Having kids close together or acouple years apart
By rachelzwo
@rachelzwo (310)
United States
February 26, 2007 2:44pm CST
At first I thought that I wanted to wait until my daughter was atleast 2 before we had another kid, but now I'm wondering if we should have our kids closer together. My baby is 6 months old right now. I really want to have another baby, but do you think that it would be better to wait or should we try now?
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9 responses
@SheraPop (84)
26 Feb 07
I think it all depends on the type of person you are... I mean I have friends who had kids close together and wanted it all over and done with quick; personally I would have topped myself from the stress... my three are 17, 9 and 2 and half and it suited me, especially as I have spent quality time with them whilst they were young yet they learn the quality of sharing and companionship you get from siblings...another benefit is they like to help out and can do more for themselves if they are older which takes the stress off of you a great deal and I thnk makes them more responsible people.... only problem is, the older you get as a mum the harder it gets!!! Those sleepless nights are like having your bones broken when you are in your thirties compared to your twenties... just enjoy what time you have with your little one and if you are lucky enough to be blessed with another child then be thankful. Mind you... anyone that wants to bring another new fresh innocent life into this crazy, screwed up world where kids get murdered for their mobile phones and lunatics are ruling our countries must need their heads testing lol!!
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@SheraPop (84)
26 Feb 07
can I just add to the above... my three get on really well with each other and respect each others strata within our family structure... my eldest really is the big brother and so there is no arguing with him but he is still loved as a big lovely brother. dya get me?
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@littlehoneymonster (383)
28 Feb 07
if you want to try again now go for it then your daughter would have a play mate, my sister has an 11 yr old a one yr old and will be having another in june. we have been trying for another for two yrs but have had complications our son is 3yrs old now
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@honeyangel (1991)
26 Feb 07
i have two children, 23 month apart,this was planned as i wanted them to be close in age.i started to try when my son was 8 months old and finaly fell when he was about 13-14 months,
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@mstay4 (69)
• United States
26 Feb 07
My children are 3 yrs and 12 weeks. I thought I wanted to have my children close together but we have our son when we were younger and we wanted to get thru school a little bit more before we had more children. I got pregnant with our daughter when my son was 2. He turned 3 right before she was born and now I am so glad we waited. I think he was really ready for a sibling when he got her. He halps change diapers and fix bottles. He keeps her entertained and is all around the best big brother. He has never shown any jealousy towards her and that is a blessing. I hope that when we have another things go just as smoothly. I am so happy that we did wait longer he had his mommy and daddy alone time before he had to share us and I think taht really helped him.
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@marykaymom (59)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I would wait and give your body time to rest from having a baby. There is 2 years and 1 month between my boys, and that is really too close, but I think when they get older they will be really good friends. We really wanted our oldest to be 3 when we had our youngest, but I guess God had other plans. It is really your decision. I would also wait so you can have some time with your 6 month old.
@KeegansMommy (74)
• Canada
26 Feb 07
Funny, I was just thinking about when I want my next baby last night too. And it depends on your birth. I had a C-section, so doctors recommend at least 2 years between deliveries. If you had a natural birth, I've heard of people having another baby as soon as their period returned. Naturally speaking, if your ovulating again, your body can do it...think about our grandparents... If you had any complications during birth, give it some time, otherwise, go ahead. If your baby is 6 months now, another 9 months for the pregnancy, that's more than year. I'd so go for it. Best of luck.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I had 4 babies in 5 years. the oldest was 18 month when the younger boy was born then 12 months later I had my first girl then 18 month another girl. I never thought any thing about it being hard. I never felt better than when I was pregnate. I just did what had to be done. They were all potty trained by the time the next one came along except for the first girl. I dno't remember it being so difficult either. That was the way it was so I just delt with it. I was lucky that I didn't have to deal with post partum blues though. That would have made it difficult. It was nice to have diapers and bottles all done with. Haveing the babies close together is no guarntee that thhey will be close. My kids rang from the age of 44 to 39 and none of them or close to each other.
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Well, most doctors will tell you you need at least a year, for your body to completely recover from birth. Also, if you are nursing, youwouldn't want to jepordize your milk supply. My two boys are 2 years and one month apart, for me, it was a little too soon, but I had horrible pregnancies. I thought my second pregnancy would be better, I hadn't imagined it could have been worse, but it was, so I was either puking all day or a walking zombie because of the medicine I was on. There is no guarantee that even if you had an easy first pregnancy that your next one will follow suite. My toddler is fairly compliant, but we did have our days. We will wait 3 years before we have our next. Having said that, I have some friends who got preggers again when their first was 4 months old. They said the first 6 months was really hard, but after that it was easy. The boys even wore the same size diapers and shoes.. they are potty training them together as well. They are planning on having 2 more children and want the same spacing between those 2 as well. SO I really think it depends on you. If you have them that close, you will have 2 in Diapers. My oldest is potty training still, he goes in the potty most of the time, but he is young to be potty trained for a boy. EIther way it will be a challenge, you just have to decide what you think will be best. Goo luck!
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@Chele2k2 (241)
26 Feb 07
I have had all my children close together, my oldest 2, from a previous relationship are 15 months apart in age. It was hard to look after a toddler and a baby because they both had lots of different needs, it was hard to divide my attention up equally.
After I spit from their father, I later met someone, who I went onto marry and have 2 more children with my husband, again close in age. I was on the pill when I found out I was pregnant, so it came as a shock to learn our two youngest children would be close in age. It was very hard work, for the same reasons as my first two.
I would not change my children for the world but if I did it all again, I would have waited for at least a couple of years before the next child came alone.
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