plz share your opinion with me and with others!

February 26, 2007 7:21pm CST
Hi evry1! First i want to tell u im not an english speaking man, but i hope u will understand what i try to tell here. I speak basic english...(and what i wrote here is maybe a result of a wrong thinking - but i tell it anyway! -) So... When i was a student in primary school 1 of my teachers sad to the class "In these days we work for to dont work for anymore... Sience will do this" So he want to tell us that sience is make our life better, easier, solving our problems. A great invention in a good person's hand make our world better. but... also a great invention in a bad person's hands can be dangerous,can destroy our world. (nuclear energy- use for generate electricity for civillians in good hands/ nuclear energy- make, produce atom bomb wich useful in a war in bad hands Biology- make medicine in good hands/ biology- make toxin, bio weapons) Why i wrote this here... I tell u... Maybe many of u saw movies like : Terminator, Matrix or any other films where the Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) kill people. But i ask: why it kill people? Just cause is not an anwser! Because it is nearly immortal?! ... It will not kill people and i think i know the anwser. We humans has something what an A.I. (if is it ever be) never has : the feelings, emotions, sentiment. If u belive or not this is the anwser! But why? Look! Our feelings, our instinct take controll of our body when our self-confidence cant "anwser" to a "difficult question". "question" LIKE: a fine beautiful day when u go home and your love is in the bed with another man/girl!... :_( Some situation make an "over dose" of feelings, start our instinct!( when u feel love u do anything for your love, feelings control your thinking, when somebody do a bad thing for or on u, u will be angry maybe hit something or some1! feelings, the instinct prevent u from logical thinking and make u a fast move, a "fast anwser") Some feelings are beutiful, some are make us mad or bad! A.I. dont have feelings, any instinct. U see, Artificial Intelligence dont have "false steps" like feelings or instinct. (we humans are born with the instinct, with the feelings and we need it! instinct is for like to defense our self, feelings like to be happy thats why we are humans not robots. So these are not a real false steps of course! but if we talking about the A.I. feelings and instinct are not the best choice to solve problems) And if u ask me: A.I. never ever be a killing machine? I anwser: it could be... It all depends who's hands are on the A.I. .(the bad or the good) I believe -and laught me if u want- A.I. can "save the world" by use it to solve many problems. (in good hands) I believe -and laught me if u want- A.I. can terminate the living on this planet. (in bad hands) It depends who and for what will be used for! I advise u to talk about what could be happen if this great invention (if is it ever be) is in a good person's hands. Think... think... how can this change the world better? 1. U know many processions (like in a manufacture) are automated in these days. (automobile industry, Computer production) 2. U know many things cant be automated today cause these things needs a complex thinking or complex movements or the evoriment are changeable wich automated machinary cant "follow" cant adjust to. (jobs like to be a doctor, an expert, a policeman, a cop, an administrator in a bank) 3. And u know i think there are be some things that never cant be automated never can replaced by Artificial Intelligence, things wich consist on feelings, like: the Art, games, and the ability to make our goals in our life. A.I. cant do anything but it can make our life easier, better! (goverment - no corruptions, operations - avoid mistakes,...) Cause A.I. never tired; countuously, smoothly do it's taskment, job; cant be corrupt, cant be strike fear into. A.I. is the best slave!!! Yes it is! It will not rebel cause.: it doesnt has any instinct, feelings - so it hasnt got own goals - it will not want to be a Boss, a famous movi/pop/sport star or something like that. Its only a very complex built Man-like robot, its a computer like u use right now, but its a very celver computer wich has such as like arms, hands, fingers, eyes... to make copmlex movements. (like do shopping!) And O... it will not only slove problems like man-power, financial situations, i think it will wipe out money-system or make a big change in this money based society! but why?... think... think... and u will know the anwser... think... think... and u maybe invent it, invent the A.I. =) ) But to solve the questions like the world's over population ... A.I. is not an anwser. There are some questions wich can be anwser and controll only by us! ... We need our sience and those good hands... If u have any opinion, plz share it here.
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