People that make you ashamed to be {insert religion here}
By Leca
@lecanis (16647)
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
February 27, 2007 5:43am CST
Are there people within your religion that make you ashamed? What is it about them that bothers you, and how do you deal with it?
For example, I'm pagan. I've known some pagans that are well-read, knowledgeable about their own beliefs, following very individualized paths that work for them. That's wonderful. However, I've also known some very ill-informed, rebellious, rude, and overall immature people who are pagan.
In high school I often ground my teeth and said "Just shut up!" to the newly converted pagans who ran around trashing everyone else's religions and spouting how they had something to do with Satan (funny since he's part of the Christian mythos and not ours, or saying that they "had been blessed with great destructive power and now everyone will pay."
I understand now that for a lot of these people, their involvement with "paganism" was just a rebellious act and not a real religion. For some of them, the phase passed and they went back to whatever their religion had been before this, but I know some of them who are still behaving this way now, in their twenties. They have no real understanding on any of the belief systems modern paganism is founded on, they don't do any real practice, and they essentially seem to exist to make people who take this religion seriously look bad.
This turned into a bit more of a rant than I'd hoped it would be, but please play nice. =)
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14 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I wouldnt say there are ppl that make me ashamed but there are definately those (like what you mentioned) that make me roll my eyes and think "man someone slap the stupid out of him/her" LOL And I have zero tolerance for the ones that are the newbies and do take a hate on stance towards every other religion known to man...those ppl I like to put in their place on a regular basis..
"For some of them, the phase passed and they went back to whatever their religion had been before this"
Hhmmm I know some like that and though a couple of them still have tremendous respect for Paganism there are a select few who (you read about it in the news etc) go back to their original religion and turn around and dog Paganism in the WORST ways..they make up horrible stories etc etc...Ppl like that i just want to knock the crap out of!!
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
27 Feb 07
Haha, yeah I suppose it is more that they make me want to slap the stupid out of them. I guess I say that I'm ashamed to say I'm pagan because I always wind up somehow being introduced along with these people, "Oh and these are the pagans" and I just shudder because I don't want to be associated. Maybe I'm a bit of an elitist, but I think you should make an effort to be informed about your own religion.
Ah, I've seen some pretty horrible examples of what you are talking about. Some of the Christian tv and radio shows have these people as guests a lot. "The ex high priestess of Wicca" or whatever who "reveals the secrets of the evil worship of Satan". And then when you look into it you just can't find any factual evidence for any of what these people are saying. Bleh.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Oh yea some of the so called "Satanic Ritual Abuse" cases that were a plenty back in the late 1980s I think it was were INSANE....the FBI got involved and none of them were found to be true if I remember correctly....YET ppl still try to pull it off (making up stories) AND they drag Pagans, Witches and Wiccans into the mix which doesnt help us any..Some ppl really need to take up knitting, its a far less damaging hobby than making up seriously damaging lies...
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@happymommy3 (2012)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Like the first person that responded I have to say the same... I wouldn't say they make me ashamed either, to be christian. I think in all religions there are people like you described. I myself, make mistakes as a christian, but I can't stand it when I see so many christians out there preaching to others and they are living the total opposite of how they are teaching every one else to live. Basically being a hypocrite. I really think first about how I am living before I go out there and try to preach to someone else about how they're supposed to be living. So I really believe in the saying, "Practice what you preach."
@Raevyn1972 (275)
• Canada
27 Feb 07
Slap the stupid out of them. Good one!! I feel like that sometimes. There are, in my own pagan community, unfortunately, three or four like that, and on a daily basis they prove their ridiculousness by making outlandish claims to 'unspeakable powers' *rolls eyes*
There are people in other religions that make me want to slap them around with a wet noodle as well: fundamentalist Christian men and women who are supposed to be LEADERS and preach love to all are basically condemning anyone who doesn't submit in their 69.95 for membership into their exclusive we-love-jesus club. We had an incident here in town where a teenage girl was actually kicked off a soccer team because she wore a muslim headscarf! WTF? Even *I* wouldn't take discrimination that far! What is WRONG with some people today?!!!
/falls off soapbox cuz she realizes it's time to get ready for work
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Interesting discussion. There are extremists and disturbers in every denomination, and I think I'll likely bring another angle to this discussion when I say that even as an atheist, there are some atheists that annoy me to no end.
Personally, I enjoy nothing more than knowing that more and more atheists are being outspoken, but some are really going about it the wrong way. We do NOT need uneducated or ignorant people making the entirity of us look bad, lol.
I'll give you an example of my biggest annoyance. I spent a lot of time in debate forums, specifically atheist forums. And there are the ones that talk about how sick they are of christians shoving beliefs down their throat and being 100 per cent certain there's a God. They laugh at the statement, claiming there's no way to be 100 per cent certain of anything of the kind.
They then turn around and say they KNOW there's no God.
