I don't know what to beleive anymore
By Crystal5
@Crystal5 (65)
United States
February 27, 2007 7:50pm CST
When I first started religion classes I was taught that beleiving in ghosts and the paranormal wasn't wrong and that everyone goes to heaven as long as they except the lord as their savior. Now they're telling me that beleiving in the paranormal is wrong and is a sin. They also changed their perspective on heaven. They are now teaching that not everyone can go to heaven. I'm lutheran, but it almost seems as though the religion is changing in my church. I don't know what to beleive anymore. Is it wrong to beleive in the paranormal and does everyone go to heaven as long as they except the lord as their savior?
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11 responses
@Dano11 (173)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I don't think it iw Biblically wrong to believe in the Paranormal, at least some aspects of it.
I think the question is one we cannot answer though, is what exactly are the spirits that haev influenced or made a known presence?
Jesus cast out demons, there are demons that can cause people to throw themselves around in supernatural ways, jesus cast the demon out of a man that had such superhuman strength that chains would not bind him.
Here is where you need to be as far as the church is concerned. Lots of churches change rules and lows and right and wrong, but the Bible doesn't. You need to dig into your Bible and listen to Gods word. When the church conflicts with this, take the Bibles word for it, not your minister. I've never had a minister or commentary that I believed in completely, stick with the scripture.
I have found for my own spiritual satisfaction, to attend Baptist Churches. I think from my own experience they, for the most part, do stick to the scripture and what the Bible has to say about issues, however there are issues even within many of the independent baptist churches.
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@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I am a very religous person and did not believe in the paranormal until I moved into a house that had a lot of paranormal activity in it. Locked doors would would open and close and items on shelves would fall off even though they were way back on the shelf, music boxes would play as if someone just wound them up while they had sat for months without being played and lights would turn on and off. An electrition checked the wiring and a carpenter friend checked the house and doors to see if they were level and frames for doors set properly. We also heard talking, laughing and crying and would see a person moving through the dining room and kitchen that was not there. I became a believer in the paranormal but had to be careful who I talked to about it because most people just do not believe in it and most religous people will put you down for it even though there are verses in the bible that refer to ghosts.
On the religous side. The bible is very specific as to who will be saved. Not every one that accepts Jesus as their savior will be saved. Read Matthew 7:13-23.
vs. 13 "Enter the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to distruction, and there are many that go in by it."
vs. 14 "Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few that find it."
vs. 21 "Not every one who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven."
vs. 22 "Many shall say to Me in that day "Lord, Lord, have we not prophheisised in Your name, cast out demons in Your name. and done many wonders in your name.'"
vs. 23 "And then I will declare unto them;I never knew you; depart from me you who pracitice lawlessness."
You can see by these versus that not all who believe and except the lord as their savior will be saved but only those who do the will of God. If you want more information contact me.
@dbeast (1495)
• India
28 Feb 07
well i would say the best thing is to follow your instinct and believe in yourself.if there is some discrepancy in a church changing the rinciple i wouldnt trust them too much.i would rather suggest you go into your Bible.the truth never alters there and there is where you can find truth and inner peace.so dont worry about the normal and the paranormal as you believe in yourself.
@boldriq (201)
• Slovenia
28 Feb 07
You have to remember that it is the belief of the doing good which takes you to heaven. Being a good person is what matters in all religions. And the lord is our savior allways aswell. It's the path that ussually changes in religion if anything. Trust yourself and you can't go wrong...
@omnithought (199)
• United States
28 Feb 07
If they can change their minds, then they should be okay with you doing so as well. Don't buy into what churches tell you. Do your own research. Surely, if they are right, then their information will stand up to anything you find, right?
@wisdomworld (2)
• Germany
28 Feb 07
You raise something that troubles many people who I come across. I hope I can help you come to terms with your beliefs in some way. So I will try and approach your question from what will hopefully be a fresh (and refreshing) perspective.
Each person has three basic dimensions: they have the physical, the mental, and the spirit. Many organised religions tend to gloss over the significance of these dimensions, their differentiation.
