Evolution, why can't we be friends?
By llabteksab73
@llabteksab73 (800)
United States
February 26, 2007 8:48pm CST
Can anyone explain to me what the big deal is between evolution and creationism and why one cannot go with the other? Frankly the most annoying proofs of evolution OR creationism seem to either attempt to persuade that evolution proves God doesn't exist or that according to the bible evolution can't exist. What is with the absolutes? I think using evolution to prove the Christian God doesn't exist is horribly flawed and so is the arguement that the bible does not demonstrate evolution blah blah blah.
Now I don't care whether you are atheist or believe in god or what but I think its time to stop calling ignoring facts because we're afraid our religion is at stake. Why couldn't God have created evolution?
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15 responses
@Myrrdin (3599)
• Canada
27 Feb 07
The reason the two are at odds with each other is because they are opposing views. Under Biblical creationism evolution cannot exist, under evolution Biblical creationism cannot exist. Now there is the unified theory of Intelligent design, which several people in this discussion already brought up (without actually using the term intelligent design) in which the boundries of a day are not set and you have an intelligent being directing evolution. To me that seems plausible. Thus god could have created the earth in 7 days AND created evolution within those same 7 days, after all before there was night and day there was no day, so as such in creating night and day he created the terrestrial day, this does not mean it is the same as gods day. The problem is though the Bible claims to be infallible and in the bible god clearly defines a day as the time between when one period of daylight begins and the ajoining period of darkness ends. As such the Bible cannot both be infallible and be wrong about the definition of a day.
It all boils down to zealots on both sides of the argument. Fundimentalist Christians claiming that the scientists are wrong because their ancient text tells them so, and fundimentalist scientists say that Christians are wrong because the evidence says they are. I am guessing you can tell where I sit on the debate, but in case you can't I tend to lean heavily towards evolution.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I'm not your AVERAGE Christian. Did you read my post above?

