heaven or hell
By adidas7878
@adidas7878 (1891)
United States
February 25, 2007 7:51pm CST
i am still in the confuse part on how god work, i was just wondering everyone say and think Sadam is a bad person because what he did over in iraq, now he is death where will he go? what if he believe in god and ask him to forgive his sin would he goes to heaven? or is all his sin too much to be forgive him and end up in hell? could anyone out there explain this to me? what do you think?
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22 responses
@123456_ (1052)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
we can never tell if sadam went to hell or heaven. that is because we can never judge his inner relationship with God. who knows before he was executes he was able to ask forgiveness from his sins. we really cant tell only God can read if our hearts are pure
@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
27 Feb 07
that is true, but where he goes i hope they find justice that is all, and i hope there is justice and to be serve
@phon4u (2215)
• Laos
28 Feb 07
I have heard from the medium that we all have the same path to the heaven for any religion. It is very hard to go up there, nothing rough, it is really smooth. If there is no sin, we will be able to rise up from the ground to the heaven. I think Saddam would have met the judge underground.
His spirit would have a long talk down there.
@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
1 Mar 07
yea we wont know it till that actually happend so who know where he is going.
@priya123s (320)
• India
28 Feb 07
even god works on humanity principles only so if any is against humanity he will face the hell aor punishment.
@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
really? i do not know that one so he will go to hell no matter what even if he asked for forgivenss?
@CFREvilMistress (213)
• United States
26 Feb 07
see this is hard.. they have different religions over there..
religion is a hard thing. i on the other hand don't believe in it as of one god and one devil.. i don't believe in good and evil.. i don't believe a old story book rules my life with everything i do.. yet i still am a good person.. i believe in karma what comes around goes around so to say. i don't believe you go to heaven or hell, yet you walk the plains to find who you are. then your karma will take you to the next level of who you are going to become again.
@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
does it really matter what religions? there is no proof that the god he worship is not the same one we are, even though they have different imagine of god, but who ever really know what god looks like? so everyone could worship the same god right?
@PhotographerK (25)
• United States
26 Feb 07
God will forgive anyone if they are sincere and honestly mean it, but i personally believ Sadam will burn in hell for the millions of people he killed: he deserves it.
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@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
he killed that many people? i didnt think that he come close to that, maybe i am wrong, but who knows what happend to him excpet god i guess.
@ringsofterror (10)
• United States
26 Feb 07
We will never now until we get to heaven were he went but if he asked god for true forgiveness he might of been able to go to heaven but noone can tell you if he went to heaven or hell.
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@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
yea that is true, we will know once we get there, but than if he is there, than there is nothing really we can do about it if god forgive him.
@chimex4real2k2 (1853)
• Nigeria
26 Feb 07
my belief, in the Bible, and Jesus as the Savior, the way into heaven, and taken the given fact you probably have heard of him (if not, its a diffrent story), and have chosen not to believe, would mean you would be bound for hell. However, I like to think, with no scriptural refrence here, maybe God would let people in for their works, and until we actually DIE, we cant know for sure
@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
that is true, but still what would happend to someone as evil as many claim him to be, would god willing to forget him or any other person like him?
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
What makes you confused when Saddam was so evil, to his own people and the other innocent people that he murdered, I do not understand why you are confused, in regards to Saddam. And it was not only in Iraq what he did he ordered the killing of other innocent people in other countries as well. Saddam would go straight to hell where he belongs as his sin is too huge to forgive him for his crimes.
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@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
i am not confused about saddam i am confused on the fact that if infact that god forgive him and let him into heaven for all the sin that he done vs people who been good with sin nothing compare to saddam yet never heard of him and go to hell. so if that is true, than that is so unfair.
@d4deepaksurya (72)
• India
26 Feb 07
i really feel bad about saddam being hANged...
even if he is bad enough but \in between who is america in punishing him..if really god is ther..then he will take care of it...right..then wat this america is doing in between...thats really hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
i never agree on bush being president the first time, i never agree when people elected him again the second time, and the war is just as bad as what sadam did, yes he is a bad person, why cant we get all the leader all over the world to confront him and than arrest him instan of going to world. the only real reason i think bush want is the oil. sad but true.
@aRiSdGrEaT (621)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
I am not sure if where he will goes. It depends on his religion... I think he is an islam who definitely do not believe in such HELL.. Whatever, he was once a good leader to iraq...
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@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
really you think he was a good leader in iraq huh? maybe he was to some people i am not suprise by that, but there is tons of people who disagree i guess god will figure that out.
@blugem (30)
• Malaysia
26 Feb 07
i believe this is something for the late saddam to deal with GOD.. we can't really tell wheter that person is good or bad based on what we hear about them.. and we don't know the real late Saddam.. so it is not my decision or place to say about it.. just let GOD decide about it ^^
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@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
yea i guess that is only thing that we can do, whatever decidsion he made if we ever find out, we will have to resepct it.
