This may be a little harsh for you to hear, if your NOT a US Citizen!!
@nascar_girl_4jr (315)
United States
February 27, 2007 10:03pm CST
I am really tired of Immigrants coming into this country ILLEGALLY, and making demands to change things here. First off, you need to become LEGAL before you have any say so over what goes on in OUR schools. I do NOT believe that Social Security should be given to anyway who knows how to swim to our land. If you did NOT contribute by paying into Social Security like I do every week, then YOU DONT DESERVE anything. This country does NOT owe you anything. If you want to come here and make a living like the rest of us, then by all means...come on over. But IF you think your gonna come here and take GOD out of our schools and constitutional rights because it doesnt fit your religion back home...THEN GO BACK HOME.. I am a PROUD AMERICAN..I love everything we STAND for, not the things we fall for. I know its been a really touch subject, but I am tired of people coming here thinking that we OWE them an education, free lunches, welfare, social security and housing assistants. The only reason this is available in this country at all, is for the people who are ALREADY here, working and paying taxes, so dont come here, set up shop and think your gonna change us.. IN GOD WE TRUST...Too harsh?? Agree or Not?
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10 responses
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
28 Feb 07
This has been a very touchy subject especially recently. I have always been of the mind, you are welcome if you come in legally, learn to speak the language and pay taxes like any other American citizen. My great grandparents came here legally right before WW1, learned to speak American, worked a profitable farm, paid their taxes and raised 11 upstanding and hard working American citizens 3 of whom fought in WW2 and another who fought in Korea.
A few weeks ago my sister in law, who is extremely intelligent and hard working was turned down for a good paying job that she was well qualified for... because she didn't speak SPANISH! What's wrong with this picture? An American citizen, applying for a job in America, in an American based company, with their customer base in America, and can't get a job because she doesn't speak another language??? Something is very seriously wrong here.
I am still dumbfounded and angry.
Last year 2 of my friends went to the meat packing plant about 6 miles outside of town to apply for jobs. They were both turned down. Last summer that and another plant were raided by the immigration authorities and 300 illegals were caught and deported. Now I live in a town of 20,000 and 300 jobs were taken by illegals. That's one heck of a big chunk of jobs!!
Do I blame the illegals, no not really. Their own governments can't/won't take care of them, and our government makes it too easy for them to get away with it. They can come here work for a year, go home and feed their kids for 5 yrs on what they made here. Would I do any different if it came down to being able to feed my family? Who knows, I've never been in that situation thank goodness.
Something needs to change and change fast. Whew.. thanks for the opportunity to vent a little bit.. LOL.
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@nascar_girl_4jr (315)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I didnt really know if I would get any responses on this or not, because people are so darn sensitive anymore, and alot of people wont say their feelings because of fear of offending people. When I wrote this I was like "there goes my 9 rating", but I am not doing this for a rating. I have always been the one to SAY what others are THINKING...
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@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
2 Oct 07
I can SOOOO relate to your sister-in-law's situation, craftcatcher!
I have 17 years experience in my field. I can do anything that doesn't require a license. I couldn't find work for almost a year. Why? I WASN'T BILINGUAL! Why should I have to speak Spanish to work in MY country? If you can't speak the language, GO HOME!!! If I ever DO decide to be bilngual, it will be in Cantonese or Romanian or something. ANYTHING but Spanish!!
My husband's grandparents came to America legally after WW II. They had to learn the language and prove their ability to understand and write it. Nothing was handed to them and they didn't expect America to bend over backwards for them, either.
@silvermoonmyst (943)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Well my area is huge with russian and ukrainan immigrants. They come over, and over 85% of them get on public assistance. They make compaines that build houses and do a bad job. Im not saying all do, but alot do. Its really frustrating when you see them living in huge houses, with expensive cars, and then they tell you they are living n public assistance because they deserve it! Yeah it is frustrating!
What REALLY got me angry, and i mean REALLY got me angry was last summer some moved into the house next to mine. It was a 2 bedroom house, there were 8 kids, some were my sons age. And being 2 years old he went to play with the other kids he saw. The father comes out and tells me to keep my son on my property because he is corrupting their religion!!
WTF, my son bearly talked, and cares nothing for religion! HOW is he corrupting their religion?
When i told my husband this he made a good comment, if they want peace of their religion they need to go back to their country. Because this is america. Why are they here if they want to live like they are in their home country.
This is a touchy subject, but i tottaly get it, why do they want to bring their country to america and try to change america? If they choose to come here for a better life, great fine, have a better life, and adapt to america, dont come over here saying you want a better life and then turn around and try to change america into the country they just left. Isnt that a bit backwords? You came here, we didnt go to you.
SO yeah ill be grumpy with you about it.
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@nascar_girl_4jr (315)
• United States
28 Feb 07
That is LUDACRIS!! To come here and treat a 2 yr old like he is a parasite..GRR. That gets me to know end. I know what your saying about them with 2 bedrooms and 8 dang kids. I worked at a factory where they had all kind of illegal mexicans working there, and the Mexican men would come up from Mexico, rent a place, sleep on top of each other, rake in a huge check because they dont have to pay ANY taxes and then they would go home and live high on the hog for a year, come back and do it all again a year later.
