Smart dog!!

United States
February 28, 2007 5:02pm CST
My dog is so smart. Bucky is his name. If I make crying noises he covers his nose... It is so cute. Does any other Boston owner have any cool tricks that they do?
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2 responses
• United States
20 Apr 07
Boston terriers are definitely smart dogs. I know that if I am actually crying, my Boston (Otis) will come lick the tears off of my face. I think Bostons are definitely sensitive to human emotions. If Otis knows he or one of our other dogs have done something wrong, he is gets a sad look on his face immediately after the event--even if it wasn't him. He knows that someone did something they weren't supposed to!
• United States
21 Apr 07
Bucky hates me to cry. He whines and acts so distressed. He also gets the guilty look when he does something wrong. Normally its him peeing by the stove or bathroom door, those are the 2 places he pees.
@Nanette99 (219)
• Canada
6 Jul 07
My Boston, Stella, is just a puppy. We are potty training her to go on a mat. She has learned that when she pees on the mat, she gets a treat. So now she squats and pretends to pee then runs over to us looking for her treat! Similarily, if she has an accident, she immediately runs over to her mat, squats, and pretends to pee then runs over for ther treat!