Iran is an ally, not an enemy, so let them nuke the Saudis for us!
@Radicalpatriot (665)
United States
February 25, 2007 1:36pm CST
We've got it all wrong. We, the United States, have pretty much wiped out two of Iran's most brutal enemies -- Saddam and the Taliban -- in the wake of 9/11. Instead of taking issue with Iran on nuclear weapons, we should take the high road and let it happen. Sure, the Iranian president has already threatened Israel, promising to wipe the nation "off the face of the earth," but we can guard from that, and Israel has its own nukes, anyway, so the Iranians wouldn't dare. Secondly, Iran is almost all Shiite, blood enemies of the Sunnis. Saudi Arabia is all Sunni, blood enemies of the Shiites. Now, let's just get Iran and Saudi Arabia together and see what happens! Iran is using the U.S. and Israel as straw men to buy time to complete its nuke arsenal and missiles. The real target should be Saudi Arabia, and it will be. So, leave the Iranians alone. They will take care of the problem for us. Most of the young Iranians love and admire the United States. They are on our side!
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27 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Irregardless of what the Iranian people in general think of the US, the Iranian Government has declared itself as an enemy.
This is not to be taken lightly and it cannot be ignored.
Nor can Iran be allowed to develop it's nuclear capabilities into weapons.
The possibility and likelihood of those weapons being supplied by Iran to terrorist groups is far to high to risk.
Although the people of any given country are pretty much the same all over the world, when you add governments and religious extremists to the mix, things change dramatically.
@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Iran is a huge, stable, affluent country, with a whippersnapper president who knows how to confuse people. The Iranians already have nuclear capability. Even Israeli air strikes cannot stop it. If the Israelis attack, the Iranians can respond from Lebanon since Israel failed to defeated or even disarm Hezbollah, Iran's major ally in Lebanon. Best to let Ahmadinejad continue to rattle his sabres. Trust me: Iran will never give any nukes to idiot terror groups. There is too much that the terrorists can screw up, and not favor Iran. Ahmadinejad is a brillaint strategist and politician, and I'm telling you his actual target is the Sunni tribe.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
26 Feb 07
This is the same idiot that recently held a conference claiming the holocaust never happened. He is so far deluded out of his mind that it isn't even funny.
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@CarlyLaine (759)
• United States
26 Feb 07
No word exists as IRREGARDLESS, but what you wrote was succinct, profound, and-in my estimation true.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
I think that you are very wrong about this...
The main reason for the US to put Saddam Hussein in place was to prevent Iran to invade Iraq.
It was for the same reason that they did not remove Saddam Hussein in 1991 when they had the opportunity.
The minute we remove all our troops from Iraq, Iran will march in. They will take Iraq and Afganisthan and more...
And this is not all. All the Sunnis will be massacred and exterminated... which create a humanitary problem which cannot be ignore.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
You are either very stupid Radicalpatriot... or you are using reverse psychology. I think it is the latter...
Since when Saudi Arabia has become our ennemy...
We used Saudi Arabia as our base in 1991...
Iran will not be allowed to develop a nuclear bomb... period.
There is something that I very much like about Israel... While American, English and Australian are p.ssy footing with political correctness... Israel will do what's need to be done when the time comes. The West has turned into a bunch of sissies... Israel is the only one capable to maintain law and order in the Middle East. All the West does is whinging. Israel never whinges. It takes care of business.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Iran doesn't control Iraq yet, but if we leave I have no doubt that they will try.
You have far too much faith in a country that has already acted in an aggressive manner towards us. You need to look back over the last 30-40 years, and you will see the pattern of behavior that began in the mid '70's toward America.
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Iran already controls Iraq. We made that possible by first relieving Saddam of his presidency, then his life. Before that, we delighted the Iranians to no end by blowing the Taliban out of Afghanistan, the Taliban being close allies to the Sunnis. Iran is in the catbird seat. They can develop nukes with impunity. They will feign interest toward nuking the Israelis -- then suddenly turn on the real enemy of Iran, the Sunnis in Saudi Arabia. All the rest is window dressing.

@smuggeridge (2148)
25 Feb 07
just let a psycopathic maniac develop a nuclear bomb, yeah that sounds like a good idea. While were at it why don't we just give North Korea the technology to fire a missile around the world, and give the taleban a buch of weapons. I would like to try and avoid a country like Iran ever having the capability to unleash a nuclear bomb because they probably are stupid enough to set off a nuke on a major US city or two. OK Iran would be destroyed afterwards but do you really wish to endanger the lives of millions of people just because its the easiest option?
They need to be tougher with Iran by doing no trade whatsoever and not letting any Iranians into our countries, this would make them start to talk eventually
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@deladieri (170)
• Indonesia
26 Feb 07
the one that acting stupid all of the time is the one who invade Afghan and Iran.
