Do your animals ever do something weird or have a weird habit?

United States
February 26, 2007 4:05pm CST
I have a Chihuahua and she does some pretty strange things that I have never seen others do. One thing that she does is she humps two of her toys at a certain time almost every day. When she does this no one can be looking at her!! She howls on command and then runs like a terrified rat around my house so fast that I couldn't catch her even if I tried. She cries REAL tears when either her daddy (my husband) or I leave for more than she thinks is ok. She is afraid of the dark!!! You can't leave her in the dark or she starts crying and whining until you turn something on and then it takes her 30 minutes to calm down and stop shaking. I know that this is a lot of weird things but I want to know if anyone's cute babies have any weird quirks that you would like to share.
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2 responses
• Denmark
26 Feb 07
One of my dogs has a very wierd thing, and the funny part is that it gets everyone, everytime. she likes when we scratch her belly(not many dogs would say no to that, right?) but since we cannot do it at all times, she decided that it was better for her to go and get it herself. So if you are watching tv and your feet are on the ground let say your toes sticking vertically, she will come and rub herself on top of your foot, wether you have shoes or not it does not matter. I know it so with me it s almost lke I don t notice it, but when people come over and don t know about it, end up with a little fluffy dog rubbing itself on their shoe, they think she is peeing on their foot! Yes they all have this wierd idea that my dog is doing it on their foot ;) I cannot help it but just laugh each time...
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I don't think most of my animals have any really weird habits. Well, my little dog, Trixie, does have to go into my son's room every morning with me and kiss him before he gets out of bed. She's a terrier mix and weighs around 20 lbs. She absolutely LOVES her "Brother." He's 13 months old. Anyway, in the mornings, I open the door to his room and he is usually standing in his crib. She runs over and puts her front paws on his mattress and waits for him to sit down. He sits down, reaches through the bars and grabs her ears and she licks his face! I used to try to stop her but it doesn't work. And she gets really mad if she doesn't get to for some reason. Trixie also answers the phone if she can get to a cordless one where the talk buttons answers the phone and hangs it up. She hits the talk button, sniffs into it a few times, and then hits the button again to turn it off.