Anyone else addicted to the Tales series ?

@Sissygrl (10912)
February 27, 2007 8:58am CST
Right now i am playing Tales of the abyss, is anyone else addicted to this series ?
6 responses
• Philippines
13 Feb 08
The first Tales of game I've played was Tales of Destiny. It was nice and was a bit frustrating since I was only a kid back then but I've learned to cherish it when I succeeded in finishing it. So when I saw Tales of the Abyss, I knew I must have it and it didn't disappoint me. It's too bad the skits didn't have voices; it would've been perfect!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
13 Feb 08
The first one i played was destiny too, although i wasn't a kid, i smoked a lot of pot back then LOL, so i was always just wondering around and fighting things, i managed to get to the end, but i missed a LOT of things i bet!! I reccomend after you beat abyss the first time, getting the walkthrough and going through step by step!!
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• Philippines
13 Feb 08
I'm actually at my second playthrough. I can't believe the amount of stuff I've missed; it's kinda maddening. Thank God for gamefaqs. LOL
• United States
31 May 07
I love to play the tales of series, too. This is the best one so far.
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@nitsy_s (1028)
• India
27 Feb 07
I havent heard about it...what is it about? I would love to know.
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@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I have never heard of this. Is a show and if so what type is it. Just from the title is sound rather intresting. I know that they have a new series on right now about vampires and so forth, but I forgot what channel it was on. I hope I find it soon. I will see what the others posts are like, perhaps I will find my answer there. Hope all is well.
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@Omocho (4)
• Canada
10 Jul 09
Woah old topic. oh well, I LOVE the tales series. My favorite game series of all time. Can't wait for Tales of Gracia, even though it's only coming out in japanese this winter :( Gonna be a while for english.
@lazette (216)
• Philippines
9 Jan 11
It saddens me that very few people know of this in myLot :(. I absolutely LOVE the whole of the Tales of Series. I've practically played all of their titles, including the Japan-only ones. I'm pretty much attracted to the anime-like designed characters and the awesome battle system. It's just great. I also own a fansite about the series.