My only Female
@keepermykitty (2573)
February 27, 2007 7:24pm CST
CAT had a litter of three kittens , well her last litter was born December 31 , 2006 . So I mean the 8 weeks weren`t even up so I couldn`t even give them to a Pet Store yet .
Anyways the Mom went and got pregnant again , I finally gave the kittens to a Pet store yesterday , but now The MOM is pregnant . This has been happening since her first litter .
I Love her , she has an attitude like Siamese most days shes just vicious . When she is pregnant she is Cuddly and Lovable .
I started thinking about giving her to the Pound . There they will keep her until she finds a home , or thats what they tell me .
The only thing I`m scared of is that she will eb=nd up in ahome with small Kids , as she hates kids (they always try and pick her up) mostly cause she is pregnant and too heavy , but I DON`T EVEN TRY TO PICK HER UP .
I try to warn THE KIDS THAT SHE IS MEAN , but they don`t listen . Even when they do their already terrified of her .
I also think maybe an `olé couple` will want her and take her home only to find out how vicious she can be .
I`m terrified of this but I can`t deal with the kittens anymore and I guess I would have to Abort the kitties in order to have her fixed/spayed whatever you call it , if I want to keep her .
AND the only reason I want to is cause I know her , I`m scared whoever else get her will have her put down and SHE doesn`t deserve that .
What would you do ?
Would you get her fixed ?
Would you keep her or would you get rid of her ?
I just don`t want to see her put down ................
Thank-you for reading .......
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23 responses
@TJHornibrook (196)
• United States
28 Feb 07
my female cats all mellowed after being fixed. I would have her fixed after her next birth. Just don't pick her up until the stitches are out. Found that out the hard way as a kid. I've had many cats all female and all mellowed out nicely after the operation.
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
Thats what I tell my boyfriend , he likes her vicious , He only has to deal with her a couple hours a day , where as I have to all day , neighbors complaining about how much she scares the kids . Thats what I don`t like , its to hard for me to keep her in , she runs for the door every time its opened . After she is fixed she may not want to go out anymore or not as much I HOPE ................LOL..
Thanks , and have a nice day ..........
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@ShadowWalker (969)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I have six cats and two are females. Tell your boyfriend the surgery most of the time mellows them out. My two females have become MORE playful since I had them spayed. The first thing you should do is quit letting her go outside or she'll keep having unwanted pregnancies. She'll most like scream and yell but you should ignore it. It is imperative that you get her to a vet as soon as possible. Unwanted kittens are every where don't add to the population of them. Take them to a shelter that has a policy of not euthinizing animals. Give them to a pet shop. Don't just let them go after the mother weens them. But it all goes back to the samething. Have her spayed as soon as possible.
@Connie1013 (1098)
• United States
28 Feb 07
If she was my cat, I would let her have her litter but only after a Vet checked her out. If she has had that many litters she may not even be able to carry this one. I would get her fixed so this never happens again. Yes I would keep her. Older cats are wonderful. They are out of their kitten stage.
If you do decide to adopt her out, do you have a cat rescue center like 10th Life in your area?
@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
No not that I know of not near me , I know there is a shelter rather a pound , and I don`t want to send her there cause they`ll put her down . So I decided to let her have this litter and then get her spayed once these kitties are off her ....
Thanx alot ..............
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@Connie1013 (1098)
• United States
10 Mar 07
You are welcomed. I gave you lots of +. I am honored that you picked mine out. Hope your cat is OK.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Awww, I wish I lived close to you. I would love to have a kitten to grow up with my kids. Well, that's besides the point. I think this momma cat needs to be fixed before she can give every kid in the world a baby kitten. This cat deserves to have a few months of not being pregnant. Makes you wonder what boy cat is going after your cat. When she's in heat, you need to keep her inside so she doesn't get pregnant.
If she's a mean cat, the pound will probably put her down in fear of the cat hurting someone. You and your boyfriend really need to sit down and talk about this.
Good Luck, still wish I lived closer I would have taken one of her babies.
