Stay at home moms
By Tiggerstroup
@Tiggerstroup (5)
United States
February 28, 2007 6:17am CST
Why, does people put down stay home moms ? My husband and I had made a chose for me to stay home with our baby since, she was born . It had taken us 17 years to have her and she is very precious to us. When, I go shopping or to the doctor office, I take her everywhere I go. People makes comments that I would not like to be alone with there babies or children 24 hours aday 365 days a week. Why , do you do this ? I want to be there for each milestone she has in her life. I would not change thins for nothing. People would say, to me, " I would have a babysitter when you go shopping and and go to the doctors office all the time ." When, I have someting personal done at the doctors office I schedule it so, my husband can watch her or my best friend. She had only 6 babysitters since, she was born and no more then 3 hours each time except when We go to the Brickyard and to Tony Stewart dirt track in Ohio. Why, does people frown on stay at home moms into days world ?
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29 responses
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Not all people put down stay at home moms, it could work both ways with working mothers. I personally say to each his/her own. I don't judge people ,if you comfy with your situation and you are as happy as can be, don't worry about what people think. This world if full of judgemental people and not focused on their own lives, or just envy the fact that you can do it and they can't. I'm a working mother, when I first had my son, I stayed home with him for about year and a half and went back to work. I got the "why you going back to work now" and all this...I love my child unconditionally, but I also wanted to have a self of independancy for myself as well as be a good mother. He's almost 12 now and I must say, Being a working mom, He is still my pride and joy and I'm proud of who he is becoming...Now onto the teenage
Good luck to you and congrats on your baby :)
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@ZoeAnne05 (43)
• Philippines
28 Feb 07
It's to each his/her own, I guess. Seriously, I would love, love, love to be in your shoes. Believe me, a lot of working mothers, if given the chance, would rather stay at home with the baby than spend time in an office. Most of those who don't understand are either too preoccupied with their career (career first before family, tsk, tsk) that they don't know what they're missing OR are still busy being single that they never actually thought about how thrilling it is to be a mom and a housewife. Cheers to you! I'm sure your baby will be forever grateful that she has you for a mom and you can be proud that you've always been there for her.
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@pooksywooksy (1006)
• Indonesia
28 Feb 07
I guess it's one's preference. To become stay home mom or to be a mom and still doing some work outside the house. There is no wrong or right, because it's a personal choice that one family makes.
For instance, my mom was a home mom for almost her mom life :) while my aunty, she just couldn't handle the 'home mom' thingy. She tried to stay at home and do all those home choires, but in the end, she decided to go back to work because she couldn't handle it. It's fine by all of us, the family.
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
28 Feb 07
I think it works both ways. There are people who frown on moms that stay at home, and there are those who frown on moms going back to work.
Either way, it's not for other people to comment and make disparaging remarks about it.
If your financial situation is secure and you want to stay at home to see your child's important milestones, then nobody has the right to say anything to you at all.
It's your choice, not theirs and they should keep their nose out of business that has nothing to do with them.
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@Sicantik (706)
28 Feb 07
I am full time mum and part time self-employed, I do all my work from home therefore I am stay at home mum. To make yourself feel better you have to look at it this way. Caring for a child is a full time job, some people like baby sitter or child minder do get paid for doing this job full time. So what we are doing is also full time job.
Those people who don't spend as much time as we do with their kids don't have the same relationship with them as us.
Now that my son is two years old he start to go to nursery 2 times a week and everytime he come back from nursery he always run and give me hug and kisses as if he hasn't seen me for ages. That shows that he really miss me and I am very happy with that.bless him..
So I guess you just keep doing what you are doing and believe me you should be proud that you are full time mum. All the best..xx
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@Mattali (15)
• Australia
28 Feb 07
Don't listen to a word that they say. They don't know what they are missing!
I am a stay at home mum and although I feel like I am going nuts sometimes with the questions I have to answer and the amount of nappies that I have to change I would not give it up for the world. We have only ever left our children 3 or 4 times in their lives and for no more than a few hours (my son does go to day care one day a week though). I miss them terribly and can't wait to see them.
They are only little for a while and there is plenty of time to go back to work when they are at school. Make the most of the time you have and don't bother giving those with negative opinions the satisfaction of spoiling one moment of your day.
