Why Are So Many People Against these Breeds
@crimsonrain2005 (11)
United States
February 27, 2007 11:42pm CST
I am an owner of 2 wonderful Pitt Bulls. They wouldn't hurt a fly because they have been raised in a GOOD family. We don't yell at them, and we treat them like they are part of the family, instead of a dog. The first one that we got was abused as a puppy and was a rescue, and there isnt anything temperamental about her. My 83 year old grandmother loves her and my Pitt in turn loves my grandmother. The other one that we got is a male and he is outside, but still, he isn't a bad dog, he is just too big to bring in the house. Please give me your take on what you think about these dogs!
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56 responses
@bonita002 (98)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I would not own a pit bull. Every time I pick up a paper that says a little boy or girl was attacked by a dog. I find out that it's was a pit bullthat did it! For some reason these dogs hate little children and I wouldn't want to be the owner of this dog and feel responsible for the pain the parents went though
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@crimsonrain2005 (11)
• United States
28 Feb 07
These dogs don't hate children, sorry to tell you this, because you have your own opinion as i have mine, but my dog is around children all the time. She even loves cats, she wouldn't hurt a single one. Have you ever thought that maybe when the Pitt attacks a child, that something must have happened to trigger the attack. I honestly cant believe that a Pitt would see a child and say to itself "Yum, Lunch" and then proceed to attack. Another thing, where are the parents when this stuff happens?
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@Boorach (30)
28 Feb 07
The problem is that when they do attack the result is usually devastating and probably fatal for a small child. Little children don't understand dog psychology and are quite often below the dog's eye level so it's quite easy for the dog to misinterpret signals and feel threatened. Best not to have this kind of animal anywhere near kids. In every instance of attack I've read about the owner expresses shock and says that the dog is docile and loves children.
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@camjen23 (20)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Children are bit or mauled everyday by dogs but your only hearing of the Pitbulls that do it. You think your going to hear of the golden retriever that mauled the 2-year-old? I don't think so! It's more then pitbulls attacking. I would own a pitbull in a heartbeat. A pitbull is like any other breed and only acts the way its taught.

@mbarryton (1872)
• United States
28 Feb 07
i personally dont like those dogs. there is way to many incidents where they have hurt little kids. true i guess if they were brought up by a good family from birth they may be ok. im just not willing to take that chance around my kids.
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@venusvempire07 (109)
• Malaysia
28 Feb 07
Oh my God.. Even in my country also have a few cases where a black dog attack kids after they came back from school. He was sent to ICU and have serious injured on his left leg and some parts of his body.
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@sidoney (1033)
• Jamaica
28 Feb 07
We have a pit bull she is so play full our lab dog would more likly bite than him we have 6 days all different I read some where that they get aggressive if they are abused or locked away in solitude for too long I guess the way they look make people abuse them if people saw hulk they don't care if he has a good personality and wont hurt them they just start the abuse they need lots of love and play just like any other dog
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@micfac7 (158)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I have owned and been around pit bulls for many many years and have never had an ill experience. bad people breed them, antagonize them, and the dogs get stressed out. most any dog will love unconditionally, but even children who are antagonized, teased, punished cruelly....a lot of them grow up with issues, sometimes dangerous. pit bulls love children, but owners need to know how to handle the dogs and be proper owners. They are powerful and not just anyone should own a dog period, no matter the breed, if you don't know how to take care of them. I could go on forever. I think it's pointless when people get a dog, chain it outside and only go out to feed it. Imagine yourself on the other side of that chain. People NEVER think of the animals feelings....only their own. My aunt, last year HAD TO HAVE A GOLDEN retriever, it had to be golden so she could name it Honey. Now that dog lives in the backyard, not chained...but still. Why bother having a dog?????? It frustrates me so....
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@crimsonrain2005 (11)
• United States
28 Feb 07
We got the male dog for breeding purposes, because my grandmother wanted a pit bull puppy. She is 83 and doesn't really need dogs in the house. We have cats in the house, and the pit that is in the house isn't klutzy like the other one is. The lady that we got the male from that is outside, left him on the chain all his life and only went out the feed him, didn't pay attention to him, and basically left him out there to fend for himself other than to feed him. I go out everyday, and take him off the chain, and walk him with a leash, and let him go where he wants. I give him the love that he needs and wants, but i cant bring him in the house.
@ZenDove (698)
• United States
28 Feb 07
A couple of years ago I witnessed 2 pitt bulls maul and kill a mother poodle and her 3 pups. The whole neighborhood was watching and screaming from their yards and porches. Several of us had complained repeatedly to the police about the neglect and abuse of these pit bulls. Their owners were supposedly trying to raise them as guard and attack dogs. Every one in that neighborhood was convinced that someone would get hurt by these dogs. We knew that they were not securely locked into their yard. We were horrified over what happened but grateful that it wasn't someone's child.