@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
That would have been great . I think once she`s spayed she`ll be happy . I know she can be a nice cat .
That is why she isn`t at a pound yet , I know her I can deal .
I think she`ll be fine once she`s done ...
Or at least I hope !!!!
I plan on letting her have the kitties this time and get her done after the kittens are gone ....
Thanx ...........
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@abhishekkaushik (327)
• India
1 Mar 07
how lucky u are u have so nice kitten they are really cute ins't it. but my problem is i cant have one because due to frequent travel i have to leave my home once a week i cant afford them
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
Sorry thats not my kitty in the pic. If I knew how to use my own pic. I would show you my kitty HES A BEAUT .......
He looks Siamese .......
If I ever learn how ....... LOL LOL ....
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@silvermoonmyst (943)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Getting her fixed is the best option! if shes been having kittens sence she went into heat, her body is probably pretty tired and wearing down. Being pregnant is hard on the body. Anyway she needs to be fixed. How is she getting pregnant? Do you have a tom? Does she go outside? If you have a tom, they both should be fixed.
Getting her fixed may change her attitude as well. She may become a bit more loving. Some females are a bit feral while fertile, and that may help change her attitude. I would get her fixed, and yes abort the kittens, she dosent sound very far along, or wait if you feel like you should, but get her fixed asap, see if her attitude changes, and then decide what to do.
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Yes this is what I want to do , its my boyfriend who doesn`t want to . He thinks it changes the cat and she won`t be playful anymore .
I keep trying to talk him into it but so far nothing . I think I am gonna anyways . Whether he likes it or not .
He isn`t the one who has to look after her and the kittens I do .
I have explained to him that that is why she is the way she is , she is run down , and tired she doesn`t like the kittens at all having them on her all the time makes her cranky .
I really can`t do it right away because I have no way to get her there , but I will make a point of it as soon as the snow is gone .
Thank-you for responding ...
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Silver, bump your boyfriend! It's stupid, ignorant thinking like his that has created a society that euthanizes TWENTY-EIGHT MILLION unwanted dogs and cats EACH YEAR! Just tell him he AIN'T getting laid as long as the cat IS - he'll change his mind quick!
And, please, PLEASE, I beg of you, never again allow a dog or cat of yours to go unspayed or unneutered. I work animal rescue, trying to save as many unwanted pets as I can. Tens of thousands of people in America do the same work. Never again add to our burden, please!
@mossjanicelynn (1240)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Do the kitty thing one last time and have her fixed! Bless your heart I feel for you, but the right thing to do is this. I know you love your cat very much. Hopefully she won't have very many, since she just gave birth. If the pet store is happy to have them, just let her have one last litter. Good Luck to you
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
No I`m lucky there Ricky (the mom) only has 3 kitties per litter . She only produces enough milk for 2 kittens , somehow her body knows this and she only ever has 2 or 3 kittens per batch ...
Thats why I don`t think its OK to let her keep having kitties .
It can`t be healthy thats for sure .....
I plan on letting her have this litter and then have her spayed ....
Thanx ......
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Honestly considering she is an outside cat I would have had her fixed as soon as she was old enough. The other thing you can do if you decide to gve her to an animal shelter is let them know her temper and thatshe dosnt like kids nor does she like to be picked up. The shelter will make shure that she dosnt end up in a home with children and who ever is intrested in her they will let them know that she has a temper and dosnt like to get picked up at all. The other thing the shelter will do is if you havent donr it already they will get her fixed and get her, the shots she needs.
I have 2 indoor cats 1 male and 1 female and I had them both fixed when they turned 5months old plus had there shots given to them. I cant afford for them to have kittens as much as I love kittens. Also I have small children and I would be afraid of one of my kids accidentialy hurting one ofthe babies.
Best of luck to you and your kitty.
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Thanks . No my cat isn`t fixed she`s pretty much been pregnant since she was 7 months old . I`ve wanted to , but my boyfriend never did .
After this litter I am planning on getting her done , I can`t get her there with all the snow , but after this litter I am planning on it ...
She can be a good cat I`m sure .....
Thanks again ......