They do stupid act like torturing, carpet bombing, napalm bombing, raping, abandoned by the 10 country in the so called "coalition of willing"
The US bomb two country, and you expect the Iran not to make a nuclear bomb ?
And they also lying to world and the US people, but in every country, there will always some stupid ignorant
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Ahmadinejad is neither psychotic nor a maniac, and he secretly likes the U.S. He's playing up the Israel end of the Islamic argument for domestic consumption (the brutal imams that control Iran) while all the time sizing up Iran's real enemy, Saudi Arabia, in that part of the world. Smart guy, this Ahmadinejad.
@azriel (2107)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
"Ahmadinejad is neither psychotic nor a maniac, and he secretly likes the U.S." - And what is the basis of that assumption? Just because he (Ahmadinejad) bashed Israel and not America doesn't make him like the U.S. He's just not stupid to enough to give the U.S. a reason to openly attack them, thus he refrains from hurling words against the U.S.
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@Bhutto (741)
• India
26 Feb 07
You are an American and white and you have your Own ways of wiping out developing countries and the muslim world.Why dont you Americans tell isreal to stop their nuclear enrichment and why is that only Muslim countries should stop nuclear enrichment why not christian countries.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
Yes it does answer Buttho's question...
Why does the Middle East needs a nuclear bomb in the first place... if not to attack us with it...
You don't need it to protect yourself... because if we wanted to wipe you out... we would already have done it a long time ago.
So it is very simple... You try anything... and you die...
And be assured that dying for your country will not take you to paradise. Your people are brainwashing you in order to use you. The term "use" in your case... is your life.
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Careful. I don't believe white people executed the 9/11 attacks. Whenever any nation or group of people attacks America, they will pay a thousandfold. Ask Germany. Ask Japan. And soon ... you will have to ask the entire Middle East.

@Randync (544)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Our best hope is for the young Irianians that like us, will overthrow the old style government. Modern things like TV,Radio and the internet will be the downfall of old style oppresive governments. I am sure they try to keep the young people from being exposed to Western Ideas for that reason.
As far as Iran's nukes, we won't let them get much farther. Isreal or the United States will deliver air strikes and take it out. We can't afford for nukes to be flying around all that oil.
Iran is claiming the United States is in no shape to fight them. That is Bull. Our air force alone could wipe out a major part of their military. Sure we would then bog down in fighting like we are in Iraq. But we are already fighting Iran there anyway.
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@shay3434 (881)
• Israel
26 Feb 07
Sorry, but are you Iranian? it's sound you really do.
Iran is a big enemy to Israel, US, and the whole world.
Thie crzy president Ahmadinjad has already threatened Israel and other countries and he is also a Holocaust deniar.
Iran is now the biggest threaten in the world. When the will get their nuclear weapon the worl will be in a serious danger!
The world must stop Iran right now before they will "wipe Israel off the map" and will make big damage.
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
26 Feb 07
Such an innocent face, yet such a cynical outlook! You are, however, very correct about the fact that Iran is a very misunderstood country, where western governments like to portray it as it was under Khomeini, and not as it is today.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Yes, the US must have misunderstand when Khomeini held US hostages for over 3 years. Does the "Iran Hostage Crisis" ring a bell? *rolls eyes*
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I apologize if I misread what you wrote. BTW, I don't dispute what you said. I was ignorant of what our presidents and government has done. There used to be a time when I did believe blindly, but not anymore. I know what you said is true, there have been scandals with the US providing weapons to different factions. The US government have been involved in hiding nazi war criminals, too. I'm not proud of what the government has done on some fronts. Don't get me wrong. I'm learning. :-)
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
27 Feb 07
BTW, that's why I am no longer Republican. I don't recognize the party anymore. Things really aren't like they used to be here.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
I do not understand why you believe that Iran is an ally, when it is trying to become an enemy of not only the United States but anyone that wants to be an alley of America. I am also sure most of the middle east should remember what Israel did in 1967 to those that would not behave and leave them alone. But I do agree with you that Saudi Arabia is the main one causing all of these problems.

@masoud02 (176)
• Oman
27 Feb 07
Me being Arab and Muslim i feel sad to hear someone suggesting that Israel did a world favour by blasting Arabs off during 1967 Israel/Arab war!If it was not for the help of USA,Israel would have lost that war, not also to mention the circumstances which led to Egypt's defeat which were arranged by again USA....the betrayal of Egyptian army general!
What i fail to understand is why USA is always the protector of israel? What does USA get in return?Funny also is USA is in need of Middle East oil but the same time hates the very owners of that oil,Arabs!It's like someone eats and spits on the same plate same time!!!!
