Is or was your child scared of toys mine son is.....
@Katrina901986 (405)
February 25, 2007 10:25pm CST
My son Ben it terrified of 2 toys. 1 is a beat box bunny that sings dances and hops. It must the too loud for him but there is no way of turning it down. He was fine with it when he was 3 or 4 month old he got it for easter but was too young to play with it so i just turned it on and he was laughing and smiling at it, a couple of months ago i bought it out again and his now terrified of it he cry's and wants to get picked up and tried to hide from it. There is another one, its a yapping dog that barks and does flips when thats on he's got the same reaction. So i am not sure if it is cause they are too loud or when they jump it scares him. So i will try them again when he is older. Has or does any of your children got the same reaction with any toys that they have recived or got at a friends place?????
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16 responses
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
27 Feb 07
My son is 1 and he got an elmo tmx for christmas and it terrified him at first. but now he loves it. its pretty funny to see him get scared of a doll. lol
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@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
27 Feb 07
Yes it is funny to see our children scared of things that we know are harmless, but from a kids point of view they have to learn what can harm them and what cant. Thankyou for responding to my discussion.
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@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
27 Feb 07
Thankyou for responding to my discussion and i will put them with the rest of the toys and see how that works.
@ScrappinHappyMom (914)
• United States
26 Feb 07
My four year old daughter is completely frightened of anything that talks. For instance at a resturant my dad took us too, they had a large buffalo head that started singing when you walked by. It freaked her out so much that we had to sneak her down the back stairs because she would not walk past it to get the actual sitting area of the resturant. At halloween esp. we have to avoid the entire area at the store were they sell the decorations because she has been known to go screaming off through the store.
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@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
27 Feb 07
Yes i can understand how she feels when you are not expecting something to talk and it starts up. Some of the haloween toys are scary i must admit. Have you tried toys that talk but do not move their mouths. To me it seems like she only expects people to be able to move their mouths. Its just a thought. Thankyou for your response.
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@missmuffet (238)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I can't remember my kids being afraid of any toys but my youngest sister was terrified of plastic bugs and spiders. When she was about 3 my mom could not keep her out of the drawer in the sewing machine that held all her spools of thread. So my mom put a big black rubber spider in the drawer. She opened that drawer only 1 more time...screamed...and never opened it again.
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@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
27 Feb 07
Lol well at least u know how to keep her out from the cookey jar and lollies lol. Thankyou for your time in responding to this discussion.
@Caila611 (992)
• United States
26 Feb 07
My son was never afraid of a toy but he was terrified of Bubble gum!! The minute he saw anyone blow a bubble he would either run and hide or cry unconrollably! My husband thought it was funny to torture the poor boy with his gum! He's ok with it now. I had to let him pop my bubbles and kind of get the feel of the gum. He must have thought thati was blowing my tongue up or somthing. LOL!!
@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
27 Feb 07
That is weird. You never know what kids are afraid of until they try new things. Mabe your son was just scared of the popping noise it made, or just upset that he couldnt do it. Who knows. lol. thankyou for your response..
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
26 Feb 07
When my now 3yr old was 18months I bought he rthis ball that rolled arround on its own and made noise. It also had buttons on it that you could push to make it make diffrent noises. It was age appropriate but when we first got it she was afraid of it. Now she loves it and plays with it all the time.
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@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
I think i have the same ball for my son. Its yellow and blue, and has the numbers 1 2 and 3 and has i fire engine and police car and aeroplane and makes those noises at the start and end of each song. My son loves it that how he started to move around a bit because it rolled out of his reach. We got it for him on his birthday or christmas not sure exactly when but they are only 5 days apart. But he loved it when we took it out of its box and turned it on. We put a bit of tape on it so its not so loud. Thankyou for your responce.
@dreamingmyth (594)
• United States
26 Feb 07
yes i had this problem with my son also when he was younger.. he still throws a fit about some of his toys from time to time, however now i can tell that he is upset because the toy isnt doing exactly what he wants it to do!
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@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
thanks for your comment. Maybe your son thinks that it may do new things instead of the same things over and over.
@CFREvilMistress (213)
• United States
26 Feb 07
hahaha my brother was scared of alf the alien tv show alf and when there was like bunches of hair of dust bunny's i would pick them up and say EWWWWWWWWWW alfie and he would run a cry..
@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
Hehe. Sounds like you were a bit or a tormentor when you were younger. Thankyou for your responce. I dont think i was scared of anything when i was younger i cant remember. I know when i was a baby i wouldnt let old people or anyone but my mum pick me up. But thats no because i was scared of them i dont think just a baby thing.
