love that is hurting us... its the person who we love who hurts us... true love never hurts.. it never should.. i may sound such an optimist and corny but i have my moments of being cynical especially about life and love.. :) i heard one person in tv once said that if you are afraid to sound corny then you have no business in falling in love... or something like that.. :)
@silentwill (1685)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
I love to love. That's me. Love is a great feeling. Yeah I know sometimes if it doesn't work it hurts a lot, but when it does, it's all worth the pain.
@chechemdcm (47)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
it is very sad that you have that feeling about love. You must remember that we all live by God's Love. Love completes you. If you are being hurt by someone. you just have to let go. Loving is sometimes letting go, instead of holding on.
@jescapades (2)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
it's really a fact that once you love, you're prepared for anything to happen.. its a matter of commitment thus its up to you to make it work.. eventually in life there are people who'd try to hurt you.. but you should make sure to decide whose worth the pain..
@raimavillanueva (37)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
"I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love" ~Mother Theresa~
@kathykats2003 (67)
• Singapore
26 Feb 07
I don't hate love. Although I've been broken hearted for several times, I am still optimistic. Love is not at all bad! It also gives us feelings which once in a while, when everything got over, would still make us smile. I still believe in the word love because I can see it surrounding me. Maybe I am not fortunate enough to have a good ending but people around me still says that love is real and that love is true.