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@not4me (1711)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I think you are hitting on two separate issues here. The reason why SAHMs have a bad rap is because they have a reputation on being lazy more than actually wanting to stay and nurture children. They gain weight, watch soaps and some are literally online all day long minus the "dreaded" breaks for meals and whatnot.
One time I was playing a game and a SAHM typed in the chat bar, "My 7 year old is crying again because his tooth is almost out and it bothers him lol. God he's being such a baby I had to tell him to go play because I'm trying to reach level 40!" to which I said (had been silent previous to that) "That poor kid!" meaning the mom being neglectful and she said, "Oh no he's okay - he stopped crying a few minutes ago. I stopped playing those games online as quickly as I started because I saw the kind of company I was keeping with - SAHMs bragging about being 300+ pounds and grabbing a new bag of chips, SAH moms and dads going for the bottle right after breakfast time, etc. It's pathetic.
Now what you were talking about seems like having a life aside from your children. Unless you were born to be a stereotypical soccer mom and are fine with that, then I suggest you don't lose yourself. What I mean is, well I'll use myself as an example. This is my first time as a SAHM as I've always worked full-time. I thrive on my career in the aviation field. I'm only home because my hubby is in Iraq or I would be working. Anyway, I love my girls but I never felt 100% complete with just labeling myself as a mom and nothing else.
I also keep up with my interest in playing music. Once or twice a week I ask my husband to watch my girls in the evenings so I can go to a rehearsal studio to play my instruments and sing. It is a stress reliever for me and I love it.
I don't take them to the doctor's office if I can help it, mostly because I have real medical issues that need my full attention when I'm with my doctor. I would rather not take them to the store again so I can concentrate but now that my DH is gone I have no choice. It drives me nuts. Now when I'm with my kids we have a blast. They are loved, socialized and well-adjusted/behaved. I love taking them to parks, gymnastics and bike riding on trails, etc.
I recently reconnected with my best friend after about 5 years since I was out of country. Since I last spoke with her she had 3 kids and is a different person now. She's not like a soccer mom but she feels the need to be on her children all the time. She doesn't give herself time to breathe. She too had fertility issues and had been trying for a while. When I talk to her I can't even relate to her anymore because it's ALL about her kids and she doesn't do any of the things she used to love.
I could be wrong but besides from what I mentioned in the first paragraph, I think some people don't feel comfortable around parents who do nothing but dote on their children 24/7. It seems boring, 2-dimensional and it's exhausting to engage with this type of SAHM/F.
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@mommy2jason922 (529)
• United States
1 Mar 07
i wish i knew the answer to that to. i am a stay at home mom and have been for awhile now. i was fired from my job cause in my first trimester i had serve morning sickness and missed alot of work. i to take my son everywhere!! i had him stay the night at his grandmas 3 times cause my little sisters wanted him to stay, the first time i cried all night lol, and the 2 & 3 time i didnt sleep at all. as soon as it hit 8am i was there wanting my son back lol! we are trying for baby number two, cause we dont want our son to be an only child.
@Katrina901986 (405)
• Australia
1 Mar 07
Well i take my son everywhere i go as i feel lost without him. I have been with him since he was born and only got him babysat when we moved and cleaned up the house after we moved. Those are the only time i have never been without him. Oh and when my little siter paid my and my partner to go to a movie. But those time i felt like i was lost. But my son has downs syndrome and i am the carer for him. To me personaly mum make their own decisions on weather they stay at home or go back to work. If you can live properly without the mother working then i recon go for it stay at home for your children, but if you feel as though you are strugling and you want to go back to work then do it. People who look down on mums who stay at home are the ones who didnt stay at home with their children. That is what i think anyway weather it is true or not is a different story. On the otherhand the workers are the ones who are paying for the mothers to stay at home with their children.
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
28 Feb 07
That is wonderful that you are a stay at home mom. That is a harder job than going out to work. You are with your child at every minute of the day. It is a rewarding job because you get to see the mile stones in your child's life. She is very precious to you and all you want to ensure that she get the top notch in life. You have to remember that in this day and age most women want to go out and work. They can not understand a women wanting to be at home with her child. Different strokes for different folks and I think you are one heck of a person to stay home and take care of that little precious bundle. You will never regret it.
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@michmdmama (77)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I also do not understand why people look down upon stay at home moms. Believe it or not we catch hell for being work at home parents. What it boils down to is we LOVE to spend time with our family. I agree with pp about ignoring them! You waited 17 years to have that baby. My best friend/almost sister has had problems having children as well, but when she does I think she will be just like you. Not want to miss a thing.