@ag_abscruzmd (2283)
• United States
27 Feb 07
In my opinion, in some ways, evolution and creationism can go hand in hand. I have always believed that there is a Higher Being because scientists have been studying everything that goes on around us, and up to now, there are still many questions left unanswered, like the theory of Evolution. It's still a theory despite some evidence because the evidence themselves are still in question, too. But why do I say they may go hand in hand? Because I have always believed that Science is an attempt to explain God's creation, so the scientists aren't possibly questioning the Higher Being's existence, but rather study and explain His creation.
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
27 Feb 07
According to the bible God created mankind in his own image, and as a fully evolved species as opposed to a single cell entity that changed over millions of years into the current known species.
If God did exist and he created evolution, then the bible is totally incorrect. If you consider the bible to be incorrect then why would you believe in God?
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@KetanGulati (579)
• India
27 Feb 07
well bibl tells us of Adam and eve... that they were the first people god created... and sent onto earth....
And evolution says first came the ape..the monkeys....the arthropoda and gradually they became human as per the needs and evolutionism.....
But then I don;'t understand where did the ape came from? Someone for sure would have created him too.... its again back to creationism... well I believe that undoubetedly whateve poliecies you may have, definitely evolution backs its roots too from creationism...
and definitley god exists.... stop being atheist anymore....
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@owens07 (325)
• Puerto Rico
27 Feb 07
Evolution by definition is an natural undirected process. Therefore if it's undirected, God can't be directing it. The two concepts simply don't correlate. There's no reason to believe that life evolved anyway. The only evolution that there is actual proof for is micro evolution which is just changes withing a species. Everything else is speculation and where the debate lies.
@Fargale (760)
• Brazil
27 Feb 07
The key point is usually the fact that the bible claims absolute infallibility. Evolution is a reality, it won't go away simply because it doesn't fit with what the bible has to say about the history of man; therefore, for those people who think that the bible should be infallible, evolution MUST be considered wrong some way or another, or else their faith would crumble.
If you are able to believe in a god that put all things into place to begin the evolutionary process and from that point on did not interfere, then it's not impossible to reconcile your faith with the reality of what the evidence for evolution tells us. But at that point, the hipothesis for the existance of god is based purely on arbitrary faith, nothing else.
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@Fargale (760)
• Brazil
28 Feb 07
Take a species. Start making small, very small and slow physical changes to it. Then another change. And another. And yet another. And another one. Keep doing that for thousands, millions of years.
You'll reach a point where the species has changed so much that it can be considered a different species. If you have already admitted that evolutionary changes DO take place, why would you invent this arbitrary, imaginary limit that says that at a certain point changes would stop, when there is absolutely no biological reason for these changes to stop?
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@owens07 (325)
• Puerto Rico
28 Feb 07
This is an excellent example of the misinformed calling fundamentalists misinformed.
Micro evolution(changes within species) is due to re- arrangement of EXISTING alleles, or degenerative changes. It does NOT require the generation of anything remotely like such net increases in genetic information as would give rise to an entirely new species in any amount of time. Instead EXISTING information is exchanged, activated,deactivated and even damaged and corrupted, among organism of a population.
Macroevolution (one species evolving into entirely new species) requires the formation of new, complex, information laden genes.
It has as its official mechanism random mutation and natural selection.
"As a Darwinian, I wish to defend Goldschmidt's postulate postulate that macroevolution is not simply microevolution extrapolated."
-Gould, Stephen Jay, "The Return of Hopeful Monsters," Natural History, vol 86 (June/July 1977)p. 24
"The central question at the Chicago conference was whether mechanisms underlying microevolution could be extrapolated to explain the phenomena of macroevolution. At the risk of doing violence of the position of some of the people at the meeting, the answer can be given as a clear, No."
- Lewin, Roger, "Evolutionary Theory Under Fire," Science, vol 210 (November 21, 1980) p. 883
Now do these guys sound like Bible fundamentalists to you? Did you see any scriptures quoted here? It's time to stop misrepresenting the debate and open your book up to chapter "Get a clue first"!
@owens07 (325)
• Puerto Rico
28 Feb 07
The only reality of evolution is changes within a species not one species evolving into an entirely new species. Therefore, evolution poses no challenge whatsoever. Most people who constantly talk about the "evidence" of evolution don't have a clue what the "evidence" really is. It's just grand standing on their part to protect their ideology. (98% ideology / 2% knowledge)

@KeegansMommy (74)
• Canada
27 Feb 07
I am a scientist (well, in training) so I believe in evolution. My sister is a practicing Christian. We get into discussions about creationism vs evolution sometimes and she once said something I thought was interesting. I never read the Bible myself, so I can't back this up or anything, but anyway she says that the Bible says the Earth was created in 7 days, right? Well, who says those are Earth days? One "God-day" could be a million years... Something to think about... :) So there's an idea where creationism and evolution go hand in hand.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Keegansmommy - I agree with you. A lifetime to us is just seconds to God. He is an eternal being so time matters not to him.
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Owens - when God created the earth a day could be anything he chose it to mean. Think about this - in Alaska they have MONTHS where the sun doesn't set and MONTHS that it doesn't rise. So are those months a day and a night?

@friendship (2084)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Although some people have called that an evolution is a scientific theory but please note that a scientific theory should not be called a fact and all fact in science is subject to challenge and it'll also be subject to change if there is a new development or progress that come up along the way. As we know, humans have a limit. Our brains given by God also have a limit. So, we can't be 100% sure about what we've found now. We also can't be sure if evolution is true.
I don't think that we're afraid our religion is at stake but it doesn't make sense without interfering of God. The theory of evolution also mentions about how our planet is exist. It is said as the process of Big Bang in the Universe. If it is like that, why the Earth and other planets are perfectly round? If it is the process of Big Bang, some of them won't perfectly be round.