The physical dimension is the dimension that we all se and vcan relate to most conveniently. This is the dimension that is very limited and defined in space and time. It has a starting point, and ending date (or live until expiry date) and is subject to to influences both external and internal. Its influence is limited.
Then there is the mental. The mind can influence the body, and can influence all that happen to come into its medium of influence. So, whether that influence is only on the self, if it is on others we meet in person, on the phone, on paper, online... we can try to influence those who destiny allows us to come into such 'direct' and often tangible and willful contact with.
Then there is the third and more illusive dimension - the spiritual. Now, this dimension transcends all concepts of space and time. Unfortunately, many organised churches try to address this dimension by applying the same rules of thought as are available for understanding the first two realms. Have you not hear of the twins, one in Madrid and the other in Maine, who both feel the same emotion or knot in the stomach at the same time with uncanny premonition. Such a connection is a spiritual bonding that is clearly paranormal. It is niether right or wrong, niether good or bad. It simply is. However I should add a caveat of disconfort at the concept of 'normal' versus 'paranormal'. In the spiritual realm, influences that transcend physical limitations of space and time are actually normal.
Similarly, think of the mother who just feels that she must call her son who lives in another timezone because she just has a 'feeling' that he needs her. And often times, it turns out he did need her.
As for redemption, or more specifically as for who will go to heaven or not, no church can legitimately claim to have the exclusive formular for securing God's pleasure. Surely, that's exclusively God's prerogative, and we live at His pleasure and hopefully, for His glory.
So, yes, churches do change, but God doesn't. Churches may alter their rules and regulations and rituals and expectations, but God remains steadfast. And, after all, God himself does claim, regardless of any person's preferred religeous persuasion, to be a 'paranormal' force. He does claim, clearly, to be simply, "Love".
These are not gospels. They are merely my reflection. Thanks for such a meaningful questions. I hope my contribution is helpful and supportive.
@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
28 Feb 07
A better question would be what do you think? What you think or feel is all that really matters in the end. If you think your church is changing, then find one that feels the way you feel. That's what religon and churches is all about. I myself don't like organized religon because they all feel they are right, and they can't all be right.
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
28 Feb 07
Accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour is more than just going through the rituals of bowing down and uttering a prayer of acceptance. It is by repentance and faith in the finished work of Christ and entering into a relationship with Him.
There is nothing wrong in believing in the paranormal and the supernatural. The Bible attests to this fact and there are indeed the world of the spirits. The fact about heaven can never change the same way with the other clear teachings of the Bible though people's beliefs change.
@bonbon50 (659)
• United States
28 Feb 07
No one can say for absolute certainty what, if any, boundaries there are regarding what is right and wrong to believe in. (Aside from worshipping the devil and the obvious.) You can consult 1,000 'experts' in this field and get 1,000 different beliefs. Yet no one knows for sure until we actually die and experience it for ourselves. I am one who takes what beliefs I find from what information that I gather on my own and derive at my own theories.
You'll have to go with what they are teaching for now just to pass the class, but do not take everything they teach you as 'gospel'. As for myself, I believe in an afterlife where we are held accountable for our actions. I believe in paranormal too, and that these can all tie in together. I urge you to do a lot of reading on ALL subjects of this nature and believe in what you feel makes most sense.
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
28 Feb 07
EVERYONE who except Jesus in their hearts goes to heaven. Its in the bible!
I dont think believing in ghosts is a sin. They exist however they are demons tricking you to think they are real. Want proof? My sisters bible college used to be used for witches and such and it was haunted by ghosts/demons that even our church pastor saw AND heard!
So yeah hopes this helps!
@blue_fairee (236)
• Pakistan
28 Feb 07
God is not cruel to accept some and reject others. Only trust in God and believe in Him.
See God created us and He loves His creations just like when man creates anything and keep it dear no matter what.
You do what you believe is the right thing to do and never hurts others. This is simple way to spend ones life. This will give you satisfaction and happiness and Nearness to God too.
Only believe God always love us. He is not cruel. His arms are always open for us. Its us that need to ask Him for guidance and support. GOd never forgets us. We often forget Him.