Now, I place full responsibility on the owners and abusers of those poor pitts. Hey, you can turn a kitten into a killer if you kick it long enough. (Whoa, that sounds like a country and western song lyric!) My sister, who witnessed the same incident, will not get near a pitt. Or a Rottweiler, or a doberman. She thinks they are all killers by nature. To be fair to her, those poodles that were killed belonged to her best friend. My sister is definitely a poodle and cocker spaniel kinda girl.
I've never known any pitts, up close and personal but the sweetest dog I've ever known was a rottweiler - I've still got scratch marks from playing hide-n-seek with him. I guess it is a question of "nature vs nurture". Like with serial killers, we ask if they are born and destined to become brutes or shaped by their upbringing. I think that it is how you treat an animal that counts... but I do recognize that a pissed off pitt can do a lot more damage than an irate poodle.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Feb 07
The fact is that they are extremely dangerous animals. If a pitbull bites your hand, odds are you'll never have full use of that hand again. Compare that to something like a basset hound. If a basset hound bites your hand you laugh and take your hand back. Animal attacks are extremely common with pit bulls and they are known to lock their jaws on their victims making it extremely difficult to free people and animals they attack.
Pit bulls require special care to make sure that they don't become violent and aggressive. Crimsonrain, perhaps you give your dog the love and care it needs, but far too many people don't. Many people buy pit bulls for home defense and allow them to be violent. Some people even abuse them to make them more violent. I blame the owners for this, but the fact is pit bulls have attacked too many people to ignore.
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@crimsonrain2005 (11)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I agree with you to a point. Yes they do lock their jaws, yes they do attack more frequently than other breeds, but any dog can attack and will attack if not treated properly. There was an incident in Huntington WV about a little kid getting killed by a Pitt. The man that owned the dog had no trespassing signs on his fence, "Beware of Dog" signs on his house, a note on the door that said as long as he was home, anyone could come over but the dog was very protective. OK....so this one day his cleaning lady who had been there many times before while he was home...(car in driveway) came over one day while he wasn't home. He always told her to knock before attempting to come in the house. He was just right next door and wouldn't be gone more than 5 minutes. The cleaning lady brings her daughter and just walks right in his house. She sets the daughter down and the dog starts growling at the lady, now wouldn't you have picked your daughter up if a dog was growling, and not let your child be in the way of an angry dog? This lady doesn't do anything, the little girl grabs the dog and it snaps, instantly. The lady just stood there. She might as well tied a pork chop around the little girls neck. The man that owns the dog, heard the commotion as he was walking back up the path, and ran inside, grabbed the dog and broke it's jaw. The story continues that the dog was euthanized and the man was charged with man-slaughter. The lady walks away scot-free. IT really makes me upset because that guy tried to rescue the girl, and he had signs up and had even warned the lady.

@beckyomg1 (6756)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I had a pit bull for 15 years, and she was the biggest baby in the world. It is all how you raise them. Yes they are very protective of thier family and will let people know that. But If you raise them right they are great pets and will be there for you when needed.
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@kadysmom (1)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I have a German Shephard. Every story of a dog bite I hear is that the person was bit by a GSD. Mine is the BIGGEST baby--raised well, knew the parents, etc. It's all about responsibility. He is protective, that is his nature, but never out of control. It all comes down to responsibility.
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@laneita (78)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Yes my pit is the biggest baby in the world. we have this cat that stays outside. but they grew up together so they are friends right. well she just had 1 baby kitten. he hates when she comes in to feed the baby. he trys to protect the baby in the cage from its own momma. now thats funny. guess he thinks thats his little guy lol. an he loves the kitten as well. wont let no one get by him. an we treat him like one of the kiddos.
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@lpetges (3036)
• United States
28 Feb 07
i guess that they just have a bad reputation. I know dogs are like peoples children and their owners love them most of the time. But some breeds are just known for their bad temperment, and when the owners don't take care of them properly, or just let their behavior go,, then these dogs can be very vicious.
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@ananth85 (209)
• India
1 Mar 07
Pitt bulls are really a nice variety of dogs. They hatch up your imaginations. It`s nice that you show them some affection, as any beast would like to get enough love and affection from it`s owner/master. And i feel that you are on the right track to pet the dogs.
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@Naomi17 (624)
28 Feb 07
I have seen family dogs attack for no reason it happened in my family the dog attacked my baby sister was dreadful. I will say it was out of the blue i believe certain breeds of dogs have an aggressive streak Pit bulls are one such breed and i don't think they are for family pets because if they do attack the results are horrifying!
To many stories about a beloved pet attacking there child in the papers its one to many for my liking why go for an aggressive breed when there are so many others to choose from!
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@sasukeuchija (21)
• Argentina
16 Mar 07
your totally wrong... its the dog its the breeder... its the way u take care that makes him good or bad... if u make it good it will not attack u but if u dont take care of the dog, hit him, or make him fight, like a lot of people does with pitt bulls then its sure that it will attack u...
SAY NO! to sb 861... its breeders fault not dogs
@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
1 Mar 07
It is not the pitt bulls that need to be banned in so many cities that have taken to doing that, it is the people who won't love and treat an animal like they deserve and want to turn them into a fighting machine that need to be banned. Do not blame everything on the breed. While it is true that there are breeds that do better with kids than others, any creature is going to respond to his surroundings and in his life by the way he is treated.