@snaglpus (17)
26 Feb 07
saddam haddam has joined adolph hootler,,err, pardon me,hitler,in the realm of the creator where hitler flies through the cosmos about one foot tall under a hat too big for him,his feet oversize,confined forever to his own hate energy field, still ranting about the jews who are everywhere singing bruckner symphonies,flamenco & melodies by bruch,,,,,,,not a bad life,,all ya do fer eternity is doff yer sombrero,or yarmulca when the creator zooms by every now & agin.saddam has to experience the convulsions of his thousands of innocent victims from being gassed ,shot,poisoned,tortured,,,,,,,,, perhaps it will occur to these buzzards to feel contrition,,,at which point the creator might admit them,,,,,I dunno,,,,,maybe
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@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
maybe, but if he ask for god's forgiveness he may go to heaven we dont know that till we go up to god when we die i guess.
@saadsiddiqui87 (10)
• Pakistan
26 Feb 07
My dear friend the thing is that , we dun know that wat the media says is right or wrong but the fact is if he had done sumthing wrong then its upto GOD to decide that whether he shud be punished or forgiven so its not for us to decide its only GOD who will decide!!!
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@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
i guess you are right, we will never know, the only way we find out is when we do die and go up there to heaven to report. we will know than.
@sonny_eksmud (11)
• Indonesia
26 Feb 07
God work very complicated..but the decission about u'r live belong to u.If u apologize be4 you die,u'll be apologized.Heaven or hell,only God know
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@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
true, but that question is about saddam at this point, rather he be allow to be in heaven or too much sin that he has to go to hell
@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
but the question was about sadam, i know that i am in god's hand and i do believe in him. but i was wondering what would have happend to him.
@carlysle (271)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
honestly.. for me.. we will never know where he is now.. wether heaven or hell.. but one thing i know is that God is a forgiving God. If we believe in Him he will be with you. and if you ask for forgiveness for the sins you've committed he'll forgive you.. if you ask him to be in your life then he will be.. but then its up to you to be good in His eyes..
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@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
but let say god is a like a parent to us, if he see what sadam did , would he still open his arms for him or will he turn his back on him, maybe i am wrong, maybe he is that forgiveful of what people done, as long they believe in him and trueful about it
@lissienpaul (478)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
Remember that only God knows the heart. We never know what Saddam uttered during the time hes dying. Remember the thieves on the cross? God knows who is sincerely sorry or who is just afraid to go to hell.
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@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
yea that is true, but let say he pray to god every day and we dont know about it, so maybe he does end up there with god who knows
@fasoftian9646 (17)
• Pakistan
26 Feb 07
God is very kind. you ca not decide where he will go. God will forgive ot not. there is Heaven and Hell just like there is evil and good. i believe God give us all that what we deserve in this life only. if you did bad deed in your earlier life you have to suffer for that in your life later.
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@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
true, but what happend if he end up in heaven would that be fair for those that die before and after him, because of him?
@Bunsdk (242)
• Denmark
26 Feb 07
Well, youll never ever find 100% answer to that one.
Apparantly every little community has its own beliefs on what will happen to him. Most would without a doubt say he goes to hell, but if they themselves request that all their sins are forgiven the go to heaven.
Im not really a believer in god. I dont see the reasons for believing in a heaven or hell, or a deity that will judge me some day. All those rules they take from the bible to use in their lives, way too often coincides with ppls own beliefs of how their world should be, and what morals they learned to live by.
Sadam probably learned that power was worth having, at any expense. It left him paranoid and delusional, and ultimately cost him his life. Ive seen many ppl that actually do the same, just not even half as succesfull. So in his way, and his upbringings he was succesfull. That he in our eyes did it in a way that was very bad has nothing with our beliefs to do. He has his own faith, and according to the rules he took from his faith to follow, he is going to heaven. He himself believed he was a martyr.
What your god decides doesnt really matter does it? Dont apply personal faith as the only thing possible, or force it on others. Your faith is just that, yours.
But in this case of you trying to sort out your own feelings, I would say, dont ask others what to think. You have to make up your mind on your own. If you feel he is material for hell so be it, if youd rather believe your god forgives him, so be it. This is how you shape how you wanna live your life.
@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
that is some very intersting point of view there, i also believe that everyone pray to god all the same, no matter what religion you are, the god they pray for it is the same god, we dunno what he looks like so we all make up what we think he is like therefore there is so many religion, but infact there is only one god, and who know maybe sadam did pray to the same god as we do, just a different rules and different belief that is all.
@Mishi_Bente_Tres (127)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
Uhm if you ask God something.. you know if he could enter His kingdom.. God knows if you are sincere with your favor.. Everyone of us is His child and I know that God has a merciful and a humble heart. Whatever kind of sins we did, God is always there to invite us in His arms again.
We just have to do is have faith in Him, Follow His commandments and give Him the rights to allow or not allow your plans because He knows what is good for you.
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@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
28 Feb 07
i know that and i do believe in what he have and would done for me, but i am asking about someone like sadam would he still accpet him?