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@beaniegdi (1964)
1 Mar 07
It is up to you how you look after your baby and if you can afford to stay at home then again it is your choice. You can only do what is right for you and your baby, not what is right for other people. some people find it a bit stressful being with their babies all the time, not because they don't love them but because it can be such a lot of responsibility and very tiring that they need a rest. I didn't like leaving mine when they were little so I understand how you feel.
@serenidity (641)
• India
1 Mar 07
I agree ! staying at home to be with your baby is a personal choice and i would say it is more for the mom than the baby. I mean it is me who wants to see ,y baby 's first smile, teach her to take that first step and wave goodbye when she goes to school. Why is it made out to be such a bad choice. So many people ask me what do u do at home the whole day, as if raising a child was not work enough. I have nothing against working moms, in fact their capacity to manage work, home and kids is admirable, but for me, i would like to raise my baby at leisure and it does go a logn way in laying a firm foundation and a stronger bonding.
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@answerguy (57)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
I am absolutely in love with the idea of a stay-at-home mom. Kids NEED parents for guidance, and too many of them are completely neglected for selfish reasons like making more money most people really don't need.
There's nothing more important than your family. My mom stayed at home until the youngest started in high school, now she works full-time again as teacher and loves it, but she doesn't have a single regret about choosing to raise us at home. I know that I'm a better person for it, and I am grateful.
Unfortunately in today's society you aren't anything unless you have money. I mean, people let their TV's educate their kids! it's sick. I am honestly scared about what the next generation of leaders our country has are going to be like, because there isn't really such thing as a mentor parent anymore, and it is so sad.
You are strong for not giving in to the pressure, and for displaying your love for your child and for your child's future! I wish you every single blessing you can handle, from the bottom of my heart.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
I am also a stay at home mother and have been for over a year and a half now. Unfortunately i am a single mother and used to work but my situation right now is a little bit complicated. However i love the fact that i get to stay home with my children nd i rarely leave them but i am a 25 year old single mother of 2 and i do get out once in a while!! Kudos to you and i am glad that you love her and that you were finally given your gift from above after soo long!! God Bless!!
@roque20 (518)
• Philippines
1 Mar 07
i dont put down stay at home moms because i salute those moms that are willing to give up their career just for their kids and husbands. my mom is a housewife and she enjoys it and taking care of us.
@paulsy (1263)
• Philippines
1 Mar 07
Oh my gosh! do you realize that stay at home moms are the most hard-working, efficient women ever! i mean, staying at home all day is a 24/7 type of work... you work 24 hours a day 7 days a week! I was employed for 13 years of my life, and my eldest is now 14. When my fiance told me to stop working, I thought the world was about to end. But after a few weeks, it was only then I realized I had missed too much in the lives of my children, being employed all the time. Just remember one thing, no kind of job outside the house can match to the amount and load of work that has to be accomplished at home in a whole day's time! You have a very important and necessary role in the life of your family!
@andrika (386)
• Indonesia
1 Mar 07
i will never ever put my mom or dad in that place. it will be ungreatfull since is the one who taking care of me until i grow up this big. its turn of me to take care of them.
@happystarlover (9)
• Indonesia
1 Mar 07
it is not bad to be a stay home mom. it's good for the children psychology i read, having parents watch over their growing phases. i myself would like to do the same, if our family economically well. if i still have to think of how we have to send our son to school next year, or stuffs like that, i wouldn't dare to leave my job and be a stay home mom.
don't bother with anybody else's negative thoughts. just do what you believe is good for your daughter. good luck!
@sugarnspice (110)
• United Arab Emirates
1 Mar 07
Hi, I had a very successful career, when I got pregnant with my daughter. My husband and I made a choice that I would stay at home and bring up my baby until she started school. I had the same reactions that you are going through. We decided under pressure from his family that when she was about a year and a half, she should go to a babysitter and I should go out to work. She literally brought the house down at the babysitter, she would not even stay alone with family if I was not there. We gave up the idea, until she started school. I am now in a full time job, my daughter is at school and it worked out perfectly for us. Ignore what anyone says to you. You know what is best for your child. People (I notice) have nothing better to do than to interfere in other people's business and try to change things around...just because...
Take care and enjoy your baby while she is still small, soon all too soon she will be at school.