Thinking of putting a taxi plate on my car.

@teenal (1400)
Dublin, Ireland
February 26, 2007 12:53pm CST
Im turning into the family chauffer latley with everyone looking for me to drop them here and collect them from there etc, etc.... I dont mind sometimes especially for safety reasons with my 17 yr old daughter in particular but she thinks its part of my duty as a mother to ferry her to school, her part time job, her friends,nights out,shopping etc...She never walks anywhere and only gets a bus when I am not home to bring her somewhere. Id make a fortune if I started charging her-and maybe she would get a bit fitter and do a bit of getting about on her own steam if she had to pay for a lift. I think that teenagers are spoiled nowdays and expect so much more than my generation ever did. Or is it just my teenager?
1 response
• Ireland
26 Feb 07
Ehh no it's not just your teenager! My kids haven't hit the teen years yet(gawd love us when they do!) but my sister is in the same boat with her kids. Her 17yr old is driving now and just takes her car whenever he fancies now too. I dunno what's worse, having to drive them everywhere or the thoughts of them behind the wheel themselves.
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