You tie and dog out and only interact with him when you are angry because he is barking, what do you think will happen? All they want is our love and to many people fail to see the unconditional love a dog has for their owner.
Animal abuse makes me sick and blaming certain things on the breed of a dog is wrong. Some are just protecting their homes from what they perceive as a threat.
Some are acting out because they have never had a kind hand scratch them behind the ears or a warm lap to sit in.
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@JediSkipdogg (169)
• United States
1 Mar 07
The problem with pit bulls is most train them to attack. Like the original poster here said she got one as a rescue from being abused. You don't see people training golden retrievers to attack each other or poodles. People buy pit bulls and train them to attack. Unfortunately, that percentage of people makes it bad for anyone that wants to truely own one.
I work for a police department and get numerous calls a year on pit bulls. It gets old and most of them are very friendly. We even had one try to hump one of our officers legs, lol. We don't get numerous calls about poobles running loose, but people call about pit bulls. I think as an owner of one, you just have to get use to it. Unfortunately, it's one of those the bad people punish the good people.
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@cwgrlsarefun (1581)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Several years ago I owned a pit bull and she was the sweetest dog in the world, her name was Baby as that is what she was. We had some neighbors who also had pit bulls but they raised theirs to be very mean dogs. An elderly lady in our neighborhood had a small dog and these two other pit bulls killed her dog. When animal control came out they also took my dog as they said that they had a witness that saw my dog with the others. I knew that there was no way she could of been but they took her anyhow. One week later they put my dog down and two weeks after that I found out they had found the other dog that was actually involved with these other two dogs. They put my dog down for no reason at all and when I went to court over it I was pretty much told, no big deal she would of done something eventually and would of been put down then. I was so upset over the whole thing and my children missed her so much. I think that any dog can be mean but pit bulls have been given a bad name because of what so many train them to do. Mine was the biggest baby and I don't believe that she would of ever hurt anyone unless they were trying to hurt my children.
@ScrappinHappyMom (914)
• United States
28 Feb 07
The truth is any dog can turn on child. Children are unpredicable and so are dogs. Unfortunatly there is something in the breed that can make pits a slight more territoral and agressive in protecting it. My mom owned two pits, I loved them dearly but I would never leave my children alone with them just as I would never leave my children alone with any dog.
And think back to every dog attack story you have ever heard every owner says my dog is the most gentle loving creature. No one ever says oh yeah my dog is one mean s.o.b but I let him play with the kids alone in the back yard.
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@tami8994 (16)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I have nothing against this breed. I was raised with a pit and he was a wonderful playmate and yes protector over me and my 3 brothers. I think They get a rap due to the owners and the way they are done by them. You should never have a problem with yours since they are being brought up in the right environment. I believe the government should be harsher to the owners who mistreat and use the dogs in the wrong way and not punish the breed.
@AlexMasters (247)
• Philippines
1 Mar 07
As a dog breeder myself, I have several friends who owns and also breeds pitbulls. Actuaally, pits are not pure breed, they are mixed terrier and bull from the early breeds. Temperment depends on how they have been raised, by nature they are not human-haters/eaters, they are loyal and loving to their master. Their natural aggressive tendencies are to dogs and other animals and not to humans. This means that you should not take them to a place where there are stray dogs around. At home with animals whom they used to see, is practically ok. Pitbulls reputations of attacking people are just brought up by media without actually proving that the attackers were genuine pitbulls! They just assumed that since those dogs looks like pitbulls, they are, not taking into consideration that they might be from the bull's origin with another type of mix.
@orcanut (146)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
I think this is more of a nature vs. nurture discussion.
I believe that your dogs have been raised in a good home, as you say. And you are correct that most attacks are provoked - however - there are some attacks that are not provoked and no amount of good nurturing will prevent them.
Unfortunately, we can never predict what may set an animal off. It could be a new car driving by that the dog is not used to hearing, it could be thunder several miles away that we cannot hear.
For every "good-luck" story we may hear about "loving" pitt bulls, there are 20 more heartaches and horrific stories about viscious attacks - not just against humans, but other animals as well.
There is a reason this breed is banned in many communities - as much as we may love them, they are an unpredictable breed that in a heartbeat, can stop a heartbeat.
@annetta10 (8)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I personally love siberian huskies, I read bout them , take up lots of time with mine and know what their characteristics should be like.Though huskies arent known to be violent like pit bulls, they can be vicious as any dog can, I think alot of it has to do with up bringing, the enviroment they are in, how they are treated and what kinda time people spend with them.And if the owners know alot about the breed.I think pit bulls are a dog that is more aggressive then some other breeds but I also think if they have a owner who trains them, spends lots of time with them and etc, its ok.I think one problem with pit bulls is that they are naturally strong dogs, and people know them from dog fighting and etc, so they end up ebing purchased by people who just like the image the dog has, for its toughness and they dont treat the dog appropriately and thats when problems arise.
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