By BourderHouse
@BourderHouse (749)
February 26, 2007 8:49pm CST
My feeling is simple. If a person chooses to be homosexual, that is fine, so long as they don't try to force their beliefs on others. They should also have the freedom to act how they choose, again so long as they do not overpower the rights of others. My reason for posting this is because I know a number of people who think that it is inherently wrong to be homosexual. A number of people, whats more, whom I consider to be intelligent enough to make decisions for themselves, and base their beliefs in a firmly grounded argument, rather than a simple statement with no backing. So now is your chance to speak. I would like two things to transpire from this topic. I would like to see the ratio of what people believe - and for whatever you say, please also post a short argument explaining your reasoning. I would like to spark a honest opinion - not an argument or a anti this or that - an opinion please.
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32 responses
@threegoats (100)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I believe in the in the basic thought that as long as your not hurting anyone you should be free to do what you want.Seeing two men kiss will not hurt anyone or 'corrupt' their precious children. I completely support civil unions as there no logical reason to deny people their basic civil rights. I can see churches refusing to perform gay weddings as taht would go against their teachings but civil unions are secular and therefore the domain of the state not the church and certain peoples varing religious beliefs.
@moyleman (27)
27 Feb 07
If i am wrong please correct me but i do not bellieve that one choses to be a homosexual, it is something that you are born with. but as the person becomes more confident with their sexuality they will be able to aknowledge if they are homosexual or not.
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@LooneyToons (383)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I think that no matter what one persons preference is that they should be entitled to happiness. I would not want to be forced to be one way or the other. Everyone has a right to be whatever makes them happy. It might not be what others like or want for them, but it is their life in the long run. If we were all the same way no matter what the topic is, then this world would be pretty plain and dull in my opinion. It doesn't bother me if my friend is gay, lesbian, transgender, straight, bi, or nothing at all. I am not friends with someone because of their preference.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I think gays should be left alone.This is a free country and people should be able to live the lifestyle they chose as long as it doesn't hurt anyone and the gays sure aren't hurting anyone. I know a lot of people say gays are immoral but I don't think anyone is a position to talk about how immoral it is.No one is perfect themselves and I believe the old biblical saying"Remove the log from your own eye before you try to remove the speck from your neighbor's"-in other words -take care of your own sins instead of always worrying about someone else's!
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
27 Feb 07
i do not think there is anything wrong in being an homosexual
to me it seems normal..we are at a modren world and everybody can love whoever they chose
it's a pitty there are people that are so scared from the homosexuality that deny it or call this a deasease
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@caviteboy (14)
• Philippines
27 Feb 07
its ok being homosexual as long as you wouldn't hurt anybody
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@Kaeli72 (1229)
• United States
27 Feb 07
The human body is a wonderful thing. It's made with every part in mind. Such as, the legs, arms and head are all there for it's own function. The male parts and female parts are there for it's own function. The female is built to accept the male parts for the sole purpose of creation and companionship.
When women's lib hit the scene, women thought that they were better than man and they didn't need a male; women went with women. When man saw this, they thought they didn't need women; man went with man. When you have an upset in balance like that, think of the generations of children that are not to be born because of people's need to be "gay".
@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Women's lib? Homosexuality has been around for thousands of years. The reason gays are more visible today (at least in the U.S.) is the Stonewall riots in New York back in the 60's. Seems some drag queens got pulled out of their favorite bar and beat up by the cops one time too many. They took their anger to the streets, and the modern gay liberation movement was born.
Consider this: in all other species of large mammals with organized social behavior, the male/female ratio is typically 1:8 or more. It's religion that requires us to have one man for one woman. One could easily argue that this abberation is responsible for almost everything that is wrong with the world today, starting with the population explosion. The only other organism that reproduces without regard to its environment is viruses. I don't advocate getting rid of our severe oversupply of men, but it is something to ponder.
@thesportscritic (5)
• United States
27 Feb 07
my view of homosexuality is that it is wrong in God's eyes. People are not born gay they choose to be gay.
@joby_09 (498)
• Philippines
27 Feb 07
I will not engage myself into this kind of relationship. But i do respect those who are into it.
