My husband is worse than a woman!
By Kaeli72
@Kaeli72 (1229)
United States
February 28, 2007 1:30pm CST
When it comes to getting ready to leave for a place as a family (5 people total), my husband is the one that always slows us down. When the kids were younger, I'd have to get them and myself ready and we'd be waiting on Mr. Slow Poke. Tell me I'm not alone in this!
Anyone else experiencing their husband/mate's ability to drag their feet?
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11 responses
@xanjvill (88)
• Philippines
1 Mar 07
You are so not alone in this. I had a boyfriend before who is always late in everything. We would always fight about this especially when I have to go to a meeting that's 2 hours away from home and he has to drive me. We would be late for an hour or more and it embarrasses me. One time I was in this production number that we had to present at a company Christmas party. The party was held in Clark Air Base and we stayed in Villas. My boyfriend and I had to share this room to a couple because everyone was on a tight budget. So while we were preparing to go to the main venue, the couple we are rooming with kept giggling. When I asked them, they were laughing at my boyfriend because he was more vain than I was. They told me that while I was in the bathroom he laid several clothes on the bed and kept trying them on and still haven't decide which one to wear. All that laughing ended though when they had to experience waiting for him too. It got me so mad. I told him that it was okay if I had to wait for him but having my associates wait for him too. It was way too embarrassing. And he never chooses anything to be late in even if its real important to be early he just can't do it. I don't know what is keeping him and everyone, my friends, my sister, and my co-employees hates him because of this. And worst, when I have to go somewhere (whether it be with my friends or with the people I work with) he won't allow me to go first so that I won't be late. He wants us always to go together. So i broke up with him. he embarrass me so much
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@GuateMom (1411)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
My husband is the same! I get myself and the baby ready to go and he takes longer just to put his pants on. It's incredible how long it can take a man to do things.
I've also noticed that if I need to run into town and get something, I can go and get back in an hour or so, with a baby and including bus travel time. he goes for the same thing and comes back six or seven hours later!
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
28 Feb 07
No, you are no alone in this. I can have a shower and my hair washed and dried and my husband would still be sitting watching tv. He asks me if I am ready and when I say 'Yes', he then says that he won't be a minute. This drives me bananas. He just cannot do anything until I have one foot out of the door. When he eventually gets ready to go out, he then has the nerve to ask if I am ready. Ooohh! Men!!
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@juliemarie84 (642)
• United States
28 Feb 07
You are absolutely not alone. I always thought it was the woman's job to hold everyone up, but in my relationship it's not! My boyfriend has a routine to what he does. He's lack back and everything he does is done carefully. We're still in college and we carpool to class together....or maybe it's just going to dinner with friends, let's say we're completely ready, but it's time to get out the door.
What does he do? He slowly gets up and gets his jacket on, then checks his cellphone for missed calls, then puts it in his jacket. He goes to the front door , grabs his shoes, takes them to the other room, unties them, puts them on, then reties them. When we get into the car, instead of his glasses all ready being on, he has to take them out of his pocket and out of their case, carefully place them on (sometimes cleans them) and then has to put the case away.
In the meantime of all this, I don't even tie my shoes half the time I just slip them on and I'm standing at the door tapping my feet. He really drags his feet. And when we park and have to walk to class...we'd be 5 minutes late , I'd be speedwalking, and he's a half a block behind me cause he's cold. (we live in a very very cold city) But I guess opposits attract, lol. I still gotta love him.
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@grandkids08 (246)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I guess im just the oppisite of him my wife is the type that want to wait till last minute. we can have a dinner reservation. for say 8pm 20 min drive. she will dilly dally arounf till 20 to 8.. I told her what happens if we get a flat tire and we will be late for our dinner. She said we wont. Sure enough had a flat tire no dinner.. I finally got the point acroos so now we leave to out destination a lot earlier.....
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
4 Mar 07
No your definetely not alone, sometimes I swear it takes my husband hours to get out of the house. If we have an appointment and really need to be there on time, I will tell him the appointment is an hour early that way we can sometimes leave on time, even if I do that, he will still leave it to the very last minute. It drives me up the wall sometimes because I get myself and four kids ready and all he has to do is get himself ready.
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@lisagayle (393)
• United States
28 Mar 07
My 12 year old daughter and I can be ready to go somewhere in less than five minutes, my husband on the other hand, takes forever to get ready to go. We are usually waiting in the car for at least 10 mins. for him. Every day when he gets ready for work, I have to go through the same routine with him. Is this shirt OK? Are these jeans OK? and on and on, he might even change his clothes two or three times in twenty mins. it drives me crazy! But He is a lot more "fru-fru" as I like to call it than I am. As long as I look decent and everything is covered up and nothing hanging out, I am ready to go.
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@anonymili (3138)
3 Mar 07
Oh my God, I thought it was just my husband! We've been late for weddings due to his insistence on taking hours to get ready, it drives me nuts. And he is completely head shaven so it's not like he can say he's having a bad hair day LOL! Nowadays I always tell him we need to leave an hour before we need to and even then sometimes he drags his feet. Grrr that is the one thing about him that makes me wanna drag him through a hedge backwards and tell him "No one's going to notice how pretty you look honey, it's not YOUR wedding!" LOL Mr Slow Poke huh? Mine's more like "Mr Reverse Gear" when it comes to getting ready to leave! Bless him!
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Mine is the same way. He is always like this. It is predictable. Where is your husband from?
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