@friendship (2084)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
I do believe in God. I think no matter what... humans can't exceed God. Well, it sounds silly, doesn't it? Because many people don't believe that God is exist. Your explanation about vacuum space and the shapes of planets can be reasonable. But please let me ask you... can God create the planets without the shapes of round (but the shapes of square, for instance)? I believe He can if He wants it. If it was exist, wouldn't we have found the theory that would support the shapes of square? What God has created must have a reasonable result and effect. Otherwise, it will be weird for us because God has created us with brains in order to solve complicated things.
For instance, as we know that Rainbow is a God's promise to Noah so that God won't cover the entire earth with water. But scientists have a resonable explanation why rainbow happens.
@Fargale (760)
• Brazil
28 Feb 07
The earth, in fact, is not perfectly round. It isn't a perfect sphere, but it comes close to that - it's just a little flattened at the poles and bulges a little in the equator, all due to the constant movement of rotation.
The reason planets (and other spacial objects) tend to take spherical shapes is easily explained by science, without needing to invoke the concept of a god in the explanation: our good ol' Gravity does the job pretty well. If you have a lump of mass in the vacuum of space, it will tend to take a spherical shape, because it attracts itself towards its center due to its own gravity.

@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Ok I am sure that I will get several comments about my post....
I believe in both and neither. How can that be you might ask? Well I do believe that God created all things (creationism). I think in the animal kingdom he gave them the ability to evolve knowing that the environments he created would not stay that way. (evolution)
I also believe that people have de-volved (gone backwards). In the past we had the ability to see in the dark. We had thicker stronger teeth and we didn't get our adult teeth till we were entering our teens. (there is evidence to back what I just said so no one think I am making it up) Now look at our elderly. The really old ones. Notice that they walk hunched over. Notice the change in the shape of our skulls.
So anyway what I think is that since in biblical times people lived way longer than we do now; what people are digging up and claiming to be a lesser form of man is actually us aged really well.
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Oh brother to you! If you don't believe me then start doing some research. I do not make things up to try to prove my point. If you choose not to believe things that is your problem not mine.
I am not trying to be rude or anything like that; but I don't appreciate your tone toward me. You have your own ideas and do not want to look at anything that contradicts those ideas.
Yes you will have to look at scientific texts to prove what I said about seeing in the dark, teeth etc, but it is true. In FACT I actually heard about this listening to a Christian on Christian radio. I then researched it and found it to be true.
I will give you a tiny bit here with seeing in the dark- cave paintings in areas of the cave where no natural light gets to. Yes arguements can be made that they used fire for light. Thing is fire leaves soot and other residue on the cave walls. Residue that isn't there. So if they could not see in the dark how did they do the cave painting?
Now please stop argueing with me; the proof is available to anyone who wants to research it. Take the time and so so.
@owens07 (325)
• Puerto Rico
28 Feb 07
What you're describing is adaptation. Even contemporary man adapts to its enviroment such as thicker skin depending on the climate; bears grow thicker fur, etc. There still the same species i.e no evolution in the Darwinian sense. Can you point out where you found your information? I'm thinking the cave men may have had something to illuminate the walls or maybe there were fissures in the cave that have since been sealed.
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@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
28 Feb 07
I believe that the world was created out of nothing.Criteria for believing somethimg is based upon reason,logic and science,Logical;Think of the spectrum of colors .We are familiar with colors that already exists,but we cannot possibly creat a new color.God,on the other hand created all the colors at a time when concept of color did not exist,just as the universe did not exist before.To creat a concept and its range of contents out of nothing is beyond human imagination and power.Scintifically, as we see that bith in the creation of universe and things created within the universe and in the creation of living things an intelligently designed process is going on,it must have designed by someone great!Ltes talk about Big Bang!Before bigbang it was understood that time existed in relations to movement of matter.As matter as matter and its movements didn;t exists prior to bigbang,time did not exist before bigbang.Matter and time came into being after big bang their existence depends upon each other.Roger penrose and Stephen Hawking conclusively proved in mathematical terms that the universe had had a begining.The big bang theory proved the hypothetical alternative suggested by Atheist that universe had to had a begining if it had been created.
@brandi_girl_16 (624)
• United States
27 Feb 07
The Bible does not mention anything close to evolution. In the Bible a human being starts as a human that God created. It doesn't say anything about a human developing from an ape! How does this not answer your question? There's nothing in the Bible that speaks of an ape that evolved into a human over "hundreds or thousands of years". If the God didn't throw a little evolution into the Bible then it must not exist. The Bible tells us everything we'd need to know in life including: How we should be in terms of following Christ, what we should consume in terms of food, how the human race started, etc. I don't know about you but I'm not afraid my religion is at stake. I know what I believe and Who I believe in!
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I'm a bible believing Christian and I have to tell you that I don't agree with "if it isn't in the bible it doesn't exist". There are lots of things that are not in the bible that clearly exist... dinosaurs, cars, computers.
God gave us the information we needed to live good lives and to live as he thinks is best for us. He didn't need to tell us everything about everything.
@owens07 (325)
• Puerto Rico
28 Feb 07
Yeah, but that's different from God saying that it happened one way and man saying it happened another way. The Bible talks about the origin of life and how it came about; it doesn't talk about the origin of cars and computers so I think your comparisons are somewhat out of place.
@marzenna (253)
28 Feb 07
brandi_girl_16 : I just read your 3th sentance and had to stop reading. Where do you take the theory that evolution theory claim that humans develop from ape!!! Certainly not from the biology lessons. Is that what your church is teaching you about Evolution?
I am happy for you to have so strong faith and hope that you use it for doing good, but pleas educate youself about any theory if you are going to say what it says.