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@classy56 (2880)
• United States
28 Feb 07
i would get her fixed.after she has the kittens an give the kitten away.i know what you mean about a cat not likeing kids an other people.i have one just like that.he is a very mean i cant give him away to i also dont pet him or try to pick him up.he will tear me up lol.take her an get her fixed it didnt cost me very much to get mine {outside}cat spayed it was only $40 an it was well worth it
@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Yeah I already looked into the price its $55 , which isn`t bad , but I don`t drive so I have to pay someone to take her . I only know a few people here where I live , and the only one I can ask will charge me a fortune he already said he would for $20 there and $20 back . Thats why I don`t have her done yet .
I can`t afford that .............
Thanx ....
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@bbboricua03 (183)
• United States
28 Feb 07
1. Why have you not fixed her before?
2. Why are you allowing your cat to keep getting pregnant?
The only way to stop animals from getting pregnant is to keep them in an environment where that would be impossible, or just have them fixed, so even if they get out of the house, they still dont get pregnant
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
I used to live in the basement apartment and one of my windows were broke , thats what started the whole thing . I couldn`t keep her in and next thing I knew she was already pregnant and has been almost ever since . Oh believe me I wanted to get her fixed lots of times , my boyfriend doesn`t want to though .
I told him you never wanted to have her done ,now you deal with her .
I`m not anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@quatelmon (955)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Tell him that he is being irresponsible for not getting the cat fixed!!!! This cat is producing kittens in a world where there are already so many cats who need loving homes. Don't listen to your boyfriend. She should not be put down because she keeps getting pregnant. That's not her fault, that's nature. It's the owners fault! I would hate to see you have to put her down over something so silly. Good luck! And please get her fixed so that she can have a wonderful and loving life with you!
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
Thats what I am planning on doing once she has this litter . I don`t think its fair for her to keep having kittens , I know its not her fault its instinct , I have talked to my boyfriend and he finally agreed to getting her done . Now I just have to wait til she has this litter and by that time the snow will be gone ....
I HOPE ...........
Thanks and have a nice day ............
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I would get her spayed rather than putting her in the pound. At least if her attitude changes a little, you know she is in a safe home and well aware of what's going on with her, than giving her away and wondering to self if you did the right thing..
Good luck, I would get her spayed...
@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Yes thats what I`ve decided once she has this litter . Its only another what seven week away , once she has the kittens and I take them to the store , she`ll be ready to get spayed .
I will know where she is then , and I won`t worry about her anymore .
Thanx ...
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@5000ml (1923)
• Belgium
28 Feb 07
You should fix her, it'll be nicer for her in the long run. Even though it sounds you don't have any problems finding the kittens good homes, you don't know what really happens to them (like horrible horrible stuff) and there already is such a huge kitten problem. Also, if you don't want this new litter you could have them aborted by the vet as he fixes the mother or you can have them euthanized by the vet immediately after they're born. This sounds cruel (I just hate what I'm telling you here as I adore cats and kittens, but I have to be realistic), but sometimes it's just for the best. Good luck!
@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
No I won`t euthanize the kittens , I can`t make myself do that , but I`ll let her have this litter . I always take the kittens to the Pet Store , and they sell them . That way I know their all going to Good Homes .
I understand that the pet store will spay them and/or neuter them , and its included in the price . Every one wins this way .
The new owners won`t have to worry about it like I do now.
Thank-you for responding ..
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
I think getting her fixed as soon as she's had this letter would be the best option for you. That way she won't get pregnant again, you won't have to abort the babies AND getting her fixed may just help to calm her down.
If not, maybe talk to the vet. Sometimes it can be something such as a hormone imbalance that makes the vicious. The fact that she's lovable and cuddly while pregnant would seem to point to this.
If you take her to somewhere like the SPCA they may fix her for a lower rate than at the vets office.
I hope this is of some help to you.
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
I found a Clinic here where they do nothing but spay and neuter cats . Which is great , they only charge 55$ , so thats where I`ll take her once she has this litter . I want to see her happy and not have anymore kittens , only cause I know its not good for her to have this many litters . She is a good cat and deserves to be happy ..
