What is your gaming specification for internet cafe? why do chose this ?

February 26, 2007 3:31am CST
As an internet cafe manager for almost a year, I can say that this business is still at its peak. And of course one of the most important part of it is your cpu specification. Here in our cafe we have amd 2600-3000 with 128 mb/128 bit video card, 80 gigabytes of hard disk, 512 mb ddr400-ddr2 and an epox motherboard. Next week we will be planning to buy 10 new cpu's for our expansion. And here's the specification; amd sempron 3200 or 3400, 256mb/ 128 bit video card, epox motherboard, 512 mb ddr2 ram and cpu casing with optical mouse and headphone. Can you shared yours guys. Thank you in advance.
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