Pentagon Video

United States
February 28, 2007 10:21am CST
How come the governement has not released videos of the Pentagon get attacked on September 11th, 2001? but yet we saw videos of the World Trade Centers. Are they hiding something from us?
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6 responses
@gugabape (164)
• Brazil
2 Mar 07
They're hiding many things, one of then is the Area 51, why nobody can't see what have there ??? Here in Brazil is the same thing, they riding many things, about ufos and other things.
@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
8 Mar 07
Area 51 is not just the place that a UFO is hidden. It is a secret test site for top secret weapons and aircraft. That is why the employees in area 51 can't talk to people about what is their, not because of aliens. That is where the stealth fighter and bomber were tested from. Think about how you would feel seeing those aircraft flying over head and not knowing what they where. Only the military know what else they have there and they will not tell a single person until they have to.
• United States
5 Mar 07
They are hiding many things. So would you say that the government is involved with everything?
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
area 51 is a different thing coz it's a military site used for testing new technologies like aircrafts, spy drones, etc. UFO on the other hand is a bit overrated, people talk about it for popularity and financial gains.
@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
Why is there no video?... Where is the engine parts that should have been left after the fire (jet fuel can't burn hot enough to melt all the engine parts)?... Why is the hole in the pentagon to small to fit a 747 like the one they say hit the building?... why are the American people not questioning their government for proof of this attack? Why when the towers collapsed was there destinations on other floors below the ones collapsing?... why did they fall straight down when buildings don't do that naturally unless detonated to do so?... why did building 7 fall when it wasn't damaged enough to do so?... Why was building 7 even on fire when it wasn't hit with anything at all, no plane, no debris? This all came about just months after a government report that said the Americans wouldn't back an invasion of another country unless a Pearl Harbor like event took place. Time to ask Bush and his friends what really happened don't you think? Millions and millions of dollars spent, funding stretched to the braking point, thousands of lives lost and thousands injured. Civilian lives lost and people still don't question why, bizarre don't you think.
• United States
1 Mar 07
I agree with you Addysmum. I'm still wondeing why no one has came across and has questioned the governement about the whole 9/11 issue. Nothing makes sense. The whole was too small for at Boeing 757 to hit the Pentagon.. you're right.
• United States
2 Mar 07
According to all the data you have given.. you're assumption is that this was an inside job? I think it's pretty logical because all the questions you have asked has not been answered yet.
@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
I will not say how I really feel about 9/11 on here. this is not the place for that kind of talk, but lets just say once these questions are answered and the public starts to see the truth some people are going to have to answer to the USA and the World for their crimes.
@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
Government propaganda or not, if the US had a hand in it or not, it was not a 747 that hit that building. The hole is to small and pieces would have been left behind from the plane and there where no pieces left. The video from the building across the street was taken as it should have been to preserve evidence but the pics released showing an explosion don't reveal a plane and some part of the large aircraft would have been seen in those pics as a plane doesn't just explode and disappear.
@oiixdaii (1059)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
I've seen a documentary film about the 9/11 Pentagon attack. The video says that it's just a propaganda of the Bush Administration. They show in the video some evidence that proves it is just a propaganda.
• United States
9 Mar 07
of course they are its the Bush adminisration isnt it?
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
im not american so i have to stand wether its an inside job or what... but i saw some documentaries about the pentagon on 9/11 and i thought the videos where released already. the only problem was that the camera was recording frame by frame and it didnt capture the exact frame when the plane(?) hit the building but only the explosion. some conspiracy theorists say it wasn't a plane but something like a missile coz there was no trace of the plane's debris...again there's not a single part of a plane found on the site.
• United States
6 Mar 07
There were eighty four cameras dotted around the Pentagon, I think it's pretty impossible to believe that not one of the camera captured the moment. Of course the governement had to say that the none of the tapes showed "interest"
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
edit..."i have NO stand"