How many pieces of fruit do you eat a day?

February 26, 2007 2:42am CST
It's recommended that you eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day. So how many do you eat on average? I personally, don't eat enough! I probably manage one or two a day. Help motivate me, peoples!
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8 responses
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
10 Mar 07
I try for two plus I juice fresh fruit - yummm. Question though, how many grapes would constitute a piece of fruit??!! If you don't have a juicer I can't recommend them highly enough. But get one that is very easy to clean otherwise you'll resent having it. My favorite juice is one carrot, a pear and apple with ginger. Except for the ginger, all the other fruit is quite cheap and too. No limits to combinations. Vegetables, I'm in a bit of a salad phase at the moment. But stir fries are the best way for me to get enough servings of vegetables. I go through cycles with food, I try to go with what my body wants as much as possible instead of what I "should" be having, otherwise it's a chore. with stir fries it's a matter of using nice sauces. And I use rice noodles now to help with that bloated, I've eaten too much feeling. You can get very good quality rice noodles now. I'm on a fitness and food (eat healthy) diet which is going to last the year. I want to lose weight and feel good, the feel good being the top priority.
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• Australia
10 Mar 07
Mmmm... I do love fresh fruit juice! But I heard from somewhere that the juicer takes all the fibre out of the fruit. And fibre is good, isn't it? Of course, I have no idea what fruits have lots of fibre, and which don't... although I'm assuming watermelon doesn't have much, while apples do? (Correct me if I'm wrong, please!) Thanks for those great suggestions! Wow! Lots of good tips! I'll definitely give the salads and stir fries a lot more attention to help increase my good foods intake!
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
10 Mar 07
Yes it is true re the fibre, allot of the goodness in fruit is in the peel. I stopped buying soft drink and concentrated fruit juices because they are just full of sugar and nasties. And the taste of your own juice is 200% better. It's just one of those tasty things that helps you get off sugar addictions and gives you something really nice in it's place.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
9 Mar 07
I have more than the expected quota of five fruits a day, I eat a lot of bananas for energy especially before going to the gym to load up on carbohydrates. I eat about two or three apples a day, straight from the fridge so that they are crisp and crunchy. I have a good plate of vegetables each night with my meal and in the Summer will eat lots of salad foods. And strawberries are readily available in the Summer as well as other summer fruits. On average I'd say I eat about 8 fruits and vegetables a day, without including daily glasses of orange or grapefruit juices.
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• Australia
10 Mar 07
Oh, boy! You really manage to pack a lot of fruit and veg into your day! And it doesn't seem like it's much effort for you, either! I really need to learn how to do that myself! I think you've spread it all out during the day. I'll try doing that as well, and see if I can improve my diet! Thank you!
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
26 Feb 07
I eaT abot two ado myself. I try to eat them for my snacks insted of jumk food.
• Australia
2 Mar 07
That's a great suggestion. I'll have to give that a go! I just have to remember not to raid the fridge for the chocolates, and head for the fruit instead! lol.
• United States
26 Feb 07
i make sure i can have a 2 minimum serving per day of fruits... sometimes i don't feel like eating one but i'll try to add it with my milk as a dessert with honey or toppings in an ice cream or have with my dish!
• Australia
2 Mar 07
fruit and milk? As in a smoothie? I love smoothies! I think they're great in summer! I think I shall have to get a blender thingy, so I can have home made smoothies! Yum! Thanks for triggering that thought! Another way to improve my fruit intake!
@hezoid (2144)
26 Feb 07
Well, some breakfasts i have Muesli, which has got bits of dries fruit in, so i'd say that would count for 1 portion. I always have an apple for my dinner, so that's a definate 1 portion a day from that. I also take a box of dried raisins to work with me to snak on in the aftrernoon, so there's another definate portion. We also generally have at least one portion of veg at tea time, sometimes two, and sometimes if we've made a stew three or four in one go! So i probably have between 3-5 portions a day, not usually nay less than 3. I like fruit, and dried fruit, so that does help!
1 person likes this
• Australia
2 Mar 07
I think you make a great point, taking fruit to work! I am always so worried I will squash it, and end up not eating it anyways! I think I will start taking more lunches to work, and include a piece of fruit too! (And pack it in such a way I don't end up squashing it!) Thanks for the suggestion!
• United Arab Emirates
26 Feb 07
Well, I am fasting right now, so I am having a lot of fruit, instead of regular meals, but I am enjoying it so much that I am going to try to maintain a fruit only lunch for as long aa I can. I feel lighter, my skin is glowing, I am generally much healthier.
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• Australia
2 Mar 07
I'm not too sure I could handle a fruit only lunch. I would get too hungry! But then again, I'm always hungry.... lol
• Canada
10 Mar 07
I go through spells where I eat more fruit then other times . I like it but it is just so expensive and it never last long enough for me to get much around here as the children devour it all the minute I buy it as they love it and I would prefer to know they are eating it anyways . I buy some everytime I go shopping though so do eat some but definitely don't get my five servings a day .
• India
12 Dec 07
My favorite fruit is Apple. i like it very much specially the Apple fruit juice. Apple is easily available in my areas and i take one apple per day almost. I love pineapple and its my favorite fruit. we get most of the fruits here in chennai, India.There are some fruits like mango, watermelon available only in summer and fruits like green banana in extreme winter season.