@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
27 Feb 07
There is always a huge flame war that is started when a discussion like this comes up.
I personally believe in Evolution. That is my belief and nobody has a right to question it you know?
Just the same as religious people believe that God created us all, we don't have the right to question their beliefs.
I do think its sad that we can't all live side by side regardless of what we believe. Why do people place so much importance on what the other believes in anyway? Our beliefs are not WHO we are - we're all individuals with personal tastes, and we all go in for different things. Why does religion play such a huge part in separating us based on that?
We as humans should have learned to co exist by now. We share one planet and we have no choice - to go to war or kill innocents in the name of our beliefs is wrong no matter which way we look at it.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
27 Feb 07
It is simple. God could not have created evolution because it is not in the Word of God. Anything He creates is going to be in the Word of God. If it is not there, it is not real.
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Then I guess the computer you just wrote that on isn't real cause it isn't in the bible?
I am a bible believing Christian but cannot agree with what you just said.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Exactly and the poster said that if it isn't in the bible it isn't real. I was just making a point that just because it is not in the bible does not make it unreal.

@marzenna (253)
28 Feb 07
A very good topic for discuss. Thank you. You had a lot of responses of religious people that answer the question in full. I can add only one sentence. Evolutionary theory claims that all leaving creatures on earth evolved through a very long process from primitive organisms to a complex. Creationism claims that leaving organism were created complex from the start.
And for God sake: nobody claim that humans developed from apes. Where people are taking this I do not know.
There is a fantastic book by Richard Dawkins 'The Ancestor's Tale' It is good to read and nobody has to believe in the Evolution theory presented there. It just does explaines what the theory says.
Fimaly: By all means we can be friends. We just do not have to believe the same.
@TheHermit (98)
• United States
28 Feb 07
If man evolved from lower animals, then Adam and Eve didn't commit the original sin, therefore we don't need to be "saved."
Evolution is the best theory we have to answer many, many questions. And not just questions of biology, but also geology, astronomy and many other sciences. It is so good, it is likely a fact. But science doesn't deal with absolute certainty. Evolution is a theory, like gravity is a theory or like electricity is a theory.
And science is not a democratic process. You can't just give all kinds of theories to students and let them vote on the best one.
So, mixing creationism in with science is just bad science. It doesn't belong in the classroom.