@777330975 (331)
• Sri Lanka
26 Feb 07
Yeah My sons was like that too. He was really scared of toy which was a bug that flutters around with a music when it moves. Even now when he takes that toy is bit reluctant at first. My duaghter initially fears of any toy that moves, but after few minutes she gets settled.
@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
Thats good that they get used to the toys after a while. My son on the otherhand doesnt. He is so funny to watch when he tried and hides and starts crying i know its horrible to laugh but i just think back to when he was younger he could watch it for hours at a time and smile and try and get it.
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I don't know if you've heard of that cartoon that used to be on the Nickelodeon channel a few years back called the Rugrats? Anyhow they were the cutest little cartoon babies that would go on all these adventures. My daughter used to like watching them when she was 3 years old. She really lke the one character named Tommy. For Christmas that year my husband and I got her a Talking sing Tommy doll thinking she would be thrilled about it. She was for about the first 2 minutes until we showed her he could talk. The second she heard that she went screaming out of the room and wouldn't come anywhere near the doll. We tried to explain how it worked and tried to tell her not to be afraid but she'd have nothing to do with it. I kept it in our bedroom and when she saw that she wouldn't even go in our room because she said she was afraid of "the guy" as she called it. Needless to say I had to put the doll in our closet and keep it out of her sight before she'd even go back into our!
@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
Oh i bet your husband was a bit anoyed that he spent all that money to find she wa scared of it. But who knows what toys and that kids like even if they are on tv and they love watching the shows but do not like the toys. Ive never seen a tommy doll before. I love watching rugrats. Even if it is a kids show they are so cute and the things they can imagine. Sorry about if there are spelling mistakes i just woke up. Thankyou for you comment...
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
26 Feb 07
My #3 son has been terrified of one of his brother's toy for months. It's the Cookie Monster in a chicken suit that dances around and sings the chicken dance. Any time it starts he grabs it and runs around the room trying to hand it off to someone. When someone does take it from him he runs off and hides until it stops.
This is the same little boy that was terrified of his new baby brother too!
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@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
Lol maybe the cookie monster looks scary to him. And maybe his just scared that all of his attention will be taken away from him and onto his brother. Its just a thought. And maybe my son its just scared from the look of the toys as soon as he sees them he tries to hide.
@prestocaro (1251)
• United States
26 Feb 07
oh your post made me laugh. children are so fickle, aren't they? i suggest selling it on ebay or craigslist. or you can donate it somewhere. thanks for brightening up my day.
@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
Thankyou for your responce. I cannot sell or give it away. It was a present for easter from one of his aunties. If she wants it when she has kids then ill give it to her if he hasnt gotten used to it buy then. Thanyou for your sugestion.
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
26 Feb 07
I am making a guess here.. could it be that he is scared of the sudden and abrupt jerking movements of the 2 toys? I think you need to take this matter seriously enough as even this seemingly innocent incident might cause a phobia in him when he grows up.
One way may be to slowly "warm" him to sudden movement. Take a simple example. You make a star by releasing a clenched fist. You can do it fast or you can do it slow. Start slow, then make it faster the next time, and then even faster. Let Ben get used to different kinds of abrupt movements and you may find that he is no longer scared of those 2 toys.
Just my thought.
@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
No i do not think it is the sudden movement as the beat box bunny moves from side to side and then jumps. But Ben gets scared when the music starts and the bummy moves grom side to side. And with the puppy i do think that it is he sudden movement as it moves forward and then flips. But even when i move quickly or andything else moves quickly his fine he gives a little jump but not the reaction he does with the toys. Thankyou for you thought and comment.
@shoelover (896)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
A friend of mine used to have the same problem when she came to my house with her son. My children had a toy dog which barked and jumped around and he always freaked out when this toy was turned on. My children loved it but he certainly didn't :)
@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
Hehe sounds like my son when his grandma bought it out and turned it on since then it has never been bought out maybe i might try it on him again when his a bit older. thanks for the responce
@mememama (3076)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Someone bought my son this spiderman doll that sings the itsy bitsy spiderman. He's fine with it until the end of the song, it sounds like a child laughing, it's very freaking weird! He cries when it laughs. He's also afraid of toy cars that have a police siren or if they have some loud engine sound. My nephew has a lot of these and when he brings them out, he runs away screaming.
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@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
Maybe you son knows that when there is a siren it means trouble :). And with the spider man i recon turn it off a quick as you can after it finishes. With my son he is fine with other loud toys just not those two. Its very strange.