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@silvermoonmyst (943)
• United States
28 Feb 07
It really is rediculous. I mean some people are like oh well. Well its not oh well. Those people live off of others, and see no problem doing it. Where is the pride in themselves? I mean really!
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@jenskids (99)
• United States
9 Apr 07
where do you guys get your facts from if they are getting a pay check then they are paying taxes what they cant do is get taxes back at the end of the year for this you should be happy more ssi for you when you get old and what do you care how many of them live in one house,you dont pay the rent and they dont tell you who you can have in your house.And you are placeing blame on the mexicans for takeing god out of the schools well you dont much about us we are the most god fearing people you will ever met.and it doesnt matter how american you are if you dont have money you dont have a say anyway

@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I totally agree. Where have you been all "myLot" life? Thanks for saying it like it is!
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@lisado (1227)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I also get angry about this. People come here from other countries, don't want to learn English and then have the nerve to sue the government because the driver's test isn't offered in their language. HELLO! The street signs are English! I don't mind if a family that came here from Spain want to speak in Spanish at home, but please speak English when you go to McDonalds and order or something! It makes me VERY angry to see people here turned down for jobs because illegals can do it "cheaper" or because we don't know Spanish in an English speaking country.
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@rebelann (113332)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Oct 19
It irks me that so many people think that Americans won't take the jobs that illegals are given, I'm betting a lot of the homeless in our cities would be grateful to get those jobs.
@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
28 Feb 07
You are on the right track. No one can get into your country and expect to be treated like a long lost friend thus, he shall be given some special treatment or attention. We all have our worries to carry and the worries of others we cannot carry for them.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Sep 07
Personally, I think that if they want to come here LEGALLY, learn the language and pay into the system...fine. But all these illegals are just sucking our economy dry.
I started a discussion a couple months back about my views of this and alot of ppl felt I was cold and heartless. I say to them, buy some tents and let them camp in your yard.
I really think they need to start being sent back to their own countries by the bucketloads and if they want to come back legally then great.
I often think when I respond to a discussion like this...LET THE FLAMING BEGIN!! Cause I just know I'm gonna catch it.
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@CatVegas (709)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I don't blame you for venting..I also say, "If you come here right way and become LEGAL I will welcome you, but come here ILLEGALLY you better go home."...So many people are losing their homes as jobs are getting so hard to get anymore, and the cost of everything is going up...Try to get help we can't, but come here from another country and get it on a gold plate...I'm so happy to see the raids going on as maybe now the American people can get work.
They come here and their husband goes to work for cheap wages as the wife goes on welfare as she doesn't carry his last name can get it easy. That is double dipping in my book...
I hate when they come to my door and think I should speak Spanish...I've gotten to the point to say when asked, "you no speak a spanish??" I say back, "No should I??" they don't know what to say... My God this is America, why do we have to learn another language?? It don't figure....
Come here and pay taxes, learn English and follow our Laws and become LEGAL.. Then I will see a better person in these people...But come here ILLEGALLY.....Just go back accross the border....
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@nzinky (822)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Like everyone else I'm tired of people hopping the border and then want all the beneifits that american people are denied........But we have to welcome them they are deprived of a decent wage in their country cause if they demaned that there they would be shot no questioned asked.......
Here in Las Vegas this week there has been 5 illegals arrested for stealing, raping and killing people and the week isn't over yet...
Not to forget there is all the sickness they are bring with them.......What happened to having a doctor certificate to get into our country......Went the way of our laws....Laws don't apply to the illegals only citizens...
@ddzdvd (361)
• United States
4 Oct 07
i totally aggree with you,our goverment has betrayed us all and is still betraying us at this very moment,(close the borders idiots)this mass invasion from mexico and all other nations needs to stop for about 10 years to give us time to figure a better way.i love mexicans as neighbors in THIER OWN COUNTRY.just think of the opportunity and jobs that would open up to our young men and women if the illegal invaders were sent packing.people america was once called number 1 everywhere and we had a sense of pride in our country,now because of all this illegal mass invasion what little blue collar jobs that was available is quickly being gobbled up by the mexican invaders.we as americans dont need or want mexican labor nor do we need it and never have needed them.they are ungrateful and have no repect what so ever for us americans or our customs.i feel like they are guests who have worn out thier please go back to that great country that all you mexicans are so proud of and protest vincente fox or we should just copy mexicos immigration laws
@rebelann (113332)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Oct 19

@rebelann (113332)
• El Paso, Texas
10 Oct 19
You'd be surprised how illegals manage to gain aid @myklj999 It has been very common here for illegals to steal someone else's identity since there are hundreds of people with common names such as Juan Garcia or Maria Sanchez on both sides of the fence. That's why they finally implemented the new protocals for gaining a drivers license or renewing one in TX.