People have different views regarding this issue. As for me, i want to have a family on my own someday. I want to marry the man i love and raise our kids. i believe this is not going to be possible if i were to marry a woman like me.
The idea of getting into a homosexual relationship is not bad but difficult. When you get yourself into this kind of relationship, you must be ready for the consequences.
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@catcai (1056)
• Philippines
27 Feb 07
I dont have any problems with homosexuality, i believe that it is a matter of choice for the indvidual. We are all given free will and its up to us how we ought to use it. We have to respect the individuals decision specially when it comes to his own sexuality in which we really have no grasp for. As long as they dont hurt others then i dont see anything wrong with it.
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@mrbehemoth (33)
• Australia
27 Feb 07
I believe that it's pretty stupid to think people "choose" to be homosexual. I certainly didn't "choose" to be heterosexual, and I could not possibly choose to be homosexual if I wanted to.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Harmful to who! They don't bother anybody.Most of the criminals are straight men,transmissins of aids is mailny by straight men,so who are they harming?if you're talking about on a religious level,that is only for God to decide,no one else.Judge not ,lest ye be judged! there are a lot of religious people doing more harm than these gays!
@testa130887 (11)
• India
27 Feb 07
its ok if you are not hurting anyone
but in most of the cases i had seen it results into a problem. they cannot live happy for a long period. the relation lasts only for short period.
so why should one go for it if its going to cause them trouble later on. so according to me its wrong.
@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
28 Feb 07
My lover and I have been together for almost 12 years, and we have many friends who are also in stable, longterm relationships. If you think about it, a large percent of straight marriages end before the 10 year mark, too. I think it's hard for anyone to establish a lasting relationship in our fast moving society. Seems like everything's disposable nowadays.
@earning (141)
• United Kingdom
28 Feb 07
When people talk of "choosing to be homosexual" I always ask "like those people with big noses choose to have big noses ... and short people choose to be short?"
It isn't a choice.
And "so long as they don't try to force their beliefs on others" - they are only trying to make people realise that they have the same rights as people with big noses and short people!
They are people. I bet you have some attributes that you cannot change that you did not choose. How would you feel if you were singled out for those items? "Sorry, you can't come in here, you aren't tall enough" "I am sorry, we don't employ people with large noses".
@yorb24 (2179)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I've never come across anybody that was homosexual who has tried to force their beliefs on anybody. I have come across people who don't believe in homosexuality that have tried to force their beliefs on others. As long as nobody is hurting you, I don't see what the problem is. People should be able to be themselves without being judged but unforutnately this society doesn't always allow that so I feel that people that are being true to themselves without intentionally hurting someone are quite brave.
@gianena (256)
• Philippines
28 Feb 07
Eversince I was a kid, I have no problem with homosexuals. My parents have taught me to respect people regarding their gender. I don't see a problem with them cause I have friends who are homosexual and I admire them cause they are now successful. They have good jobs and they support their families too. There's nothing wrong with anything a person does as long as he/she doesn't hurt anybody. Everyone has the freedom to do that. Sometimes, I can't understand why some people really despise them even if they didn't do anything bad towards them. Honestly, I pity these people who are rude towards homosexuals. But I can't do anything about that cause they are also entitled to their opinions. However, I do hope and pray that they also show some respect towards homosexuals. They can express what they feel but they don't have the right to hurt homosexuals.
The best thing that I can do is to respect the homosexuals. They are also people. And guess what they are fun to be with...
@c1masters (54)
20 Mar 07
I'm not sure that homosexuality is a belief to be forced onto others, like Christianity or David Hasselhoff, people just are or are not.
@Schnorrawaggle (688)
• Austria
21 Mar 07
You say: "If a person chooses to be homosexual, that is fine, so long as they don't try to force their beliefs on others. They should also have the freedom to act how they choose, again so long as they do not overpower the rights of others."
May I point out that that is exactly what the straight community has been doing to the gays.
I support gay rights. All anyone wants is to be with the one they love. When 2 people love each other and want to spend their life together, how can that be wrong. I'm not sure why so many people think that gays want to convert everyone. They just want to live their live in peace like everyone else too.
Just my opinion.