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@nrnotrare (631)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Hello Radicalpatriot......
Since joining mylot I have read many of your discussions and have aggreed with just about everything you've written. However, I think this time you must have eaten something like some bad mushrooms or something because you are definately wrong on this.
Saudi Arabia is our ally !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahmadinejad secretly likes the US ?????????????????????
What information do you base this on ??????????????????
Sorry, but you've got it wrong this time.
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@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
3 Mar 07
If Saudi Arabia is an "ally," then why did 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers come from that country? They like us only because we shovel oil money their way. Otherwise, they are the enemy. Osama bin Laden is from a big Saudi construction family. Yep, Iran loves us because we wiped out their two biggest enemies, the Taliban and Saddam. Everything else is window dressing.
@raducln (74)
• Romania
26 Feb 07
It's not about allies or enemies, it's about people's lives. I think you don't know what devastating effect the radiations have on humans. If Iran would launch a nuclear missle, the effects of the explosion in the Saudi Arabia would be also felt in the U.S. and all around the world because nuclear radiatons get carried by the wind. That would cause thousands of deaths now and also in the future, because cancer and other diseases caused by radiations would spread all around the world.
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@deladieri (170)
• Indonesia
26 Feb 07
WOW, so its true then !!!!
according to Christen Science Monitor Survei, the americans are more approving terrorist attack against civilian than any moslem country (except nigeria)
@lazywalt99 (177)
• United States
26 Feb 07
"Commentary Opinion"
Those are the keywords. These are NOT facts, these are OPINIONS. Differentiate the two, get a clue, and come back to participate in this discussion when you're not ignorant in regard to the subject matter.
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@d4deepaksurya (72)
• India
26 Feb 07
may be you are thinking in a wrong perspective...
who is america in deciding iraq and iran (rest of countries) fate
why is america doing the work of dictatorship..
seee the problem is americans want the entire world under their knees..
y???america is having well lots of nukes...then according to it own rules...wat should it do???
thats the problem of americans..they think they r superior among the human race....
@Radicalpatriot (665)
• United States
3 Mar 07
American has very little of the world under its knees. The EU dominates Europe and has shut out the U.S. with the Euro. China is surging past everyone, despite the stock-market problem this past week. Nukes are a liability because the U.S. can never use them. However, Iran, Al-Quaeda, Isreal, Pakistan and Indiana aree all nuke-loaded as is China. Maybe they can all take out each other and leave us out of it.
@Adrenochrome (1653)
28 Feb 07
I went to Oxford (where America sends its Rgodes scholars), and the reason that George is so wrapped up in Iran, is because, as correctly stated by 'radical', he has taken out Irans two main enemies - Taleban & Saddam - and Iran has never before held so much power within the Middle East, as it now does, directly as a consequence of George's short-sighted foreign policy. This situation was predicted by a large number of political pundits, as was the civil war in Iraq, the increased threat of terrorism, with Iraq the 'cause celebre' of Islamic terrorist recruitment, but George thought he knew better. Many students at your ivy league universities are there due to money and political influence, not due to their intelligence nor their academic prowess, although, conversely, some of the greatest minds in America ub shoulders with them. It isn't the education, it's how you use it!
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@bigedshult1 (1613)
• United States
27 Feb 07
you have some good point we shoud have the saui do the fight in so we dont have to I think we did the wright think going over this and fighting but now the tome for us to start to let them do more of it but keep some troop over thier to help themont when ti is nead
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@braveheartpt (3037)
• Portugal
26 Feb 07
You Americans sometimes talk to much, stop spreading wars and start to look inside your country, believe me nobody wins with war, not you, not Saudi Arabia not Iran, and believe me to the young Iranians first like you love their country and then other one, so let´s make peace and spread the PEACE word and not the war.
@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
26 Feb 07
the taliban have not been wiped out. they aren't the rulers of afghanistan any more in the official sense, but they are very much alive and active in many parts of afghanistan, particularly the south. and in these areas, the taliban still have immense power, even moreso than the current afghan government.
i dont think anyone should be nuked. i dont even understand how you can post such a discussion like this. the saudi government might be crap, but that doesnt mean all saudis are, so what good would nuking the entire country do? maybe if the US stopped being such good friends with the saudi government, then there wouldn't be such a big problem.
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@green_lightning (130)
• United States
26 Feb 07
what r u talking about, its not only iran we have to think about but also Venezuela b/c iran and venezuela are allies so we have to take that into account and not only that but also how many other allies does iran have??? i mean you just cant let those to go at it, and Israel well come on the US gives the most money to Israel so there pretty much are strongest ally along side the UK. sooooo yeah that cant happen
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