These people quite obviously don't know what atheist MEANS. Atheist simply means to be without a belief in God or Gods. (theist = belief, A prefix = without) I lack those beliefs, because I've yet to find evidence that supports them. But to rule out the possibility altogether as a certainty is ignorant, just as it seems silly to me to claim a certainty without that evidence. Sure, I'm 99.9 per cent sure there's no divine power of any kind short of the natural workings of the world ... but I'm not arrogant enough to cancel out the slight possibility that I could be wrong. So I won't say "there is no God" ... I simply claim the literal definition of atheist ... I don't have a belief in any God or Gods.
(Not trying to open a debate .. just trying to explain why these particular people bother me)
Okay ... there's my addition to your rant. Now off my soapbox .. who's next lol?
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
28 Feb 07
I agree with you that there are always extremists and disturbers.
I saw someone on mylot today with a discussion along the lines of what you were talking about, the atheists who do nothing but say "You can't be sure there's a God" and then turn around and say they're sure there isn't one. Brilliant, eh?
@recycledgoth (9894)
28 Feb 07
Yup, with you all the way here. Charmed has a lot to answer for, there are so many people now who claim to be*witches* and claim to be pagans, yet they have little understanding of the basic concepts, only what they have watched on television. I have always felt that the phrase "to each his own" should hold true, but there have been times when I have had to take a step back and ignore some people.
Blessed be
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
28 Feb 07
Ah, yes, Charmed. Yay. Granted, it was fun to watch, but there were way too many people who took it seriously. Same with any other show or movie along those lines.
I think claiming to be any religion you only know from television is a little dotty, personally. A lot of people think there's not much you have to know with paganism because it is such an individual thing, but having a good knowledge base to start from is still good.
@recycledgoth (9894)
28 Feb 07
LOL - I just realised what number my posting was
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 Mar 07
Ah yes, the ever popular Silver Ravenwolf. Good one. =p
At least you have the kindness to just ignore her. I threw one of my friend's Silver Ravenwolf book out the window (literally) after she voiced one too many stupidities. Thankfully my friend is over her Silver Ravenwolf phase and is reading other books now.
@theaterjunkie (342)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Sometimes I really dislike being a Christian because of all the Christians out there that take the Bible way too seriously. I believe in Jesus and God, but I am very openminded...and it upsets me very much when people automatically assume that I'm homosexual, that I force my religion to other people...when it's not even like that at all.
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@TheOriginalRed1 (512)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I have not yet found a religion that didn't have someone that made me feel uncomfortable more than ashamed. That is why I do not follow any organized religion. I just never felt it was right for someone to profess their believes while in their place of worship and then life like they have none the rest of the time.
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@AgentChambers (62)
• United States
28 Feb 07
See, I'm a Christian, and no matter what anyone, did, or said that claimed to be a christian, I would never, ever be "ashamed" to be a christian.
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@joby_09 (498)
• Philippines
28 Feb 07
Philippines is dominated by Catholics. And there were lots of Catholics who join fellowships or prayer meetings. Through these prayer meetings, they praise and worship God. They even sing and dance songs of praise to show how they honor God. They share their experiences in life to show how grateful God is and has touched them.
I have nothing against this practice or this fellowship thing. I just can't understand why some people go back to the bad things that they do that is outside this fellowships. Yes, they share and listen to each members life stories (and they even give advices) but in reality, they can't even fix the problems inside their homes. They can't even talk to their husband/wife about their problem and yet they portray a counselor image.
It made me doubt if the people who join these activities are really sincere in honoring God or they are just portraying a life of holiness.
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@mourning_willow (50)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I am wiccan and i guess i fell the same. i have told my family ( mom and dad ) and they think it is a joke and i dont know going through a fad. im scared to tell my grandpaents because they are all about god and every time i talk to them they are saying they are praying for me and if i have a bad day just pray and god will help me. a few of my friends are aware and they saport it or either they just dont say anything. i am proud of what i do and believe but there are certain people i dont want to tell just because i dont want the whole lets sit down and talk speach.
@ashley_sahni1977 (379)
• India
28 Feb 07
me a sikh probably not known by many people about this religion. although i happy to b born under this comunity but at same i feel sorry when some people politicise the issue and make comman people fite on name of religion just to incash there political motive.
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@Mitzi72 (20)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I have a brother who is a Hare Krishna. I was raised in a Baptist School/Church where my Father was a deacon and also attended a (Pentacostal) Assembly of God Church/School. I do not claim any religion because to me my relationship is with God not the close minded, Judgemental people I have met in all religions. I watched my fathers pastor pray with my family as my father lay dying in his hospital bed and heard him "TELL" God how he new a couple of my fathers children(there are five of us) would see him again in heaven. I do not believe these religions hat feel they have the right to judge as to your piety by how long your hair is, what you eat or what you wear. There is my rant to respond to your rant. Does that help? :)
@lucas528 (323)
• Northern Mariana Islands
28 Feb 07
what makes me ashamed is that seing people within my religion who doesnt deserve any respect as they are not respecting themselves by not respecting others. i mean, too many talkings, too many bad words against other but dont they think that all those bad words they're putting against others are bad words that should be put over their own heads too? and one more thing i hate is, there are these people who always attend Mass and keep on showing the world that they are religious but the truth is they, themselves, are worse than those who dont go to church always.