More Celebrity Support Birtney
By weee_ann
@weee_ann (1453)
February 26, 2007 8:16pm CST
Britney Spears seems "a little fearful" but is "doing the do," according to Spears' rehab compatriot Daniel Baldwin, 46, who says he¡¯s 97 days sober and recently ran into the pop princess in Malibu.
"I told her if she needed anything or if she wanted me to bring anything to her where she's at, I'd be happy to come see her," Baldwin told Sunday at the "Night of 100 Stars" pre-Oscar party at the Beverly Hills Hotel.
"She's doing great; she looks great," added Baldwin, saying he gave Brit his number after running into her two days ago in Malibu.
"She seemed like she was a little fearful," he continued. "I mean, she's a young girl - I have kids older than her. I think that she knows that she needs some help, and God bless her. All we can do is pray. That's what I want people to do: Pray for her."
Baldwin, who was arrested in April on charges of being under the influence and carrying cocaine paraphernalia, said he left Brit with simple advice: "Don't drink. Don't use."
"It's really simple," he said. "One thing I mentioned to her is if you took a look at how much effort you put into going out - at least for me - going out and using and doing the things we do, compared to how much effort you need to do to stay sober, it's infinitesimal on a comparison basis."
We hope Britney understands what that means, because we don't.
Another thing we don't understand: Isn't it a violation of the Anonymous part AA to blab about Brit's mental well-being in rehab?
Credit: Us Weekly
When Jen Hudson was gabbin' with me about any advice she'd give (or not) to the career self-destroyer, Britney Spears.
"Ain't none of my business what [Britney's] doin'," Hudson, immediately after she won a Best Supporting job, sassed back at me, when I inquired what J.H.-being the supreme singer/media queen she is-would suggest for an expeditious Spears comeback.
"Oh, but, Jennifer, she needs your help," I practically begged on Britney's behalf.
"All I can do," Hudson offered in that breathy, seen-it-all way the young gal already seems to have working for her (and the gold lam¨¦ glued to her most womanly curves certainly didn't hurt), "is pray for Britney."
"I wish you the best, sweetheart and do your thing. You got my prerogative, it's your prerogative now! Cut your hair off if you want, be yourself, get yourself together, if you need to be getting yourself together, whatever you have to do, take care of your babies, baby." - Bobby Brown
"I love Britney and I'm rooting for her, and I hope she's able to get away and get some peace" - Joe Simpson
Credit: Eonline
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