Thanks for responding ....
@19magda86 (9)
• Italy
28 Feb 07
perhaps the most correct decision would be the removal of the ovaries...this way not to abandon of will owe to continue of will be able of and not to cuddle it of quietly!
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
I agree , but now I have to wait til after she has this litter ..
Then I am going to get her done ....
She can be a good cat if only she had a chance to be left alone ....
Thanx ......
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@ldyhawk549 (43)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Get her fixed asap. Let her have this batch of kittens. She'll mellow out after getting spayed. I have a couple half meez females that need to get fixed too. Fortunately, they haven't gotten out to get preggers. Tho, I do have a male cat that has been neutered even tho he doesn't seem to know it (still getting nookie and loving it .... at least he's shooting blanks LOL)
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Thats cool that you were able to keep your females in , mine always got out cause I had a broken window , where I was living , and now she wants it all the time . I almost feel sorry for her having to deal with this every so many weeks .
I think I will get her done as soon as she has this litter .
She`ll be much happier , and so will I ............LOL LOL.
Thanx for responding .
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Get this cat fixed as soon as possible. You don't want to be giving any more kittens to pet stores. That's totally irresponsible. Why didn't you bring them to a humane society or something. I don't believe in people buying any animals from pet stores. If you choose to let your cat be an outdoor cat, which I don't agree with either, it's constantly going to be pregnant if you don't get her spayed.
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
Yes I plan on getting her spayed as soon as she has this litter , thats why I was so upset in the first place she doesn`t give me a chance to get it done between litters .
I had an appointment for it to be done then I had to cancel because she got pregnant , and I don`t want to abort the kittens . No the only place that will take the kitties other than a pet store will put them down if they are there for more than 7 days . Thats what I don`t agree with , I`d rather take them to a pet store where they will spay/neuter the kittens before they are sold .
I don`t believe in The Humane society , they are worse than a pet store , in my eyes .
Thanks for responding ...
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Why not keep her, but if you keep her inside after these kittens are born then she won't be able to get pregnant again, and you could get her fixed. That way you can keep her AND no more kittens :) or if you have a male cat in the house, then you could keep them in different rooms, or just get the male cat fixed, that would work too :)
@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
Yes I will get her done after she has this litter , I really don`t mind the kittens but I do mind that they SH** all over the house , before I can train them to use the litter . OH well I will deal with this litter and hopefully have time to get her done before she gets pregnant again .
Thank-you ......
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@katty0004 (386)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I would have her fixed , plus it wouldn't hurt her and you could keep your cat , haveing kittens back to back like I don't think is good on her , and you won't have to deal with the kittens any more . Thats what I would do around her you take them to a pound if know one takes they they put them to sleep , so I always have my cats fixed and I don't have worry about some one being mean to them .
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Yes I agree I am having a hard time convincing my boyfriend of it though , he likes her the way she is .
He doesn`t realize how much she scares the kids when she gets outside . She is a mean BI*** and even scares me .
I find when she is pregnant she is a nice CAT , but I can`t let her get pregnant every eight-sixteen weeks thats what isn`t fair , not to her .
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@tad1fan (3367)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
I know this cat well......get her fixed!That's the only solution you have....the pound will tell you they'll keep her but they will put her through temperment tests and I guarantee you,with this cat they will put her to sleep.....have her fixed and save her life.....she's a cat and deserves to live....fixing her may even calm her down
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Yes I know thats what I keep telling my boyfriend , she will be much happier after she is fixed . She doesn`t deserve to be put down its not her fault , its instinct . Like any other cat they can`t stop their instincts . Its what they are born to do . MULTIPLY only I didn`t think she would this much LOL . I will get her done once she has this litter and the snow is gone . I CAN`T WAIT !!!!!!!!
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
Yes that is what I`m thinking , she is already a week into the pregnancy and I really don`t have a way for me to get her to the vet in the winter , so I think I will let her have this last litter , by that time the snow should be gone . I don`t want her to go to the pound myself either .
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