So how much did you make this month?

@lillake (1630)
United States
February 26, 2007 4:23pm CST
I'm just curious how much everyone made on myLot this month? Do you think you could ahve made more? Do you usually make less? Share!
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8 responses
• United States
27 Feb 07
Well I joined Feb 1st so I haven't been here a month yet. I have made over $8 as of this morning. I'm sure if I spent more time on here I could make more ... thing is I go back to discussions I have already participated in and that takes time and I don't get paid. BUT you know what? I don't care - I truly enjoy talking to everyone.
• United States
27 Feb 07
Oh I wish but you only get paid once per discussion.
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• United States
27 Feb 07
Yep really. I would be making loads of money if I got paid for everything I have to say!
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@lillake (1630)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Really? Well darn!
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@quadium32 (129)
• United States
26 Feb 07
This is my first month here, in fact I have been here only a little over a week long, and so far my earnings are 2.73, which is pretty good for just coming here and having fun. I'd definately still come here even if there was no payment part of the site, if it was still as cool as it is with the good discussions. So yeah, getting paid for having fun is great. :D
@lillake (1630)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I agree. I'm having fun with all of the discussions going on. :)
• Saudi Arabia
26 Feb 07
I started .. around 2 weeks ago, anyway, I think you should just forget about the money (for now) and just try to post/discuss..and like you said, have fun. Then check later. :D. anyway, I only have $ .17 :(
• United States
26 Feb 07
I actually thought its just a fake site. but things have been ncrazy that each time i respond to a discussion, i am credited in my account. thats really worth. Now I can just make 30 - 50 cents, coz i am new.
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26 Feb 07
well....i just made $4-5 this month!! *sob* ... i know its terrible!! specially when i hear all those people averaging $35 evry month!! but i cant help it!! i dont spend that much time on the net...i usually do my best...which considering the amount i have made by now...doesnt seem much!! but its fine by me...hope you ll make more than poor old me!! cheerz ^_^
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• Saudi Arabia
26 Feb 07
Who makes $35 dollers a month? thats crazy!
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@beaniegdi (1964)
26 Feb 07
I've only been here a few days and am enjoying it very much. I get the impression that to earn lots of money you need to get some referrals as you earn 25% of their earnings. I think maybe tht is the way to do well here. Either way this is a fun way to earn money and I am enjoying this very much.
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@tinam13 (839)
• United States
26 Feb 07
i just started last night and i have 0.27...i hope i can work up more.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
27 Feb 07
27 cents- you're rolling in the cash lol-I've been here a day now (& responded to quite a few discussions) and I have 4 cents. Ehh- as everyone else has said, I'm having fun so any $ is a nice bonus.
• United States
26 Feb 07
I'll just amke the $10 this month. Still working on it actually. I could have done a lot better had I had my computer back. Then I could be on here whenever I wanted to instead of just about an hour a day. Since this site really does pay and on time (or earlier) I really want to work at it here.
• United States
26 Feb 07
In my 3 days im up to 3 dollers lol. I joke at this rate i can pay the bills hehe :) But its more fun then anything. if i never got paid i wouldent care, im having fun writing out my opinions. Or trying NOT to write out my opinions.
@lillake (1630)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I think I make more money off of you than my own posts. LOL I love the referral program.
• United States
27 Feb 07
:P that so sucks! I want some referals lol. I get bored and spend a couple hours chatting n here when the kiddo goes down. Yanno ignoring the housework lol.